Eternal /got/ general

Jon Turkgaryen confirmed

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shagydog vs ramsey's trained invincible hounds


jon "small pecker" targaryen confirmed

What has been the best and worst moment of the season?

Best: First Bran flashback
Worst: Dorne

Reminder that Smalljon is putting Ramsay on a ruse cruise.

Osha and Rickon exchanged knowing glances at each other, and made no remarks or anything, staying quiet, even though they should be scared or angry at least with Ramsay fucking shit there and being sold out by the Umbers.

And that wolf head was way too small for Shaggydog. But Ramsay wouldn't know that cause he's never seen a direwolf, unlike Roose, who's conveniently dead.


When did Kevan and Cersei fall out in the show? I remember how it played out in the books but I don't remember much animosity between them in D&D's Circus



also why the fuck did DN delete this article?

heres the original link:

But he looked and acted junior to Dayne

>Here Khaleesi, have your plot armor
Am I supposed to believe khals have some sort of loyalty to each other?


Looks hot to me. Seems like someone is buttblasted

Please shut the fuck up you pathetic mess

>Hey Dabid, should we make the Tower of Joy scene really awesome, have real dialogue, and an amazing fight scene?
>Nah, let's just have 3 different scenes of people asking Arya who she is

what is with all the bad dick jokes this season? every character that used to be "witty" is just straight fooking dumb

So what happened to Jamie's character development? Is it in the same place as Tyrion's?

she a qt tho...

Dogs are afraid of wolfs. They'd shit themselves on mere scent of a dire wolf.

It's d&d on the other hand

Remidnert that there are still bookfags who live in denial of the one CANON ending this show is providing.

Reminder that there are people who didnt root for Jon from the first episode.

nth for Olly

When the sun has set, no candle can replace it

First for a better series

she's worth starting a war over


If jon tugaryn why he brown hair and monget

Promise me, Ned


What the fuck happened to Dorne?

>shaping up to be pretty cool in the books, neat characters and stories
>D&D decide to off myrcella mid conversation for some reason
>confused on where to go from here, they just hit alt+f4 and have the sneks murder everyone

Why waste so much time there if you're just going to kill everyone and ignore it after?

So will Dany get btfo by Jon now as the rightful heir to the iron throne?

who /Arya/ here?

imagine an asoiaf where robert and lyanna married, no rebellion or anything

of course robert would cheat on her, he's already got a bastard of his own, he's going to sleep around. as the years go by, lyanna just wants a man to give her love, to fulfill her womanly needs

but with a husband that's too busy hunting and fucking and drinking, lyanna is alone

she visits winterfell often, as she adores her nieces and nephews (let's just pretend ned is still lord and brandon still died)

and her young nephew especially loves lyanna. robb is always staring at beautiful aunt lyanna, smiling and blushing when she catches him robb grows to be a strong, tall young man, lyanna, still a beautiful woman in her later 30s, starts paying robb a smile or two in return...

anything can happen in the castle of winterfell, it's awfully cold up there after all, and wolves like to keep warm...

Is this a legit theory or just some dumb rambling?

>wolf head too small

Ramsey's dogs can teleport you fool

Promise me, Ned

>child lyanna is brown eyed
>grown lyanna is light eyed


smalljon scene was fucking 5/5

Calm your autism you retard, that's a better casting than most in this show.

That doesn't mean I didn't dream. That means I didn't recall my dreams.

Why are we pretending his scenes aren't the best in the show?

It's always a Jon Snow scene, a Ramsay scene and then 30 minutes of boring filler each and every ep.

This is how big Grey Wind's head was, and Shaggydog would now be even older and larger

Perfectly cast Lyanna desu

so now that bran is an all seeing time travelling god, you think he'd go back in the past and watch his mom have sex with his dad? you think he'd masturbate to that?

Jon is still a bastard

fucking türkroaches everywhere

Yeah, I think it makes sense to have the Umbers take the place of the Manderly's since they're already introduced

Why is no one suprised Jon isnt kill?

Like seriously, even bookfags should be. But its just normal now to bring a fanfavorite back, in the ONE show that kills of fanfavorites left and right?

