Alright guys, my last thread got deleted by some fact hating mod...

Alright guys, my last thread got deleted by some fact hating mod. I want to give you guys the sources and every so I'll need some bumps right away! Get in here and let's get bumping! But don't forget the book: The Origin of Race and Civilization – 1996
by Charles A. Weisman explains a LOT, it is a great place to start! I can recommend other books to if you guys want! Let's get back into those facts shall we!

Other urls found in this thread:

They can't stop the truth! Let me Get in here Sup Forums!

google what a species is


I took a class on it. Read the book I mentioned above!

Here's where I left off.

FACT #82-84: Almost all Blacks who have been leaders in fields other than athletics or music have had some White ancestry: Fredick Douglas, W.E.B. Dubois, Booker T. Washington, George Washington Carver, Alex Hailey, Thurgood Marshall, Bryant Gumbell, Colin Powell, Carl Rowan, Ed Bradley, Doug Wilder, etc. According to Dr. E.B. Reuter, “. . . Of successful and best known men that the Negro race has produced, at least thirteen- fourteenths are men of mixed blood. (27) (21)

FACT #85: Blacks are 50 times more likely to have syphilis than Whites. (32)

FACT #86: Twice as many Blacks as Whites receive dishonorable discharge from the U.S. military. (32)

Come on in peoples!

FACT #87: A White woman is 15 times more likely to contract AIDS by engaging in sex with a Negro than with a White heterosexual. (U.S. Centers for Disease Control)

If you think humans are different species divided by their skin colors, you're autistic. And I'm not even an atheist. Have you heard of genes, or did you skip 7th grade science to go sit in the bathroom on Sup Forums?

FACT #88: 90% of U.S. children with AIDS are Black or Hispanic. (36)

FACT # 89-92: In l950, American schools were among the best in the world. However, vocal elements within our society demanded that the public schools take on a social engineering role as well as an educational one. Violent disruptions of American education were ordered by the Supreme Court for the purpose of breaking down racial barriers. For 30 years, American schools have diverted enormous resources into forced integration, quotas, and bussing operations. (Few people realize how expensive bussing is. Annual cost may run into tens of billions of dollars. In l990 California alone was spending $500 million per year on integration. Many school districts spend a quarter or more of their budgets on transportation. In Milwaukee alone and in a single school year, 30,000 staff hours were diverted into calculating the race of students to attend the various schools.) The results? Today’s students rank at the very bottom worldwide in science and math, some 40% of American adults are functionally illiterate, and standardized test scores have declined steadily for both Whites and Blacks. Today the average White still scores 200 points higher on the combined SAT than the average Black. Americans spend more on education than any other country in the world and have the worst results. Massive White flight to escape racial zoning has reduced the tax base of every major American city. In l983, after nearly two generations of racial experimentation to promote equality, the research arm of the Dept. of Education could not produce a single study that showed Black children were learning appreciably better after desegregation. (25) (20) (32)

FACT #93: In Black Africa the average ruler lasts 7 months. (22) (27) (7)

We are different species. The book I referred to explains it in detail. Look at the Coywolves that are flourishing right now. Coyotes and Wolves are two distinct species and they can breed together and make a coywolf packs that do not need their former lineage.

FACT #94: By 1995, a third of U.S. students will be non-Whites and Whites will be a minority in the school districts of 5 states. (32)

FACT #95: Dr. William Shockley, Nobel prize winner for his work in the invention of the transistor and renowned geneticist as Stanford University, said, “The major cause for American Negroes’ hereditary is origin and thus not remedial to a major degree by improvement in environment.”

FACT #96: In 1930, about 33% of the world was White. Today, the U.N. estimates that only about 9.5% of the world’s population is Caucasian. This percentage is falling rapidly. (34) (27)

FACT #97: In 1988 there were 9,406 cases of Black-on-White rape and fewer than 10 cases of White on Black rape in the U.S. (32)

FACT #98: For the book INTELLIGENCE AND NATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT, by Raymond Cattell, three distinguished American scholars compare massive evidence of national I.Q. score averages worldwide and warn against the decline of any nation whose population reflects declining intelligence. Taking into consideration the differential birthrates of American ethnic stocks, they concluded that American ability is declining rapidly. (21)

FACT #99: The American taxpayers have spent over $2.5 TRILLION trying to upgrade Blacks since the l960’s. (6)

