I can't stop thinking about my girlfriend giving her ex boyfriend head at her 4th of July party 3 years ago...

I can't stop thinking about my girlfriend giving her ex boyfriend head at her 4th of July party 3 years ago. We started dating the November after that and I thought she had never done anything sexual with anyone. She told me a couple weeks before we started dating and gave me details like she learned that he loved eye contact now whenever she gives me head and makes eye contact that's all I can fucking think about. Every fucking 4th of July it's all I can think about. Now I'm drunk on July 4th with that image of her sucking his cock stuck in my god damn head. Anyone else have a similar problem?

You can't stop the past. Get over it and be glad that you guys are together now.

Yes. Fuck, the thought of your ugly gf and that cock in her mouth haunts my every waking moment.

Does the song eye of the tiger trigger you OP?

Yup, my girlfriend got a past reputation of being a slut cause she sucked this dude once, the first time she gave me head i just couldnt stop her doing that to that fuck, its hard but i try to just let that go.

Your gf's have sucked a dick, so what?
By the time chicks are my age (24) they've sucked the entire population of Bosnia. Pets too.

yep. pretty sure it's just insecurity. it still sucks though.

i've known my gf for over a year before we got together, and when i had my first chance i had other things on my mind an didn't use it. so someone else got with her and was her first bf. when i couldn't take it anymore i confessed my shit to her and she broke up with him to get with me. things are really really good right now for the most part, but sometimes that ugly thought of her lerning all these things from the other guy while i, being the cuck i am, could only imagine it, creeps into my head and it's fucking horrible.
wish i used my chance the first time around and had her all for myself.

sorry for my long ass sentences.

Hurr dur my girl seen another dick before, I'm jealous....Stop being a faggot, not every girl you will be with will be a virgin and guess what after you two are done she will go back to sucking other dicks

I feel you man just don't let that get inbetween you lovers

Same thing happened to me, worse actually.
My ex cheated on me with her best friend and many years have gone by and this still hurts me user.
You need more time, as I do too.
And still I'm not sure if that will heal completely.
Best thing to do is focus on the future.
Hang in there bro.

So what? Grow up, get over it, be happy she is sucking your dick now and that she learned how to do it better from the mistakes she made with her ex.

you're a bitch and i hope she finds a real man to have sex with her.

find a different grill

Wow, sounds like a serious problem, OP. You should seriously consider suicide.

Godamnit you are pathetic, all our girlfriends hoovered a dick in the past, we licked some cunts, that's life, she's washed her mouth since gobbling his spunk, stop dreaming of shooting up your school because of it yankee.



Funny you mention that cause I got arrested freshman year in high school for planning to shoot the place up







So i assumed, because you are a whining american.

Wow, so many cuckolds in this thread.


>things that don't bother me shouldn't bother anyone else because my emotions are literally the only ones that matter in this world



>basically the future
>thinks grill should be virgin until only he touches her

Pic related

its the past man, its better to get over that shit and enjoy your time with her. if you let this get to you, maybe in a few you might be the ex she gave head to once and the cycle starts again

25 here. This is fucking gospel. If I didn't fuck whores I'd have no one to fuck

just because reality is shit doesn't mean i have to be fine with it


I have literally fucked whores and i didn't care about the other guys who were in her like 10 minutes before, whatever. Smash that pussy and stop being a fag or she will leave you for being a fag OP.

If she broke up with someone to be with you, that's a bad sign.

got pics of your girlfriend?

So im a cuck because I understand that girls mostly likely have seen/taken a dick before being with me at some point in their life?

It's called reality faggot but that ok you stay butt hurt because you are not the only cock she has touched in her lifetime.

would you make any of these whores your gf tho? i've fucked literal whores just for fun, and had fuckbuddy things going on with slutty girls, but for me these grils don't matter. but my gf matters. emotionally, it's a completely different situation.

ultimate cuckold


>>things that bother me should bother everyone else because my emotions are literally the only ones that matter in this world
Fixed that for you, dickbreath.

People have pasts. You either don't have one of your own, or you seem to think you're the only one who's allowed one.

Get over it, pathetic human.

*gobble gobble*

what does my dick taste like?

did you read the OP?

"my situation is this"
"anyone else have a similar problem?"

if you don't feel free gtfo and let us cuck in piece.

Yup, she 17 tho, cant share

Sounds like you'd know better than me

Did I quote OP's post or some faggots reply?

Now imagine when u kiss her, ur licking that guys cum she swallowed every time.

EVERY time.

I can't stop thinking about being banned. All I did was tell some pedo to take a seat and talk shit about keem. It happened about 4 day ago! Every time I see a "rate my dick" thread, "dubs decides," or some faggot thread like this I feel left out. Now sober on the 4th o' july with the image of chris hansen and keemcuck's face stuck in my head.

Why would you want a virgin for a gf?

anyone else with this problem?

Seriously, if the girl's reached ages 24, 25, thereabouts, and she hasn't even sucked a dick... I probably won't get along with her all that well. Wife-material girls need to be confident, outgowing and up for a laugh just like girls say husband-material guys should be. And if she hasn't so much as sucked a dick by that age. She isn't going to be good banter, and I'm probably gonna find her boring as fuck.

It's been 3 years get over it

Why does a girls past matter?

i don't even know what you're trying to say at this point.

the point was, this thread is not for you, so just leave, nobody cares about your normie opinions, ree.

i hope i have made myself clear.

You have to suck a cock op. It is the only way to save the relationship.

She's probably sucking black cock right now.

>gave me details like she learned that he loved eye contact
Maybe it's just me, but giving details about your sexual experiences with past partners to someone, even if it's your current partner, makes you a slut.

Maybe I'm just being euphoric though

>Anyone else have a similar problem?

Just let it go. That's all you can do. Fuck her brains out, role-play the bj you're so jealous of.

just fuck her till she cries and she'll be thinking of you not him. Stop being an insecure bitch

>i don't even know what you're trying to say at this point.
Clear the cock from your brain and you might, faggot.

>bwaa.. leave my thread... bwaa..

yeah op youre a fucking bitch nearly every girl has at least sucked a weiner before you