Hey Sup Forumsros, Im a 16 y/o edgy cunt who's still a virgin because he's worried about his penis size...

Hey Sup Forumsros, Im a 16 y/o edgy cunt who's still a virgin because he's worried about his penis size. I have a 12cm/4.7inch dick and am in puberty (have pubes, voice changed, and so on, yknow, puberty shit) and I was wondering. Will my penis grow or, will I have to live with what I have? Cuz I really don't like it the way it currently is and I hate it.

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Underage b&


That's hella small. I thought my 6 inches was tiny. Kys.

You must be 18 or older to post on this site.

chop it off and glue on a dildo m8

B& for two years

Been awhile since I've seen a mod around this place

Nope. You're fucked. Go buy a fedora, and get into little plastic ponies. At least you have porn.

You will never tap an ass like that.



You're already 16, sorry.

You'll need to work with that.

yeah it will probably get bigger in the next few years. Exercise it a lot and don't worry about it.

Tiny as fuck. Won't grow anymore. Just take a pair of scissors and cut it off.




Might as well take HGH and become a trap at this point


There is still a chance that your dick will grow. Mine was around 17cm when i was 16 and now its 20 (2 years later)

my dick was 6 inches @ 16 and 7 now @ 23. you might end up with a bit over 5, could get lucky and reach 5.5. or it might stay 4.7 forever

Can I make fun of your pee pee?

Well mens growth stop at 21 but everyone is different.

Mods plux ban OP and your probably a virgin cuz your face looks like a fucken piece of shit your not edgy you think your edgy but your not.

We're not your Sup Forumsros you underage little fuck MODS? MODDDS?!


You were the scrawny, rude little kid on school who always snitched to the teachers when someone called you out.
Kill yourself

Your the underage little cunt that goes to places where hes not wanted


You're in the wrong place dude. You won't get answers from any of these fag Sup Forumstards

penis size matters to people who aren't adults. granted it is small, you'll just have to be better at foreplay/oral, pick up kamasutra, etc. when you grow up, women look for financial stability and the fact that you're not a dick. you can always use sex toys for a healthy sex life. that or move to asia, they have tight/small cunts. that's my plan at least

Get off my board you under aged faggot

Now there's one helpful fag. Round of applause everyone.

If you are fat you must to do exercise and you will have 2-3 cm or more, all depends.

Wow just fucking kill yourself I know how they say its how you use it that counts but the chick probably wont even feel it haha your fucked kid oh yea and get the fuck off of /b you underage fag

Mods are probably asleep
Fucking seriously, 16 and only going through puberty?


In my experience it keeps growing after puberty. I remember when I was 15 (first time I slept with a grill) mine was pretty small, probably around 5 and a half. Over 10 years later now and it's a solid 8. So don't worry too much, yet.

Gunna act like every newfag ever and call the mods so people will think that I'm a cool oldfag

Well ain't that just the loveliest kafkatrap.

This. I thought 7 inches were small but op is fucking tiny

Meh, stop worrying so much about the size of your cock. Women don't worry about size, and the ones who do are either so tight they are worried about getting hurt by a guy with a huge penis, or they are total sluts that nobody wants to be in a relationship with anyway. I have a slightly below average penis (around 5 inches) and it does GREAT with my wife. She comes almost every time we fuck, unless I just don't give a fuck and pump her till I cum. There are positions that give maximal penetration, and in any case, most women cannot feel anything beyond 3-4 inches inside they're vaginas. The really important part (G-spot) is only around 2 inches inside, and your dick will be able to stimulate this area quite well. Better, in fact than long dicks, because the head of your penis will rub back and forth over the G-spot, causing most women to cum like a waterfall.

7 Inches is giant you idiot. It may not be "porno" huge, but it is bigger than most people will ever see in real life.

remember, men in porno are FREAKS of nature. Most men have penis sizes of 6" or less.

wrong place bud, on Sup Forums everyone has 7+inch dicks

but every cock rate thread there has ton's of 7+ pictures. Makes me feel small...180/150.

What. It feels like I'm fucking small though

Mercedes Carrera on why men in porn have big dicks (paraphrasing):
"It's a question of logistics. When filming intercourse, you need to seperate the two bodies from one another far enough so their genitals become visible, but close enough so that penetration will still occur.
The bigger the dick, the easier the filming gets."

Really....giant :). I'm happy now

depends on where you live lol maybe in murica it's huge but here in central europe it's an avarage size

why do you even look at those you gay fuck

>browsing Sup Forums
>not being somewhat of a homo
Choose one, faggot

6 is average. I'm just worried about it being painful because my foreskin doesn't retract over the head


I know a guy who got too small of a dick to get a handjob

i mean watching shemales without sound is fun but who looks at other dudes dicks

Very hot but damn, those are some huge fucking feet.

dude, that's easy. use an exacto knife and make a 3 mm slit in the foreskin. Slowly pry it open until the head pops out. When it heals, you'll have fully retractable foreskin. Did that myself.

Too much of a pussy to put up with the pain and don't have steady hands so it could go horribly. But thanks for the advice nonetheless