FACT #100: QUOTES “The Negroes’ rude ignorance has never invented any effectual weapons of defense or destruction: they appear incapable of forming any extensive plans of government or conquest: and the obvious inferiority of their mental faculties has been discovered and abused by the nations of the temperate zone.” –Edward Gibbon, the great historian and author of THE DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE, (V.III, pg. 277) “Wherever you find the Negro everything is going down around him, and wherever you find the White man you see everything around him improving.” –Robert E. Lee, to Col. Thomas H. Carter, May, l965


African Business Magazine, Dec. ’91
American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 92, pg 822+
American Renaissance, Dec. ’90, Box 2504, Menlo Park, CA 94026
American Sociological Review, Vol 45, pg. 859
Basham, A.L., The Wonder That Was India, Grove Press, New York, NY 1954
Buckley, William F. syndicated column, Jan. 5. 1993
“But What about Africa?” Harper’s, May ’90
“The Christian Heritage of South Africa Under Attack!”, Peter Hammond, Herald the Coming, Dec. ’92.
Coon, Carleton S. The Origin of Races, 1962, Alfred A. Knopf
Fagan, Myron C. How the Greatest White Nations Were Mongrelized – Then Negroized, Sons of Liberty Books.
Fields, Dr. Ed, The Dangers of Interracial Marriage, PO Box 1211, Marietta, GA 30061
Howells, William. Mankind So Far, Doubleday, Garden City, NY 1945.
Harris, Marvin, 1981. Why Nothing Works. Simon & Schuster, New York, NY
Jacob, A. White Man, Think Again! 1965, publ. by author.
Jensen, Arthur R. Bias in Mental Testing, The Free Press, New York 1980
Jensen, Arthur R. Straight Talk About Mental Tests, the Free Press. (Macmillan) New York, 1981
McCall’s, May ’92, pg 76
McGurk, Frank, “A Scientist’s Report on Race Differences.” U.S. News and World Report, Sept. 21, 1956. Washington, D.C.
Pearson, Roger, Eugenics and Race, 1966, Noontide Press
Pearson, Roger. Race, Intelligence, and Bias in Academe, Scott-Townsend Publishers, N.W. Washington, D.C.
Pendell, Elmer, Sex Versus Civilization, Noontide Press.
Putnam, Carleton. Race and Reason, 1961, Howard Allen Press, Cape Canaveral, FL
Putnam, Carleton. Race and Reality, a Search for Solutions, 1967, Howard Allen, Box 76, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920

Putnam, Carleton. Race and Reality, a Search for Solutions, 1967, Howard Allen, Box 76, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920
Putnam, Carleton. A Study in Racial Realities, an address at the University of California at Davis, Dec. 17, 1964
Scott, Ralph. Education and Ethnicity: The U.S. Experiment in School Integration, Scott-Townsend. Washington, D.C. 1989
Shuey, Audrey H., The Testing of Negro Intelligence, Social Science Press, New York, 1966
Simpson, William Gayley. Which Way Western Man? 1978, National Alliance Press, Box 3535, Washington, D. C. 20007
Social Forces, Vol. 69, pg.1+, Sept. ’90
“South Africa: Time to Choose Sides” Soldier of Fortune, Dec. ’89.
Snyderman, Mark, and Rothman, Stanely. The IQ Controversy, the Media and Public Policy. Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, NJ 1990.
Stell v Savannah-Chattham County Board of Education, U.S. District Court, Southern Georgia, May 13, 1963.
Taylor, Jared, Paved with Good Intentions: The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary America. 1992, Carrol & Graf. New York, NY
World Almanacs, ’88, ’89, ’90, ’91, ’92
United Nations World Census, 1990
Van Loon, Henrick, 1940, Van Loon’s Geography, Garden City Publ.
The Voice, Feb. 27, 1990.
Waddell, L. A. The Makers of Civilization, 1929, Angriff Press, Hollywood, CA
Weisman, Charles A. America: Free, White and Christian, 1989, SFA, Box 766-c, LaPorte, CO 80535
Weisman, Charles A. The Origins of Race and Civilization, 1990, SFA
Weyl, Nathaniel. The Geography of American Achievement, Scott-Townsend, Washington, D.C. 1989.
Martin Luther King (Man Behind the Myth) by Des Griffin.

but whats your point?
This is all mostly known, and you are in Sup are preaching to the choir.

