Why do police get angry if you record them?

Why do police get angry if you record them?

Let's say I'm in public and record the fbi building and the fbi entrance from the outside... Or a cop on the street. I have a right to do that, and there is absolute nothing wrong

Yet, why do cops threaten you and give you a hard time if you do that and ask for your name and all that. Obviously I'm not obligated to give them my name since I havnt done anything wrong and aren't arrested.

But why do they still get angry even though I have a right to record them? Can I sue if *somehow* I'm arrested for doing this?

I just like to stand up for American rights.

I've got a brother that's SWAT and does Narc work as well. He doesn't like being recorded because the gangbangers in his city have a $10,000 price on his head. Post a pic of him arresting someone during a sting and you could cost not only years of detective work but for him to come home to find his wife and daughter raped/murdered.

Cops aren't stupid. they know the only reason you're recording them is in hopes of catching them fucking up. you're not doing it just because it's your right. Also, how would you like it if someone followed you around at work all day with a camera? You honestly wouldn't say "fuck off" a few times?

If I want to record them I will. Nothing wrong with that, they are a public servant carrying out thier duties. I wouldn't mind anyone recording me in public since they have a right to as long as they aren't interfering with my police duties. If they are 20 feet away with a camera I wouldn't care and they have every right to do that.

Sad reality is, I have a right to record him or photographing him arresting someone, and uploading it to youtube without any consequences.

You should become a cop, Sir.

Those in positions of power should be held to higher standards than the general public, not lower.

Yes you can record any federal building, hallway, federal agent, or cop in public. If they confront you tell them "fuck you" and keep doing what you're doing. They'll ask you to identify yourself, you aren't supposed to since you didn't commit a crime.

I remember on the news someone got arrested for recording them and they won a 170k lawsuit. This isn't nazi Germany or North Korea.

Except the consequence of getting cornholed by niggers after getting your jaw broken and your camera smashed... sure. It's not illegal, but if you think it doesn't have consequences youre an idiot.

yeah we get the point that it's your right , but as
Say it fucking annoying and/or can be dangerous for the cop.

It will have consequences if the cop dosnt know citizens rights or isn't properly trained, then the department gets sued, and I get money.

That's a big civil rights lawsuit waiting to happen.

A camera! Holy shit! What a dangerous weapon!

P.s about the phone smashing think... Thank fuck I use bambuster which automatically uploads video to the cloud as I'm recording.

As the other annon said, yes you can record federal buildings, cops, agents, etc as long as they are in public and not private property. So if you want to record the CIA building, do it from the public sidewalk, don't enter the premise itself. Record cops all you want. He'll you can even give them the middle finger.

They will get angry and confront you, simply don't talk to them at all and keep doing what you're doing, exercise your liberties.

That will certainly stop the gangrape after they've busted your jaw and dropped you off in baton rouge.

So this is the American version of the drunk Russian jumping in front of cars for the insurance scam?

Guess I'll just become the next Rodney King. That's some extreme North Korean policing type of crap if a cop beats you up for recording them. Kek.

No you stupid fuck. This is the American version of exercising your rights. They don't like it, they can fuck off.

Same reason why people open carry guns in front of cops. It's legal and they can just do it no matter which pig gets angry.

what are you 12?

Just search youtube for "recording police"

They get thier ass handed to them lol

your brother probably likes thinking he's got a 10k bounty on his head...and maybe some dumb coon mouthed off about there being one...but no way is the ghetto that collectivized these days that such a bounty could even be established let alone carried out let alone paid let alone etc

and let's say there is...they finna find the dude regardless of a photo, trust me

TL;DR your bro likes to think he's a bad ass but nobody is gonna kill a cop unless they want to die, bottom line.

Couldn't have said it better. Bounties? Wtf is this the mafia? Lol. He just wants to be "cool" and if they wanted to find him, they would.

Itt: edgy 12 year olds

Fuck off commie

"If a cop follows you for 500 miles, you're going to get a ticket" -- Warren Buffett

You film them and catch them doing something wrong... Then you claim that the wrong is habitual. Like, "What about all the other times we didn't see." Etc. Then the cop can't do his job properly.

We had this cop called Officer Bubbles... Is that a name you really want to have stick?

Yup. Nothing to see here but a bunch of retards trying to get paid under the guise they are "exercising muh rights"

The fact is that cops are people. When you stand there and record them, you are essentially focusing on their role and position instead of interacting with them as a human being. I know that often times police treat others as less than human, and its a real problem, and symptomatic of a system that criminalizes human behavior unjustly. However, what you're doing by recording the police without cause is reinforcing the paranoia that comes with the job by making them feel like they're always being judged, that people are just waiting for them to slip up so they can get them fired or even sued. It's the breeding of this paranoia that creates the mindset where police feel that they have to shoot first in order to prevent a suspect from recording them and then trying to get them suspended or fired for violation of due process. In turn, this leads to greater anger among the public, which then feeds right back into anger toward the police... and you have a vicious cycle of institutional violence and mistrust being enacted out over and over. So, try this: break the cycle. When you see the police, tell yourself "They are a person. They are flawed, and they are trapped in a system as much as I am. They are no better than me - but I am no better than them." Try it, user. Save your recording for the robot overlords and remember that for the time being, you're dealing with human beings.

>inb4 "you're a cop" (I'm not a cop)

Funny how you americunts succeed to think only for yourselfs in these situation.

"I have the right to do so, fuck you, I'm doing because I can"

I think that is because they have this obsession about "freedom"

Americunt here. You're definitely not wrong. My suspicions that this country may have some serious reckoning to do with itself are perfectly captured by the fact that I can't think of a single other nation that wouldn't even question the idea of a company just taking the name and making it literally into a beer.

Really, now. What the fuck are we doing, America?

Happy Fourth, by the way.

samefagging for pictorial referent.

Because then you'd have proof if they do something against the rules themselves. Any minor fuckups during an arrest or an investigation can later end up as a reason to bring down possible charges or get the cop himself in trouble.

Who wouldn't get fucking annoyed at some twit recording them without consent while they are trying to do their job?

You are a good man americunt