Post here your results of political compass!

Post here your results of political compass!

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I'm not bothered to do that test again but this is roughly where I'm at.

Am I the only one deep green but still warm to the idea of eugenics?


What kind?

I'm specialising in new eugenics (6)

If it is getting rid of Bulgarians, I support it


New eugenics, specifically artificial insemination and egg donation.



Yeah, I'm the 2nd post, I'm fine with most new eugenics, cloning is an issue... although I am interested for the keks


And to be more specific, I think high IQ people should be encouraged to donate sperm/eggs and low IQ people should be encouraged to accept these genetic gifts to raise the aggregate IQ of humanity.

Cloning to me is a no brainer. Well, cloning specific body parts for humans, at a minimum.

There's mine.

IQ isn't entirely genetic, environmental factors do influence quite a bit.

Also, cloning parts is fine, I meant more of full body cloning like in the 6th day movie

Master race.



I guess not.

>IQ isn't entirely genetic, environmental factors do influence quite a bit.
True. It's my understanding that only 40% of IQ is genetic, according to the latest research. But still, that's a ton. Take Bobby Fischer, for example. I don't think he could have been chess world champion if Paul Nemenyi hadn't been his biological father.

> I meant more of full body cloning like in the 6th day movie
Yeah, that's gonna be tough to explore. Botched experiments are inevitable and there are probably serious moral issues with such experimentation as a result. Still, I'd interested as fuck to see what could happen anyway. For the keks, indeed.



Havent move that far despite the years going by

Do feel more like a grown up since you learned that word three months ago?

Me either. I though for sure I'd move a tiny smidge to the right over the years but my results are always pretty consistent.

smidge to the left over the years

Sane, emotionally healthy people.

Nazi scum. Back to Sup Forums

In the exact same spot as hitler. Watch that edge little man.



Is that you, Professor Chomsky?


Never read him, or any Author for that matter.

Although I'm left libertarian, some right libertarians are just as sane as us.

It's the authoritarians you gotta look out for, especially the extreme wings.

some of these questions should have a neutral option rather than just agree/disagree

Id rather befriend a stalinist who isn't a sellout than a libertarian. Libertarians are retarded, they don't realize libertarianism never worked in history

Wrong. Also, I didn't even respond to the right guy. I meant not >It's the authoritarians you gotta look out for, especially the extreme wings.
I basically agree with this. The problem is that a lot of the right libertarians are willing to tolerate those authoritarians, or worse, act as their toadies if they feel it advantages them.

left libertarian master race


I get the same result like yours for the past 3 years.



I don't view everything through the lens of libertarianism, maybe some situations it's more useful, in some cases it's not. You have to be pragmatic.

I've seen a lot of hardcore libertarians who only view everything though their only narrow perspective.

Libertarians are just capitalists that are money hungry to the point they want to starve their guard dog to death.
Let them do.

trips called it

>want to starve their guard dog to death
Hardcore libertarians might do that, but I would compromise.


I might fall on the libertarian half, but I consider myself more of a democratic socialist.



wtf am i looking at?

pls give links to all these tests


tsk tsk, you're not extreme left enough

Someone got smashed one too many times by dudes wearing black

Following this trend. I'm an INTJ-A, I is 158, if that helps to know.

gimmi a sec


Fucking auto correct. IQ not I. DURRRR!!!!

most of these test don't have proper options


that's right where my dot was


My honest results

I thought that I would be more nazi/right




#1 john mcafee
#2 gary johnson


Only problem with Gary Johnson is he thinks he can change everything with executive orders but federal government is pretty different from state and I don't think he fully grasps that.

As I get older, it seems I'm becoming more sensible.

The dots marked 1,2,3 is where I remember being at years ago when I did the test, each probably about a year or two apart.

I got the exact same result user


What do you think I care about?
>inb4 sjw memes


You're not an SJW. SJWs are left wing authoritarian

True liberty is twofold.


mah homies
to hell with ya

i also made this new version of the older crappier one.

im about right here, perhaps a few squares down more into libertarianism.

looking at this thread, there seems to be consensus libertarianism at some level. why even have authoritarian as an option? does anybody actually want a government to tell them what/how to do?

Not everyone gets that unfortunately, it's the equally cancerous anti-sjws that inb4 was 4

I don't necessarily believe the Nazi's were doing wrong...


i did a survey a while back on Sup Forums...and they seemed to like it a lot.

i guess authoritarianism is much more controlled in a lot of cases. people want to uphold traditional values because that's how it was raised. i don't really get it though.

im op on the graph btw, ive gone slightly further right since:

People want government to tell others what to do. They're just too stupid to realize that impedes their own freedom equally.

Well of course uninhibited libertarianism is anarchism and whatever, and a purely 'free' capitalist market is susceptible to abuse in the form of monopolies, infractions on laborers rights, and general wild west chaos. But thats gotta be better than the dangers of authoritarianism, i.e. despotism, tyrannism, and opressive hegemony. Amirite?

It is what it is. Libertarians are just better people.








Do you find the concept of property hard to grasp?

Ok then.


I understand it no problem, I just don't agree with it in the slightest

On what grounds?

They're are a few of us, yes?