Here are all the facts guys! This is everything I shared!

I'm giving people ammo for their cannon so that they don't just go about this blindly.

go about what exactly.

finding out the truth and saving the white race.


If those two Jackals can mate then they are from the same specie, just different sub-specie.

Just like caucasians and africans.

Again, the truth is already known. Do I -really- give a shit about the extent of ruin the nigger race brings? I'll be dead in 4-7 years probably anyway, I'm living the life.

What are you trying to accomplish?
You just sound like a buttmad cuck honestly.

I bet OP thinks the world is flat too

You desperately want blacks to be a different species because you were either raised to hate them or one did something bad to you


I agree that humans and monkeys are two completely different species. This wasn't even an issue until Carl Sagan and Richard Dawkins made it one.

More likely inferiority complex, the only way he has to feel he's worth something is degrading a racial scapegoat.

Pure delusional.

Not mad at all. I just wanted to spread the book I mentioned at the beginning of the thread is all. There is a big picture most people haven't paid attention to for a long time. I have spent my life traveling the world, reading and studying and I am trying to nudge my people in the right direction. It's not like I can go post these facts on facebook. Oh and I'm not some fat fuck that hates other races at all. I think all races should have pride and preservation. I am very fit and studying to become a doctor while studying race, ancestry, war, history, and religions. I just love the truth and like spreading it when I can.

"I'm am very 'blah blah blah'" This is where I stopped.

I'm sort of disappointed in you. You waste your time spreading the truth to a completely defunct website that won't take shit from here. You just sound angry inside. Get off your fat lazy ass and DO something about what you're rambling on about.

Again....preaching to the choir..

Oh yeah and I love studying philosophy. Here are some other great books:

Uncovering the mysteries of your hidden inheritance Perfect Paperback – 2001
by Robert Alan Balaicius

Tracing Our Ancestors - Includes color map. Paperback – 2002
by Frederick Haberman

Marcus Aurelious - Meditations.

These will all point you in the right direction. You should also read Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto and see how it is happening step by step to every white country and how throughout history the same Marxist steps have toppled every great civilization.


I have done a lot actually. I've also had a lot of people thank me from here and tell me that I opened their eyes.

Says an ugly Gorilla.

That's an interesting theory. I suppose you'd have to surveil the entirity of the Earth at all times, including people sleeping. 24/7 really. Do you surveil all people on Earth all the time? That'd be interesting. You might need some better technology than what's in the public domain in order to do so though. Maybe some time altering craft, or an army of humanoid-esque androids, that periodically go in and run tests on people's memories, to see if they belong to different species

Wait. It's you, isn't it~! You're the one masterminding this whole thing. Wooooo~ooow. Either that, or you don't actually have a planetary surveillance operation, and your theory that there is no such thing as humans belonging to different species is just straight out of your own ass, and a bunch of wishful thinking. It's one of those two possibilities, not sure which desu.

>There's no such thing as humans belonging to different species, because if there were I'd be too scared to admit it's a possibility.
>I'm going to try to convince others that there's no such thing as humans belonging to different species, because I'm actually trying to convince myself.


yeah good job, nice thread....

pls get some education and learn to see social/cultural problems instead of racial ones and do something useful with your time

That's Rick James, and it's a joke


yeah, but ethnics gave us the stankey leg

blacks 1 butthurt whites 0

You realize the difference between the races extend beyond skin color right?

As in Asians are more likely to be lactose intolerant, and Blacks are susceptible to Sickle Cell Anemia.

Bone structure is also different as race can be be discerned via bone during a forensics exam in determining the what race a victim of a violent crime was.

OP going in, doing gods work here son.


if you think the proof to your theory comes from a specific example you are stupid


Are you surprised their slave ancestors got raped?
Yeah, because they're niggers
Lots of AIDS from gay sex in prison
See above
Blame sjws not blacks
Yeah, because they're always committing fraud and murder, and the pop supposed to like that?
Interracial marriage
By origin, he might mean upbringing
Again, interracial
Okay, how does this prove they are a different species?
So now not only are blacks, but also muricans a different species
Okay? Your point?
>Literally using a quote from one of the highest Confederate generals to prove are bad

If you think insulting people will win you an argument of logic, you are a liberal.

tfw ethincs outnumber whites 5 to 1...

So slight bone structure and immune system differences are what divide species?