Lads, can you enlighten me or something like that?

I don't have nearly as much fun with the show as I used to during seasons 1-3.
Did they actually watered it down?

I turned bookfag between 2 and 3 too.

>Reminder that Smalljon is putting Ramsay on a ROOSE cruise.




MFW Bran started the rumor about Jaime being a kingslayer to get back at him for pushing him out the window.

Also, Smalljon not kneeling is actually him honoring the traditions rather than tainting this old tradition with making it part of his ruse. That's just how awesome he is, he doesn't even kneel as a deception.

season 5 ruined everything

>mfw never really liked Stannis
>mfw don't understand the love for the character especially after her burned his kid
>the only time he was cool was when he invaded King's Landing and led the charge
>every other time he was an autistic faggot who let a witch burn people alive

Reminder that last nights episode was boring as shit

You are the cancer that is killing Sup Forums

>I turned bookfag between 2 and 3 too.

Poor soul.

It's legit. Rickon had no reaction to the direwolf head being placed on the table. No tears. No fuck you. No I will kill you. Not one single word. Sansa cursed her father for killing Lady. Rickon would have said something about seeing his dead direwolves head.


Someone post lewd septa unella

You don't think he's coming back in the books?


I feel sorry for this kid.

Promise me, Ned.

Atatürk had light eyes too. It fits. Turks confirmed for whitest of them all. Filthy dark eyed anglos like Kit confirmed for mongrels.

He's Turkish dude gtfo

Friendly reminder the north is inhabited by savages

The Dosh Khaleen returning to Vaes Dothrak was established in the first book, you fucking idiot

people have been predicting he was the prince that was promised since before I can remember.

even when he was dead people still thought that proved the theory even more.

Shut the fuck up you autistic tripfag cunt.


You're sad, really, really sad

>people still the old fart will release another book

Reminder that he ahs to release TWO (!!!)




who is pretending?

>it turns out to be just a continuity error from the prop department
>all of my faces when

It depends. Certain plot lines are more interesting to me than others. Anything with Dany/Khalasars/Meereen is boring as fuck, but I'm enjoying the Wall/North and Kings Landing.

Arya's thing is boring too.

I was excited about Dorne but that's been ruined. Iron Islands seems promising.

so which one of you autists posted that?

D&D realize mediterranean women are by far the hottest in the world

sorry white boi

Why wont they just let jon snow fight against the white walkers alone and if he dies they just resurrect him again?

Sword of the Morning?

More like Lord of the Morning. Martin btfo.

Reminder that Rhaegar is a rapist.

>Rickon and Dickon should both be in this season
>not one of them is a gay emperor of Essos


Also remember that he claimed Jon Snow was leading an army of wildlings.

Where the fuck would he get that idea from, since Thorne had plans that didn't involve the other lords support, and the Wildlings are still close enough to castle black for Ed to leave and return quickly?
Sounds more like a Umber Ruse to me

Perhaps you should read the fucking books?

only ugly people can be judged for rape

They used to be great, we see too much of him now to be a great villain

>because Dayne had armor and a big fucking sword

No Jon, yuo are teh cancer.

She has the looks, doesn't matter where she's from. And she resembles JenCon.

Season 5, Kevan kind gets fed up with her shit.

>Best in the show

Yeah, How about fucking not?

This website is 18+ mate

Kit has really dark hair for a white guy too

I guess that's why they went with a turk

reminder that bran wargs into rhaegar at harrenhal and rapes lyanna

I'd totally JUST my dynasty up to fulfill prophecy with her.

What a boring episode. The only thing that I liked was how cute astonished Mel looked. And the only things that I didn't like were smug Ned and shrinking Shaggy.

>tfw you will never be a degenerate tyrell that's been having boytoy squires fuck your ass all your life only to be imprisoned by a religious dominatrix who rides your drugged up erect cock yelling 'SHAME' at you while you weep and have her bounce on you, her dominant ass straddling you hard while you take it

>who are you?

A waste of a ton of air time.

This was a great fight scene, all 4 of them were actually attacking at once, not just standing around like in some hokey kung fu movie. As soon as there was space to start swinging, they took it.