Ehrm, guys...?

Ehrm, guys...?

>she teams up with Rust and Marty

its not happening, champ

brad pitt and leo dicaprio when

charlie sheen, mel gibson and brendan fraser when?

literally never, it crashed and burned, pizza on suicide watch, its dead and forgotten

Magnificent Seven will be a huge success and it will save Pepsicola's career.

It was literally renewed for Season 2 and 3 at the same time, after season one, and now that HBO has recognized that they rushed him on season 2, they're giving him at least 18 months to write, with no deadlines or pressure. Stop spreading this trash meme that it's dead.

Steven Segal: antagonist
Steve Buscemi: racist detective 1
Mark Wahlberg: gay detective 2
Brendan Fraser: gay love interest and caught in the middle of the investigation, but turns out to be not gay

Setting: 1987 Nevada goverment owned lands, Groom Lake, spooky unexplained phenomena, Las Vegas outskirts, truckers, lots of empty.
Unironically god tier.

They should do one that takes place on an Indian reservation

Go take a nap, pizza.

Replace Segal with a non-meme actor and that could actually be great

Yes please.

>replacing Seagal
I'll fucking replace your face, faggot!

He would make a great whacky nuts corrupt Colonel in charge of keeping and eye and disrupting the investigation.
And at the finale he can have his own 2v1 against the detectives.

I'm an exec at HBO. Pitch me your season 3.

Hard mode - no meme actors or Cthulhu.

t. nicolai pizzacat

Setting: Noir York in the 30s, filmed in black and white
Cast: Ryan Gosling as a PI
Oscar Isaac as a wop mobster
Christina Hendricks as a femme fatale

That's because they got Fukunaga out of it.

Kevin Bacon, Josh Hartnett and the ghost of Arnold Schwarzenegger (playing himself as a ghost) investigate the President of the United States of America's involvement in a child pornography ring.

Right here senpai

What's a meme actor according to HBO?

>Sir, Oscar Isaac is busy.
>Goddammit! We need a suitable replacement. Now!
>Say no more, Sir!


ive heard fukishima is returning to the next season?

>*Arnold makes loud angry incoherent Austrian noises*

>Not Vincent Piazza

He was gr8 in Boardwalk Empire, and even looks like a TV version of Oscar Isaac.

Are they really doing that?
I'll be glad if it's true

Well I want Adam Scott goddammit!

Vincent Piazza was great, I agree completely.


>unironically wanting Seagal as the bad guy

You faggot memelords should kill yourself, unironically. His shitty "i can't act or perform stunts" act only works in his VOD flicks.

A full noir story is just what we need right now, but Hendricks is too buxom to be a femme fatale.

Eric Bana Cop 1
Mat Dillon Cop 2
Karl Urban Main Antagonist, works for the oil people and is always making his angry Dredd face.

Setting: Alaska 1998 revolving around the Exxon Valdez incident.

I'll accept the awards and money via postmail.

>they're giving him at least 18 months to find other people's shit to steal


No they need to have another couple of seasons before they final seasons is True Detective All Stars where all of the True Detectives team up on one last case

>Hendricks is too buxom to be a femme fatale

I know Jessica isn't really a bad girl.

Alright I got one

Setting: LA, 1947

Actors: Aaron Staton

Just don't give him dialog.
Just tell him to do whatever he wants and always carry a golf club.

Brendan Fraser
Charlie Sheen
Nick Nolte
Ellen Page

>a wise man once said good artists copy, great ones steal

fuck off ya cunt, your too stupid to have realized what he was ripping from on your own, until some other user pointed it out.


>Nick Nolte

cast Edward Norton and Brad Pitt desu

They better.

>unironically not being a fan of Steven Motherfucker Birthday Snatcher Seagal
at least steven isn't a fraud like all the other 'action stars', edgelord.

>no meme actors

HBO is a meme actor factory with GoT. They literally thrive on meme actors.

Stop meming son, it doesn't suit you, everyone knows Seagal is the biggest fraud of them all and a little girl. His only movies that are "good" are his early ones, and it's like the first 4 or 5 and thats it. All shit after that. The movies he's been churning out the last decade, I don't even know what to call them. Beyond shit, beyond VOD even. Straight to youtube.

It will have 2 black actors and a female muslim as leads

>mfw Steven Segal could unironically kick the ass of 99% of all your favorite actors and actress

>Antje plays a small town sherrif, first week on the job
>Pace is a stranger running away from something, he just got in town
>Just when he gets there, a murder happens
>Antje obviously goes to him
>He reveals to be an undercover FBI agent, he's been following a serial killer who he believes is now in town
>They start to investigate together as 2 more murders happen
>They fall in love
>Time skip to 5 years later
>They're married and with a little girl
>The serial killer stopped after those 3 murders, the case is pretty much cold and done
>2 people are killed again
>he's back
>it's a race against time to catch him before the next murder
>he kills their kid
>they're now broken and desperate, all they think of is catching him
>in the end it was Pace
>he's this insane guy that was abducted by aliums as kid
>he follows this crazy space religion, it says that to finish the ritual and contact the mothership, he needs to kill the things he love the most
>Antje's killed
>While the police arrive we see this huge beaming light from above closing in on Pace
>It's never revealed if it's actually an UFO or a police helicopter and he's just crazy

>implying Seagal could even kick his own ass

literally too fat, that big fucking gut of his swinging around slows him down

Or you could say he could snatch every motherfucker birthday


Now that would be fucking dank m8, well done

Not bad.

Eric Roberts and Brendan Gleeson are the two protagonists. Robert's character is a deli shop owner in Seattle whose shop is targeted by a cult. He comes into his shop one day and there are runes and strange writing written in blood on the wall. In the center of the room is the sheep still alive, barely. Inside the sheep is a note with in the same odd writings as on the wall. He calls PI Gleeson, a foreign born man who left his home country because his family died in a train crash when they came to visit him. He's not an alcoholic, he just had no reason to stay after his family died. They are eventually led to Maltby, WA, where the cult leader Willem Defoe is trying to summon the devil at the stairway to hell.

too hairy

The series is dead without Funko