Dear Perverts-Who-Act

Dear Perverts-Who-Act,
Last night at around 1:30 AM I was followed home by some fucking creep. 1:30 isn't even that late for a 25 year old to be out but it was late enough for someone to be drunk and decide he was going to follow me. Wtf. Why? To try to rape me or something? It's disgusting. Thank God someone came out of their house to smoke a cigarette and scared the creep off but it was an empty, dark street back to my house and I know that at 5`4, I'm not going to be able to fight him off. What if he had a knife or a gun? Why should I have to be scared now to walk home late at night? I post this on Sup Forums because there are so many perverts on here that I have to confront your "community". Stop preying on girls and start appreciating our beauty not trying to molest it and pervert it. Why should I be scared to walk home from work? Because you can't control your penis?!?? Are you all fucking delusional?


Tits and timestamp or fuck the fuck off

This is some pretty shit b8.


this isn't even his final form

Lol don't be a dumb cunt and kick his ass?
We have guns/knives/sparys for a reason retardo

How the fuck am I the dumb cunt? Why should I have to carry around guns and knives and pepper sprays to ward off perverts when those perverts shouldn't be perverting in the first damn place?! They are the dumb bastards!

Tits or GTFO slut.

Because the world is a dangerous place? you dumb fuck not everybody is a happy go lucky fuck some people just want their nut

Take it like this, life is free, free to the point where shit like this happens, sorry to say but with that freedom comes responsibility for your own safety, so protect yourself

>not my problem, not my fault: the post

The true logic is: If this guy really was a creep and was out looking to "score", he probably doesn't have anyone waiting up on him. So hypothetically you could hurt him and nobody would really come looking for him (how all depends on you).

Why should I have to keep a firearm to ward off murderers? Shouldnt we just tell them to stop murdering?

Honestly, you're trying way too hard. Next time you shitpost, try and be more subtle about it.

Oh no officer, it wasn't one of us, there are no straight people here. Only faggots, trap lovers and the occasional bi-white knight.

Officer: yeah, thats what I thought. Have a nice day, ma'am..or whatever. I'll check 9gag or redditors. The culprits are hiding over there.

Bitch what the fuck the did you just fucking say? Why the fuck where you out of the kitchen? i swear to god If i found you that late at night outside of your kitchen and you didn't have a sandwhich ready for me I would rape the shit out of you. I would take my fucking cock and ram it in your little 5' 4 ass and pound untill I shoved a fucking baby up there you fucking semen demon. Don't you ever fucking talk until talked to again or I swear to god I will beat you so hard you will never be able to talk again. Now get the fuck off the computer slut. You have cleaning to do.


neckbeard detected

I think that was playing a sarcasm card. He didn't say pervert or bastard once.

Fag detected for not checking sexts

I read this assuming that you are male (I'm probably right) and I think you may have caught a glimpse at the smiley face killer.

1. If you dropped your panties to someone here, you'd get this reaction, "where's your peen"? You mean you aren't a trap? Damn, I'm out of here.
2. Or this reaction, "Auuugh, what's that, just a slit!" WTF? MOMMY!!!


Checked and rekt

If you're that small, he doesn't need a knife or a gun. I could easily hold you down and force my cock in your ass without needing a weapon. Rapists already know rape isn't accepted in society. Guess what? Telling rapists not to rape won't change anything in their mind. They've already weighed the risks. Raping random strangers can be done without consequences if you're not stupid. I've yet to be caught and I've had at least 20. Also, don't bother with carrying a weapon. You'll never be able to get it out in time during an ambush type situation. First thing I do is knock the girl prone and throw her purse hard. After I'm done tearing her asshole apart, she won't get up for a while, so I can leisurely stroll over, pick up her purse, and take her cellphone, wallet, keys, mace, gun, taser, etc. and throw these in a gutter or a trash bin.

Basically, you're helpless and telling rapists not to rape is pointless. It's really on you to make sure you're not an easy target. Don't walk home alone, drunk, and with your nose in your phone like a retard and you won't get taken by surprise. Rape is a crime of opportunity, like burglery. You wouldn't leave your house unlocked with your deed laying on the table signed over without another name and then think telling burglers not to steal your house would work.


how do you know it was he who was following you and not you who were following him from ahead?

shit you're probably a rapist and that's why your post is raping me, i'm gonna call the police you must be stopped.

>virgin faggot


Whatever you gotta tell yourself to sleep at night and continue to present yourself as a target. Guys aren't exempt from this either. I raped a couple of guys as well.

Regardless of you being a girl your still under 6'0" so that makes you a manlet, so you will be living your entire life in fear regardless.

Me. I'm 6'2" and go for walks between 1 and 3 am every single night.

I can do this because I am a man and do not know the meaning of fear.

In face I go out every night in the hopes that somebody will rape me just so I can flip the skrip and rape the rapist.

But like most guys 6' or better, I'm a badass and I can do these things. In fact I can do whatever the fuck I want whenever I want because that's just the way it is.

> K i l l y o u r s e l f
> I
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if you are not a 9yo girl, no one is gonna rape you, you old piece of shit faggot.