Hi, Sup Forumsros. Is there any way to make bruises without pain

Hi, Sup Forumsros. Is there any way to make bruises without pain.


haha yeah. That was my option number one.
The thing is that I need to create a couple of bruises on the neck of a girl. I may have the chance to do it after some kisses... but it's not sure that she'll agree or if I'll have 5-10 seconds to leave a good mark. lol.

Please, any other ideas?

Wood pencil rub graphite on skin looks enough like a bruise

I can't do that.

I have to do something quick, something difficult to remove by the other person and not involving pain.

Nigger why?


That's the only option nigga.
You could also try biting lightly and pulling up with your teeth still clamped.
You're not gonna make bruises without at least a bit of force.

It's a very long story.

In a few words:
One guy has to discover that her girlfriend is cheating.
The less risky/weird idea, in my opinion, is just leaving a few marks on her neck.

If you can propose other ideas, just tell me.

If you're trying to create love bites you're gonna have to suck that bitches neck.

Fuck her and record it

That'll work.

try "deep tissue massage"

I already thought about that. However, she's not cheating that much lately.

I only want one more meeting with her and I have to make sure to get the results (prove she's cheating).

Then suck on the bitches neck real hard, yo.
That shit doesn't go away for days. Trust me, the missus keeps doing it to me for whatever reason.

Mmm... yes!!!
I can combine love bites with making a bit presure on the neck as massage.
I don't feel totally convinced it will work, but it can help.

Maybe that's the way, yeah.
Instead of trying to do it without her noticing that much... I could just go wild, pretending this was not "arranged beforehand" lol.

Don't do it man she will probs try and say you raped her and if there's marks you're fucked

Just create a vacuum with your mouth, bruh. Harder the better.

Make up.

This is not America. Girls here are not like that at all.

Furthermore, there won't be any proofs of "sexual harassment", just a little mark on her neck.

And also, I will have SMS sent by her in which she agrees to come to my house (or another place).

Don't be a retard simply film her in secret.Look around the room where you can hide a camera.

> Anyone else feel this is a girl trying a fake a rape.

just fucking ram your shin or arm into a bench or your bed and fucking run and fall in the park you fucking pussy.

Sucction will work or indian burns

>The thing is that I need to create a couple of bruises on the neck of a girl
Nigga you about to be set up for a rape claim

>Begin sexy times

>pluck pube hair

>present to friend

She doesn't have to know that I want her boyfriend to discover it.

If you want to think that. Don't say that nobody tried to warn you lol

haha thanks man anyway.
Seriously, I'm not worried at all about that.

Also, we will probably meet in the afternoon, no alcohol...
I can't imagine her going home and saying: "Hey, I was walking in the street and one guy tried to rape me."

Ok but seriously listen to this dude cus you gunna get raided with rape charges if she goes phyco on you after whatever the hell you plan on doing to this bitch. You just gunna be another victim of false rape charges.

I've spent all my life in Europe, in several countries and I have never ever met or heard about anybody being acused of rape.
In every place, girls have their good and bad points. That's a good point about girls here.

I had another idea:
I may be able to find a photo in which I'm with this girl.

1) I create a fb account.
2) I write something to the bf like "I hate one guy and you should hate him too because he's meeting your gf"
3) If he believes she's cheating, great. If not and asks for a proof, I will have to send the photo.

But there's a risk that she will discover that I prepared the plan.
There's a risk that the guy will try to find me (Well, I could go on holidays somewhere meanwhile hahah).