What's the worst movie he's been in?

What's the worst movie he's been in?

The Last Samurai

Matrix revolutions

Considering he dated a tranny, probably the movie of his own life.

Lake house or 47 ronin

Johnny menomic

>it's a keanu thread gets turned into a celebrity gossip thread
I hate this meme


Exposed is kind of shit.

u jelly?

Probably Constantine

John Wick


just look at that fucking thing

The movie where they save the cat.

LMAO found the faggot


he's literally always been famous

maybe you should look for faggots elsewhere, like reddit

I actually liked Constantine

i'd have to pick this out of the worst that i've seen

>acronyms are for redditors
Found the retard

Does he still have his dick?


No. What a waste.

Bill & Tedd 2

This is the worst thing I've seen him in, although he was hilarious, and made the movie fun to watch.

His worst performance has to be in Bram Stoker's Dracula.

That's why she looks so sad

>Bill and Ted 2
>even close to bad
Spotted the pleb

Never said that

learn to read cuccboi

Pretty much all of Keanu's movies are liked. I can't think of one that was canned apart from his newest one and I doubt it's bad.

I've seen a nude picture of this thing. It should've filed a lawsuit against the surgeon.

Knock Knock

Just saw the trailer and it kind of looks like a comedy.

The Day the Earth Stood Still is a huge pile of shit that marked the beginning of a several year long streak of irrelevancy for Keanu.

you can see her naked a lot in sense8

p. hot tbeeh

How can a man who has had such a hard life look so young? Is he at peace with all his suffering?

retard detected


>Crush The GRAPES starts playing

He has been in a lot of shit apart from Speed, Point Break, Matrix and John Wick. Not even saying those are perfect movies, but not utter trash like his other films.


guilty pleasure of mine tho

This is his worst performance but the movie itself is pretty fun.

>not dating a qt3.14 trap who will love you forever without all the drama and never die during childbirth

I'd like to see this movie remade, with Keanu Reeves in the same role.

>tfw cyberpunk genre has such slim pickings