Sup Forumstards, what do you think of Facebook?

Sup Forumstards, what do you think of Facebook?

Should be a 18+ age restriction


Usually even the 18+ people are dumb as fuck. Should be 21+

Like most of the internet now, it's rubbish.

it's retarded, I shut down my account years ago

Placebo for friends.

its dead, only people who use it are neckbeards, 40 year old moms, or people who hate "le mainstream social medias XDDDD"

honestly instagram and twitter are much better and more fun and have more people on it, facebook is full of buzzfeed guides and political videos

All social media is retarded, and I believe its a contributing factor of why more and more people are stupid

>it has simply become a monster.

I am 40+ and I never had a FB account and I don't plan to have one ever. Am I normal? Do I miss things?

don't use it since like 2011/12

only use it for messanger

It's where you go if you wanna see shit stories, memes, and not-so-cleverly disguised ads. In other words, it's what Sup Forums would be like if we had names and couldn't post almost anything.

put some clothes on boy

Implying all standard social media isn't cancer.

Well done muh nazi

thank you

A cesspool of clickbait and attention whoring where you either agree with the majority or you're evil and wrong.

The best part is stirring the shit pot and watching them all get mad about it. They rage so easily!


All social media is for drones. I refuse to use any of it.

There are only 2 reasons I use kikebook - to keep in touch with relatives and a few close friends of mine, and to stalk dumb, but hot, broads.

facebook is for niggers and faggots

Pretty shit but it has some uses

Have any of you looked at the permissions Facebook asks for when you install it. Only a retard would install that obvious malware.

for the past year or two it's literally just all click bait posts, they should seriously do something to deal with the "and what happened next is absolutely stunning 'posts

Instagram is becoming cancerous. Twitter is still cool tho.

didn't there used to be? like you had to be in college or something. i faintly remember giving a false birthday so i could make one. haven't had one for 6 years now though

Unnecessary shit. I don't need "friends" I met for like five minutes. If I want to do something with my real friends, I simply call them on phone.

I have 200-ish "friends", but out all of them, I only talk to my parents. Because I live with them.

(Haven't logged in for like 2 years now, people probably think I'm dead)

why do u think so?

You have no friends?

I opened a Facebook account around 2007 when I was a sophomore in college. This was back when it was only for college students. After two weeks I realized how stupid it was/is and I deleted my account. I remember the arduous process of deleting my account. It asked me numerous times if I was sure I wanted to delete it or if I just wanted to just park the account. Facebook is dead and has always sucked. Generally, all social media is terrible. It's full of political/religious horseshit rants and very, very stupid people.

nice dubs

I do, but since I'm not on facebook, they're not facebook-friends.

Facebook is great when you skim off the pointless crap posts of braindead people. Just make sure only the things you're interested in or people posting interesting shit appear on the feed and it's all fun. I discover tons of new shit every day.

facebook is shit, half the people that use it spew vitriol, the other half are 'holier than thou' saints