New loli bread since limit

New loli bread since limit

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You sick fuck.




I feed my little cousin directing from the tip

this one is for you




is this safe?


Ya, just a loli gallery, nothing big

If it's not, that's the best honeypot I've ever seen.



Mo R

Wh-wheres the pussy?

part 1:
>be me, twenty-something guy
>doing stuff in my garden
>neighbor loli who is 11 comes up and chats
>asks what im doing now and what my plans for the day are
>tell her just fixing some garden shit and then play videogames all day
>she wants to join me because bored and no other kids around
>tell her to ask her parents first
>her deadbeat parents actually agree and let her come over
>we play for hours and tickle each other occasionally to force the other to make a mistake
>get a bit bored, decide to go swim in the pool
>she has no swimsuit or bikini, tell her just go in underwear
>she decides she wants to skinny dip instead
>epic loli body, flashing her sweet tight slit to me not giving a fuck
>swim for a bit then get tired and go back inside
>she still nude, i get her a towel
>decide to relax watching a movie
>lay down on bed watching movie, she only covered in the towel
>says her back hurts, lays on her stomach and wants me to massage her to make it better
>get some lotion and start massaging her body
>im hard as diamonds because of her epic body and smooth skin
>cant help but massage her butt and thighs a lot too, she doesnt complain
>at one point she just turns to lay on her back not saying anything

part 2:
>i just continue massaging her legs, stomach and chest
>she just focused on the movie and relaxing
>i rub her now hard nipples a bit while massaging her chest
>she casually spreads her legs a little
>moving my way down her stomach and legs again
>i gently massage inner sides of her thighs moving closer and closer to her pussy
>she still not saying anything just watching movie, moans a little and breaths a bit heavier
>more and more start massaging her pussy too, she gets really wet down there
>at this point one hand gently rubs her pussy and one hand plays with her flat tits
>she now has eyes closed and breaths very heavy, back arched lifting up stomach
>both hands working on her pussy now, gently rubbing and slowly enterting one finger in and out slowly
>finger goes in further and further till i manage to hit her gspot and massage it
>she's super fast breathing now as i masturbate her
>then she twitches, moves up her hips and starts spasming her legs
>she falls back down on the bed exhausted
>i lick my fingers clean
>she opens eyes and smiles, goes back to watching movie
>i leave for bathroom and finish myself, blow huge load in toilet

how fuck am i you think she will tell someone and rat me out?

If it was long ago, you're probably good, if not, get fucked.

May as well just kill yourself now lad, it's better than prison.

She only want be dominated, she excite about your body not about her body.
First she want suck ur dick

nah, your fantasy wont do shit. hint: get a clue what a hymen is and how that prevents reaching the 'g-spot'

Newfags actually believing it's a real story.

Who says she still had her hymen? Who says he didn't break it? Not every girl is even born with a hymen, and they can lose it using sports too. Nothing unusual there.


Assuming the story is real you'll be fine

But then there's the guy who spotted your lie

>But then there's the guy who spotted your lie

there are other discrepancies in the story. but hey i guess you can lay on your back and watch a movie while someone else massages your breasts, maybe


checked and keked

Huh? There are several ways to lay on a bed or even arrange it. Perfectly possible for her to lie in a 90 degree angle so she just needs to tilt her head to the side to watch. It ain't rocket science.

Its fantasy in a fantasy meh

I'd hit it

All of these virgins not knowing how a fucking hymen works. It stretches and only bleed when ripped, also a finger would not break it

i want you to try that with a hurting back


>implying her back actually hurt
>being this naive
You know he said she had deadbeat parents right? She probably just wanted some physical contact because she ain't getting love from her parents.

>trying so hard
100% fake story QED


Hail c'thunlu

only on Sup Forums youd see virgins argue over the realism of a story based on their poor knowledge of biology

of course it's fake but the reasons people give for that are retarded

Do you had 3D?

Are you saying it's somehow impossible to have someone massage your breasts while you're on your back? That makes no sense.



oh it's that time again? didn't give a fuck

you make no sense

>you make no sense
Please learn about basic biology.

Or western no r-34 shit

Seven vajonyas.


thats a peen

You don't have to break the hymen to get inside a vagina, you just have to be careful and gentle.


what the fuck

Nice titties
Exhentai org Sup Forums749715/039e9c9076/
Gomennasai anoko wa toshi dentetsu

more insect/abstract loli



Omg I had orgasm in my mint


yu wat



OP is a Filthy jew probably zionist.



No diaper youtube shit pls


but you want loli

Cool vagina to fuck

how to become a loli

You guys are fucking degenerates, i wish my spidey bretheren tore down this thread


yes yes yes

faggots, who try to hide their pedophile-existence behind "loli"

i want to belive....



does monsters count as loli?

Anyone had 3D, western, 3D western? Mods r slept

only little human girls count as loli


those tentacle teeth though..

Does anyone have a baby JESUS loli?




the hyme is on the inner walls, not a wall it self

where can i find more storys like that

how does one search for this kind of loli?
like on any run of the mil booru site or the like, what tags would you even look for?

google 'asstr ped'



what is this

i like you. i wish more people did what you did instead of posting a whole fucking doujin in the threads.

Zangyaku shuaaan