ITT: "Villains" who did literally nothing wrong

ITT: "Villains" who did literally nothing wrong.

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if you lose you were wrong.



>overthrow his warchief (Blackhand) and took over the Horde for himself.
>allowed Gul'dan to used black magic and shit on humans and high elves
>nearly took the Capital City, and thus nearly whipping out the human race.

Yup clearly a good guy with no flaws at all.

>yfw you realize the high sparrow and knight's king are the two sides of the same coin

Did you crop this image yourself, autismo?



No, he wasn't a good guy, but he wasn't a villan either. He took the Horde back on the path to honor considering they were turning into demons. He kept Gul'dan in check as much as possible without trying to doom his people.

Orgrim is a sad tale. He tried to do good by his people, but he failed and made his people lose to the Alliance.

But he does redeem himself, by teaching Thrall the meaning of honor they had once lost.

>tfw Duncan Jones is about to deliver a good Warcraft movie
>vidyakino is upon us

>he just wanted to protect America's freedom

To make an omelette, you have to crack a few eggs

>led a campaign of genocide
>his only good trait was not trusting le happy warlock
>has done nothing to make sure the orcs atone for their crimes
>the Horde still glorifies him

Imagine Merkel re-naming Berlin something like "Hitlerberg".

>Gul'dan is a jew instead of an Orc
Jones sure took many liberties on that one.

You have to be willing to pay the price

He took back the horde from Gul'dan and his shadow council. Gul'dan would have sacrificed the whole horde to gain more power. Orgrim stopped him. That's why they glorify him.

>He took back the horde from Gul'dan and his shadow council

Lol someone never played WarCraft II.

Game Doomhammer was basically Adolf Hitler, and Gul'dan was his Himmler.

Film Doomhammer has been retconned to be a member of the Forest Wolf Clan, even though he was second in command of the Blackrock Clan to Blackhand.

He did tho

>"I rule the Horde now, Gul'dan. Not you, not your warlocks. Doomhammer alone. And there will be no more dishonor. No more treachery. No more deceit and lies!"

>play the games
>quotes from the novels


Thats current canon m8, gameverse doomhammer is the orcish Ghengis Khan, they whitewashed the shit out of him.

>Thats current canon m8,

It's not real canon though. Only the games are canon, everything else is fanfiction.

Also can't wait for movie Doomhammer to BTFO Stormwind and kill every human there.

>he's a good guy
>genocides an entire group of people!

Tell that to Metzen

Doomhammer must've already been whitewashed in Lord of the Clans since he helped Thrall liberate the Orcs and made him his heir. They were already working on retconning him way before any of the recent changes.

Granted, I never played wc2, I am speaking of Orgrim in the books. As I said, he isn't a good guy and he kinda is a villian, but he redeem the Horde by removing the leadership of Gul'dan.

He still wages war agaisnt Humans, he still tries to genocide them... but in a more honorable way that Gul'dan would have done?

But you are right, before reading the books, I thought Orgrim was a good guy. Really isn't.

>knight's king
>this whole "realization"

Mayhap he learned from past mistakes. But it doesn't change that what he did in the past.

Maybe if Hitler was still alive he would have seen the error of his ways?

Doomhammer (novels wise atleast) is a gray character, when he was warchief he would gladly sack the eastern kingdoms to secure dominance for his people, once he lost he realized how far the orcs strayed from their roots so he taught Thrall the old ways and shit.

You know it's going to be something stupid like this:
>Durotan, Lothar and friends kill Medivh
>Lothar kills Blackhand as spoiled by the trailer
>Maybe Orgrim finishes off the wounded Blackhand
>Orgrim becomes Warchief and wants peace with humans
>Suddenly Llane gets murdered
>Evil "They're Beasts" man from trailer takes over and attacks Orcs
>Orgrim has no choice but to destroy Stormwind as an act of self defence
>Now he is also forced to fight Lordaeron since his people want war and King Terenas won't negotiate with him

I wonder why people complain about the changes. Would people really like a completely black and white story?(Humans are purely good and orcs are purely evil)

I enjoy a lot more morally gray characters. I like the idea of the Orcs being savages who got corrupted when one of their own got greedy with power. I enjoy that Orgrim tried to do some good, while still waging war agaisnt the humans.

But no, people complain about retcons.


Thrall has a serious boner for the old Orc warlords.
>He named his kingdom after his father Durotan.
>He named his capitol after his Orgrim.
>He made Grom's son warchief even though everybody told him he wasn't ready yet.
>He has a settlement named after Kargath in the Badlands.

Those are just the one off the top of my head.

>Maybe if Hitler was still alive he would have seen the error of his ways?
Hitler did nothing wrong

Its an interesting character flaw of his tbqh, just wish the writers wouldnt fucking forget it and instead play it off as the correct thing for the orcs and the horde at large to do.

Wasn't Kargath a camp-turned-settlement from one of the invasions?

Also, Thrall making Grom warchief will forever be the single worst decision in the entire warcraft universe.

That shows he ain't perfect.

Best villain/hero coming trough

He truly did nothing wrong. Everyone likes to jizz themselves our Arthas, but Illidan had a much better story.

Expect he made new well even tho everyone else said no.

And that well was turned into the Tree of Life, granting immortality to the Nelf.

Even when he fucks up he does good.

(Captcha : select all the trees)

Wish they kept him a slim agile motherfucker, or was that a trait he gained from starving after the war? cant seem to remember.

He was always thinner than the other orcs, but by no means was he skinny.

In wc3 he was slim and tall. After he drank demon blood he got buff. After he drank it again he become big guy. They ruined his looks in wod.

I dont think they he even had a custom model in wod, just generic hunchbacked roided orc.

What a fucking joke

What happened to orcs. Not all of them were bearmode


Is that Grom from the movie?

Yes. We prob see him when the orcs are still in Draenor. Warsong was not part of the first war with humans.

Yeah, I know.
I was more interested if it's from the movie or some fanart.
Actually he kinda looks better than he did in WoD. He looked like some weird hunchback in the opening cinematic.


All of them took part in the Draenei genocide.
Even the """"hero"""" Durotan is a criminal who took part in destroying this peace loving space goat culture.

What Durotan did was free Velen to give him a chance. He had him prisoner and could have executed him like Gul'dan wanted. Instead he took the risk and freed him.

Grom looks like he's seen some shit.

he did literally nothing wrong

Didn't fly too good.

nah, pretty sure Gul'dan was kinda of a dick


>orcs are good boys they dindu nuffin

i fucking hate Horde shitters

>Alliance shitters dare to talk
One bomb wasn't enough.
Do it again Garrosh.