Uniform babes thread

Uniform babes thread

Her name is on the uniform, she's disrespecting it by being nude. Sup Forums you have the chance here to turn her in for lulz. UCMJ is clear on this sort of shiz.

bumping for potential

I hope more are posted


Shut up moral fag. Most pics on Sup Forums are old as shit and likely this big tit slut is already out of the service and sucking civilian cock now.

>she's disrespecting it by being nude
>this is literally what Americans believe

I think she's enhancing it

Lieutenant Bae

>Lieutenant Bae

That's a Navy Lieutenant dumbass

Fucking idiot. You went through time to even crop it and put a little red circle and you're still retarded. Suck start a 12 gauge faggot.

>muh call of duty

fucking 12yo fag

Oldie but goodie. That ring says she's married, but you just KNOW it isn't her hubby's cock.

She is gorgeous



keep em coming

Keep them coming please

>ring on middle finger
>user knows fuck all


Yeah, Moar please.

god dammit, her body is RIDICULOUS


keep em coming


those tits. goodlord

They are godly.


I know right, I'm surprised they let her in the military with those big ol' things. I mean fuck, good for her being able to do all those physical things one does being in the military with those big ol' things attached to herself.

Name, FB link?

I would be very interested in seeing her do said things.

Any of her takin some dick? That would be glorious if there were.

sadly no.

Ahh fuck, what a shame...

whatever there is I am sure it is amazing. MOAR


Navy here!
Let's rock



you are a god amongst men. Sauce or name?

whats her name?

>navy uniform


She's not wearing the uniform AND being nude simultaneously in any of these pictures, user.

Sorry if it's small I cropped out the spam sauces

thank mr skeltal

>one non nude pic in uni with name
>no uni or name in nudes
>implying she made this collage
are you trying to assmad me user?


this guy

you are a great man.

None other than her previous pic sadly, and this ends my collection,glad you enjoy her as much as I! Spread her in hopes to find more!

It's cool mah nigga

>so much disrespect to the uniform

anything I could offer you in return, win wise?

>Big metallic warts on her nipples
>and a shitty tat

someone has mommy issues.

Tumb lr: wherethewooksare
You're welcome

Navy so much Navy



You sound like the type to suck your commanding officers cock if he said it was in the name of duty.

GTFO faggot.

Women should never have been allowed to be in the service
Hope Trump regulates them all to medical duty and ban them from holding rank in anything high

Nigger do you know how far 10 feet is? how do you expect them to actually take a shit? long drop?

They'll do it themselves once the first female combat kia happens or when one gets captured and raped to death

Nice herpes

I know a navy girl that makes sexual references around me all the time, milf, has two kids, bends over infront of me, and rubs above my ass all the time, reckon shes keen? Seems navy chicks like to ride the waves...