Honest opinion on her character? I thought it was the best thing about Deadpool desu

Honest opinion on her character? I thought it was the best thing about Deadpool desu

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Why? She didn't do shit apart from be edgy and get made fun of for being edgy. She was just the setup to Deadpools punchlines

>she will never roll her eyes at your tiny wee wee


While I don't agree with your opinion, I can see where it has merit. She was great.

And this lady? SHE was great. So fucking good. Why isn't she playing Woman Woman?

would watch her fuck my gf with a strap-on

>tfw you'll never have a threesome with both of them


I was really aroused by the chick on the left

Bet you felt great about Colossus covering up that teat.

Every day.

I couldn't get past her first scene with Colossus in the mansion.

FUCK you're old

Best X-Men suit in movies

>your face when you realize she's a retarded feminist

>has a feminism shirt


Get over yourself.


dumb ghettoposter

I really like how they tried to find the most unknown x-man character for that role. She played it well...best name too....Negasonic Teenage Warhead


I don't give a shit, you cuck

She was basically there to point out Deadpool's old guy jokes, and act as the people who was critical to those jokes.

jet li?

She works in Hollywood, it goes without saying that she is a hardcore lefty.

Because Snyder needed at least 1 jew in his movie for Israel to fund it.
Also needed some white knights to defend Gal

I don't know what x-man shes supposed to be.
I still don't know after watching the movie and seeing her powers.
Who is she supposed to be?

She was literally chosen BECAUSE of her name, it wasn't a cool side effect of picking an unknown superhero

Who let the cunts in?

>splitting hairs
if it settles you, whatever

Her comic counterpart has telepathy or something but they gave her cannonballs power because they couldn't afford to have more than 2 x-men

Her powers is called the edgy left.

Initially she has no interest in Deadpool because she thinks he's a privileged cis scum.

But when she sees his butt ugly face, her powers manifest and she becomes sympathetic with him and thinks he is cool because he is no longer a privileged white male.

is she even quarter asian?


I liked her costume. And comparing it to the ones in upcoming apocalypse makes you question how bad that movie will be

Surprised they actually made the classic suit work.

X-men is made by kid diddlering fags cashing in on the modern trend

DP was made by mature adults that simply enjoy the source material and wanted to adapt it to a better medium

>waxed forearms, pits, legs
You can have her.