OP you do know that different species can't breed with another or their offspring is sterile.

Humans on the other hand can fuck around as much as they want to

Yes, that is correct. Scientists will divide species of any animal but human for the smallest of differences. They're just scared to do the same for us humans because it's considered "racist" to point out that Aryans and niggers are different.

>black dad
>present in his childrens lives

OP waiting for your response


Why haven't you made this thread in Sup Forums ? Pol would be happy to see this desu

>mod deleted my thread
No they didn't.

Not OP, but what about a liger?

attention lover "omg guise mods deleted my old thread but i'll start this one as if i just started the discussion. notice how no one is talking about the old thread, give me bumps guise"

You mean the fictional creature from Napoleon Dynamite?

Lol you retard, the study that showed them to be two disinct species is based on whole and mitochondrial genome sequencing from the separate populations. The same data for humans is what shows that we are all a single species.
Whoever made this and people like you who reposted it are illiterate sinks on society.
I knew that when I was 10, ffs our education is shit.

Talk to me OP


yea i basically asked him the same thing but OP doesn't want to engage in a serious debate

Don't let the facts get in the way of him wanting to go for the gold in the oppression Olympics. Rather inspiring to see white folks try to get on that train as well after all these years.

> they look the same they must be the same.
can the golden jackal of east Africa bread with eh golden jackal of Eurasia to produce a viable offspring which can reproduce. No ? different species.

Can the African and European bread to produce a viable offspring capable of reproducing ? Yes? Same fucking species.

> But But muh preconceived notions they look different

Just please stop being retarded.

>implying anything you said is accurate
>implying you don't suck nigger cock every night

"Okay, how does this prove they are a different species?" That fact wasn't supposed to prove they're a different species, dumbass. Noting on how Niggers are STILL uncivilized than the rest of society.
"So now not only are blacks, but also muricans a different species" He didn't even say that you fucking strawman.

chloe merp is a half breed slut i want her nudes

Are you retarded? Have you not taken basic biology?

A species is divided on the basis that fertile offsprings are not produced between two organisms. Holy fuck, no wonder we are at the bottom of the barrel in terms of science

A liger is infertile, therefore it is not a new species.

next argument


hold up, let me clarify. A liger is infertile, so a lion and a tiger are two different species.

Two different animal species mixed into one is kind of like Hispanics. Hispanics' today's ancestors were a mix of white Europeans and black African Moors and originated from Iberia (Spain and Portugal for the geographically inept).

>implying biology isn't influenced by shills
>implying that definition wasn't created by shills
>implying you don't suck nigger cock every night

Old as fuck definition, update your brain faggot.

>Trusting a fucking psychologist to know jack shit about science
>using 'cranial capacity' as a means of measuring intelligence
Are you also going to post pics of the space between peoples teeth to see if they should become a barber or not?

I mean, the definition of a species is when the animals can no longer produce fertile offspring. Mud men and whites can still breed so they're the same species.

No it's not an old as fuck definition. I work as an undergraduate researcher at our university's genetics labs for fucks sake. I can say clearly without a doubt that you are 1. mentally retarded 2. a baiting poltard 3. Grew up in texas, or any combination of above.

Go use the fucking brain that you were born with for once

I thought they were hispsatanics

A definition is a definition faggot it does not matter how fucking old it is. Greater men than you have come up with these definitions so respect the fucking science.

Can you still bump comments ?

>implying university wasn't created or influenced by shills
>user here hasn't been redpilled

I feel bad for you, for you are being brainwashed by the shills. One day, you will understand, fellow user.

Oh my god, a pretentious university student telling me to use my brain? How original coming from the man who regurgitates information like a good little dog and tells himself he's smart. I'd love to watch you squirm in the real world.

humans and primates like chimps can also breed. they are clearly not the same species.

Way to trigger the Sup Forums tards

>greater men
cuck detected

Do they also teach about the myth of gender and race being a "social construct"?

Look mom, albino monkeys. Really ugly ones too, and someone put clothes on them. How cute.

I feel bad for you, fucking NEET Please do us all favor and drink bleach

> hyperclorite is not dangerous for you its just all those fucking shills trying to sell you toilet cleaner

>never took a science course
>saying he knows better than any scientist

Regurgitates information? That's pathetic, please go back to school and stop being the cesspool of society. Research is anything but regurgitation

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