Le I died but now I'm resurrected

>le I died but now I'm resurrected

Yeah, this shit show just went from being realistic to being absolutely fucking nuts anime tier


Other urls found in this thread:


>just went
>smoke monster coming out of vagina and stabbing people was acceptable


>just went

what about the guy who the hound killed in the cave then immediately came back

Worst bait I've seen all day

This. Now I only watch fear the walking dead, a far superior show.

Poor b8, 1/8


and don't forget about
>le zombie mountain

this is when i dropped GoT. im sure it has a lot of good stuff, but whenever a series brings back the dead, the emotional/risk element is gone

>every child in the family gets a special magical wolf in the first episode
>one is an albino
yeah not anime at all


t. dabid

>half of the doge are dead now

>prince guarded by an epic dual wielder
>character back from the dead darker and more powerful than before
>team of sexy female assassins who could strike at any moment
>an army will use a mountain of corpses as a defensive position later in the season

Season 6 is confirmed as the anime season, user. Just enjoy the ride

You need the good lord commander but you want the bad jon

Literally the first scene in the entire fucking show features ice zombies.

is stannis alive?

Only in the books

In show: Jon becomes Azor
In books: Stannis becomes Azor

>In books: Stannis becomes Azor
this is not true
whata about the stannis is the new reek meme?


>mfw Shaggydog

>Leaves the Night's watch because muh betrayal.

>anime tier

Exactly my thoughts.

My only hope is that they subvert this "mary sue saves the day and kingdom" trope, but it doesn't seem like it. They'll make him go "dark" only to bring him back.

It's hack writing and not really what ASoF&I is about. I'm still hoping that Stannis shares Jon's body.

It's almost like the entire thing was written by a giant neckbeard

>2 gets resurrected in the whole series
>2 plot characters get killed per episode every episode the entire series

Yup. No risk at all that the only one left standing will be zombies and dragons

This grinds my gears. I'd rather they kill of major characters than the puppers.

Because, you know, it wasn't

>magical ritual
bait on, my friend, bait on


You still replaid, no?

>animeesque insane white/silver haired "perfect" people that may as well be JRPG villains, and actually would be the villains if this was made in japan.
>Been around since the first episode.

>le resurrection in GoT is anime-tier

Who is Beric Dondarrion?

It's literally r eddit the show

protip they get braindamage after being resurrected.

>he forgot about the dud with the fire sword that got resurrected before JS.
Great thread OP.

Why even kill off your characters if they're just gonna magically come back to life two episodes later?
They should have kept this little faggot dead so death would have gravitas in the show.

There are also other anime characters in the books like Darkstar and Manderly's sassy green haired ganddaughter.

Got would be better without the magic bullshit. Imagine if instead of dealing with dragons and resurrection, we saw shit like the battle on the ice, where stannis leads bolton's army into a trap and drowns them all in the ice.

>Arya ask what her new name is xd
>I was only pretending to be retarded.

>Why even kill off your characters if they're just gonna magically come back to life two episodes later?

Can't wait for Jon Snow to die again and gotfags collectively kill themselves.

The budget cutting all the battles is the biggest waste of time ive ever seen.

Its really just pathetic in over 6 years we've had what 3 tiny battle episodes.

People where hyping it up like the books where the next LOTR but it turned out to be more harry potter sloppy writing and literally shit tier scenes.

>Not a glorified villain
she's just a lucker. But still let's change our perspective a bit:
>It's her fault Drogo dies.
>It's her fault Jorah gets frienzoned into petrification
>Some peaceful city accepted her, she conquered them.
>It's also her fault so many people died all over Essos
>She scammed some peaceful slaver man and stole an army of unsullied from him.
>She then slaughtered the nobility and people who were formerly slaves planned a rebellion to get rid of her tyranny because shit was unbearable.
>Not to mention it's her fault some dragons were unleashed upon her own people
>Oh, and she wants slavery out because it's immoral and "no masters xD" but also WANTS to conquer the world because she thinks it's her birthright.
It's not just bad. It's worse. She wouldn't have succeeded with half of this shit if she didn't have capable allies all over her.

Anyone disappointed with the reaction of his resurrection?
Literally all everyone did was just stare at him, and he hugged 2 guys...anticlimactic af.

He would be the solution to all of this

yeah but that would take actual effort and good writing

Probably not sure what to think. I imagine most of them didn't even see the dead body, probably doubting he ever died.

Just like Stannis. Anyone notice how they've avoided mentioning Stannis at all?

Stannis is coming back. In Jon. Because that's how you fuck dumb fantasy tropes. Jon can't come back from some easy dumb spell.

Canonically small dick

>an army will use a mountain of corpses as a defensive position later in the season

Moat Cailin battle i think

>I live
>I die
>I live again.

>The budget cutting all the battles is the biggest waste of time ive ever seen.

