Guys im depressed, ylyl depression edition because i need to laugh

guys im depressed, ylyl depression edition because i need to laugh

Other urls found in this thread:





Dont be sad because sad backwards is das and das not good

fuckin automatic flushing toilets





dumping a little


you don't know what depression means don't you





No one lurking ?




Lurkers present



More feels than funny but whatever










You neither, it's just because you are such melancholic usless fuck you feel "bad ;((((( "

Shit meme





>I am fucking depressed, must be because I'm smart and happy people are just stupid!



What are you doing on this thread ?


Loving the memes, just hate people who think their depression comes from being smart.

Its from a fucking kid's movie who gives a shit



Oh, what an edgy sadboy we have here. Eternal fall and infernal pain.


Dr house has the best quotes

Want a good joke?

Your life.


that's not what it means it just is easier if you do not worry about everything

i have glasses
i stutter
i don't know how to behave around people
the few friends i have only hang out with me when we go drinking or during football (real football no american shit)
when i hang out with my friends they mostly ignore me i'm the friend everybody makes fun off and i don't say anything because that is the only human interaction i have outside of my parents and brother
i am working two minimum wage jobs just to support myself

it would have been easier if i could just forget this kind of shit and act like an idiot instead i am lying in my bed every night just thinking about where i fucked up and i can't even say where it went wrong

the most fun i have is when i browse Sup Forums or read light novels online
it's true i don't have any reason to die but the only reason i have to live is because i don't want to make my parents sad


ur so kewl

You appear to have no self-esteem.


if I had a dollar for every time I wanted to die, I propably would wanted to die anymore


almost lost



i don't and i know that but i don't have really anything in my live that can boost it

as a 29 year old virgin that has a low education and no friends that i can share my problems with i don't really get where i would get the self-esteem that i need

you're on the other ylyl thread fuck off

Last night i dreamt i had a girlfriend, then i woke up

also people who say then go fuck a hooker
that is not something that boost my self esteem it just means i can't get shit without paying for it



Nobody is going to lose guys

We're all winners for once

instead of wondering where it went wrong, why dont you just start over again? and find something worth living for? its out there somewhere. it wont fall in your lap one of these nights.


surprise, it's all in your head. The image you send other people can and must be rigorously managed. Social life is a theater. You have to play a role.

If you feel tired pretending to be an alpha chad, you should try to make some dudebros, they won't judge you as they are pussies themselves.

I play alpha all the time, I can pick up really nice grills, but the fact is i'm a beta pussy faggot inside.


this meme isnt good




The worst fuckin thing is feeling nothing. Like totally nothing. That shit makes me go nuts. Some part of me want to be a normal guy, but on the other hand, I'am a soulless robot. Only drinking makes everything fine. But its only temporary...

>keeps posting 14 year old emo pics
>ignores all advice and attempts to help

you are just being a lazy attention whore.



What ? Im not the guys you're giving advice to
>attention whore
How ? Its anonymous

And how the fuck you worked it out? Just by stop thinking and start doing it? Its doesnt make sense to me. Where you found the courage?

>compassion for machines
this is a whole new kind of autism.

I do this every saturday night, and I also do this when I go 'job huntinh'


dammit, he scared me

You have balls. Touch them. Smell them. feel them.
You'll always be a male. All male is destined to be alpha and get his harem and treat hi bitches like shit.
Bitches loooooove bad boys.
When you're convinced enough this is your only heritage, girls will want you, guys will want to be you. Simple as that.

I like this thread ;_;

My brother is fucking his gf right now. They are so fucking loud and I didn't touched a girl in over a year

your identity isnt needed to have attention.


That's just creepy as fuck

Everything posted here should makes you stronger. You are not fighting alone user.
