Is Griffith gay?

Is Griffith gay?
It's been puzzling me since I started watching this anime

Just you wait till the cliff hanger if an ending you'll see grifiths true colors and you'll only be able to continue the story if you are willing to read the manga

I don't know who that is but I want that armor

How far are you in the anime?

Boy, what the fuck do you mean puzzled.
That nigga gay as hell

About ep 13

He fucked a girl tho

Nah he loved guts so much but in a brotherly way, Sup Forums probably considers him a trap anyway.

griffith is gay for griffith

thats the only one he really wants to fuck

This nigga ain't a full nigga, this nigga only half-nigga, shiiet he only a quarternigga

It's from Berserk

Griffith is a narcissist who thinks everyone should worship him and want to fuck him, including men, but he only wants the things other people have that he can't reach.

Doesn't stay human and even gets rapey

you didn't read very far did ya bub

You should read the mange it is a lot better and the caracters have more backstory

No he is bisex

nigga he gay as a motherfucker.. (fatherfucker)

>becomes demon king
>kills everybody in the BoH
>Rapes the shit of casca
>guts gets to watch and fap in the corner like a cuck

I can't even remember if Griffith actually rapes her or he just lets tentacle flesh monsters do it because he's asexual and only enjoys killing

shit it's like right on my shelf too

are you stupid or just an anime casual

griffith isn't gay, his determination to achieve his goals is enough to sacrifice anything. His friends, his humanity and even his butthole.

Read the manga pleb.

Is he fucking her? Did he impregnate her?

yes he did

If he loved Guts so much, why did he tell the princess that a man like him couldn't be considerd a true friend?

He is extremly gay for Gutts. Thats why people think hes generaly gay, but ever since gutts defeated him he had a longing to overpower gutts.
Best way, rape his asshole, second best, rape his chick.