>get ready for a huge battle
>lol cut ten seconds later and it's all over

Every fucking time.

Even the people who saw his dead body, barely mustered a reaction besided the red chick, and if they didn't think he died they shouldn't have included that "they think you're a god" line.
Meh, I'm probably just nitpicking. Still was pretty lame though imo

>established as the biggest Mary Sue in modern media
>not having a plot armor so thick it even defies death

You suprised, cuck?


Into Music, songs by composer Alexandrov "Holy War", on the Red Square enter the state flag of the Russian Federation and the LEGENDARY VICTORY BANNER. Banner group of military battalion honor guard of the 154th detached commandant Transfiguration regiment passes near the parade line army division, tribunes with veterans and guests of honor. '71 Ago, during the battle for Berlin, the soldiers of the 150th Division Idritsa sergeant Mikhail Yegorov and junior sergeant Militon Kantariya hoisted the flag over the defeated Reichstag. Since then, this "attack flag" - is a VICTORY BANNER.

Anyone noticed that he sorta forsake the Stark beheading style and hanged them instead? Makes me think that he is changed, and its gonna become obvious in the coming episodes.

>mfw he doesn't remember Sansa's face

I was really hoping for a scene where he confronts the ones who stabbed them while they're in their cells and they all shit themselves. Instead we just get "Ah dang, you really pulled one over on us by coming back from the dead."

>first scene in the fucking series is a buncha ice zombies murdering fucks
u dumb

>implying it's not an Umber ruse

>wood gnomes throwing fireballs at spoopy stabbing skelingtons
>resurrection is where you draw the line


the beheading couldn't be done cause they were too much people, nothing changed.

I'll admit that's was sort of lackluster. The writing's shit, no doubt. It's like everyone read the spoilers and knew he was coming back.

I guess if they don't care about snow zombies taking over the world, they don't care about anything.

>literally the first scene of the first episode of the first season featured zombies

Everyone is tiny compared to Tormund

Anyone have a gif of that. I just remembered how weirdly the tone shifted from that.

>Not understanding Christian imagery

it's the sweetie man


Nah, that's why he cut the rope personally with the sword; to show he's still retaibed the core of his person

It's about as subtle as dungeons and dragons get, honestly


This ain't some Gand-alf LotR high fantasy bullshit. This is GOT, where characters die and it's a lot more epic in scale.

Are they taking tips from GRRM or are they doing their own thing?

looks like that spoopy scene from Sinbad

>this pleb shit more epic in scale than LOTR

This literally played out like a failed coup, not like he came back from the fucking dead.

>oh well we tried but you out-tricked us with that fancy resurrection trick lol

>it's a lot more epic in scale.

>This is GOT, where characters die and it's a lot more epic in scale.

Read Ivanhoe or some other shit. I like the air of mystery in my entertainment. Sure more than "air" by this point, but it's still out of the realm of mundane.

oh meant to link

that sounds like King Arthur to me

That means nothing to me you stupid booknigger.

>is it really you in there?
>ahahah of course bro ahah holla
Watch it being a fire demon named Azor Azai controlling Jon's body
>written by D&D

Nailed it

Why does it feel like it turned into fan fiction after season 3?

For a moment I thought the dude had poisoned all the sweets. Just was waiting for the kids to drop dead.

Because it's written by an old, fat otaku man who is most likely a Tolkein fanboy.

10/10, this is how you create a thread on Sup Forums

"hey guys, i love this show, let's talk about it" = 4 replies

"omfg, this show sucks dick lol, only manlets and fuccbois like this" = 300 replies and image limit reached

Duh, what did you mean by this? Are you new?

he actually criticized Tolkien for not being dark and edgy enough

But he wrote the material for the first three seasons as well, they're not garbage.

Sup Forums is for people getting down voted on Reddit.
Reddit = many replies and up votes for happy and dick sucking comments
Sup Forums = try to be edgy and a contrarian in order to get le (you)'s

Stop trying to stop my intense memeing.

He's like a fanfic writer, who writes fix stories because his ship didn't get confirmed.


What sort of God would have a dick that tiny?

Reminder that Tormund who accurately fits the Liam Neeson pasta.

To him, Giants are tiny.

Well then figure out what it might mean to use a big stack of bodies as a defensive position you fucking illiterate mongoloid....uuuhh uuuuhhh uuuhhh i hope your mom gets hit by a bus and you have to watch her die slowly, changing her bed pans as you watch your life slip away from you like so much diarrhea from her asshole

Stop lying OP. You aren't dropping anything.

They don't ban reddit anymore. We traded moot for a limp dicked Japanese owner.

Man seeing that but then losing either way due to the storms would have been better.

>Dragons, giants, and zombies are ok
>Resurrecting characters: fucking nuts anime tier

And who.... Are you?