How did we go from this

How did we go from this...

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to this

To this

shit forced meme

By firing William Hobbs

The action scenes have always been terrible. Not until a few seasons in did they finally make good action scenes in the north thanks to Kit Harrington being able to swing a sword with some god damn strength and determination.

The majority of the sword fights in the series are so god damn slow and obviously choreographed.

Tower of Joy was literally prequel-tier Lucasification. Prequels always suck.

>we want the dark souls audience

I don't understand why the fuck they decided that holding swords with 2 hands was for losers and now they all do a bunch of clumsy one handed swinging with the other arm just flapping around at their side.

honestly, i was expecting the sand snakes shit from the last season

The Oberyn/Mountain fight was excellent, although I guess it doesn't really count as a swordfight. I don't understand why the showrunners don't use stunt doubles for more of these fight scenes, that's part of what made the Oberyn fight so great and the Sand Snakes fight so awful

>dual wielding in Dark Souls
Keep your shield up or I'll ring your head like a bell

Only using one sword isn't very good which is why (asides from Japan for some reason) everyone would either use a sword and shield or two swords. It really is just better.

>or two swords

Nobody did this. Dual wielding like we see Dayne do it in the show is hilariously impractical.

And let's not forget that all the "big battles" in the first couple seasons consisted of fading to black and fading back in on some lawn with three horses and two guys in armor lying around. It's a pretty bad show but don't pretend that it's ever been great.

But that's wrong.

Miyamoto Musashi, the greatest swordsman to ever live dual wielded and won over 60 duels

webs get out

We aren't including fictional characters in this discussion user, keep anime to Sup Forums

>Parrying with the edge of your sword

disgusting, they've never cared about the choreography from the start

A shield is better in open combat. A sword on its own is more practical for walking around day-to-day, or in some specialised fencing styles which emphasise grappling. Nobody who has the faintest clue how to fight would ever try wielding a weapon in each hand. It simply doesn't work.

>The action scenes have always been terrible.
I agree. But until the end of season 1, we only had 3 or 4 short and decent action scenes: Forel training Arya, Lord Stark fighting the Kingslayer, Drogo versus another guy and probably another I can't remember.

he dual wielded a katana and a wakizashi which was the size of a dagger basically

bronn fighting that knight was pretty good

Sword of the Stranger was top notch film

Nobody did this? Dueling with two swords is universally seen as better than just one. Even for warfare it was sword and shield and not just a sword. Using only a two handed sword is just a meme. Outside of Japan it just didn't really happen.

What we see him doing is stupid, but that's because it's a tv show, not because using two swords is stupid. Most of the fighting in the show is bullshit.

That's not saying much. The Japanese weren't that great at sword fighting. There is a reason that why all the documentation of duels between Dutch sailors and Japanese have the Japanese almost always losing. Their fighting style is very impracticable, and they are stupid for refusing to use shields or to duel wield.

He also lived in 16th century Japan, meaning he never came up against anyone who'd studied a fencing style which wasn't designed for a grossly inferior quality of weapon. All this weeb shit is a meme, the greatest traditional martial arts have always been found in Europe. You don't get good at fighting by isolating yourself in a peaceful and homogenous island chain, you do it by sharing the same continuous landmass with warlike tribes who want you dead.

Using one long and one short weapon was common in europe too, rapier and dagger dueling is a think.

It was standard practice for continental Europeans to carry two swords. I would say a fuck load of people who know a lot about fencing used two swords.

>peaceful and homogenous island chain

Japan began to be somewhat peaceful during the 1800s, Before that everyone wanted something from someone

I challenge you to find a single example of someone dual-wielding effectively in history. I won't even constrain you to swords - guns, maces, axes, anything. Go find one that wasn't either horribly ineffective or pure vanity. Our brains can't multi-task effectively, our eyes can't focus independently, even our hands are hilariously asymmetrical in their dexterity. It's twice as many weapons as we can effectively keep track of at once.

>parrying dagger

choose one

Bit of a stretch to call that a sword. They were typically called parrying daggers.

This fight really triggered me
>dayne is lmao2swords
>choreography is awfu, goons were standing around waiting for their turn to swing at dayne
>Ned isn't completely shit at fighting
>holding back on revealing r+l=j when they went ahead and revealed the nights king like it was nothing
Fucking D&d

Miyamoto Musashi. There you go, I gave you exactly what you asked for.


You're thinking of parrying daggers. They existed, but their function was more akin to a shield than anything else. The crossguard would trap the enemy's weapon, and the blade was there to give you enough leverage to wrench it out of their hand or even break it if need be.
You could stab someone with it in a pinch, but it was neither designed nor commonly used for that.

>rapier and dagger

Yeah, i never said it was a sword.

So a half-mythical account of one man in a society which couldn't produce iron worth forging into a decent sword, with a martial culture that was mostly ceremonial by that point. I was thinking something that demonstrates that dual-wielding is a good idea.

isn't dueling just a pastime for faggots who can't take a joke?

how did it fare in war?

>parrying dagger
Calling it a dagger in this context is disingenuous. It was a defensive implement like a shield, which I believe we already agreed was a thing.

>sword and parrying dagger
We're not talking about a sword and a shield here, we're talking about two swords like dayne

You literally asked for a single example and I gave you your single example. Don't complain that I fulfilled your request exactly. If you aren't happy with the answer it is your fault for asking the request.

>Shield and heavy armor in bloodborne souls

Enjoy your stamina drain, fat rolls, 10% extra damage reduction, and equip load management. I'll be over here abusing Iframes and >30% fast rolling.

Duel wielding in actual warfare didn't happen. Everyone used shields though so it still never just two handed swords.

Now you're just being anal. It's called rapier and dagger, parrying dagger is implied but you don't need to write it out every time. Stop trying to show off the fact that you know the purpose of a parrying dagger. This is like the third time you throw it out ITT isn't it? Want a fucking medal?

Duelling was always good practice for war. The style of duel adapted to the nature of war at the time.
Rapier fencing like you're probably thinking of was a late/post medieval thing. At the height of gothic plate's popularity, swordfighting was more about bludgeoning your way through steel armour, which left basically no room for anything like that to be useful. Then firearms came along and made plate armour more-or-less obsolete. People stopped wearing it, suddenly speed was more important than force in fencing, and rapiers/epees/etc became king.

I'm throwing it out because you don't seem to understand. In no way, shape, or form was it even remotely comparable to the "hurr two swords" shit we saw in the last episode.

Thought it was great

you lot hated it before it even happened

dual wielding is better for defense against multiple opponents than a single sword. just because a technique happens to be fun and looks awesome doesn't mean it's immediately unrealistic, stop spasming over the most trivial things

i shudder to even think what would happen if the show depicts half-swording at some point

If you really think fighting with two swords is practical then your retarded

A more appropriate question springs to mind:

Why the fuck is Ser Arthur Dayne 'the Sword of the Morning' not fighting with his legendary valyrian steel GREATSWORD 'Dawn' and instead pretending to be a third rate Drizzt by dueling with 2 equal length swords?

Him not having Dawn makes Ned not visit the Tower of Joy to return it afterwards.

Pre Meji restorationJapan was carved up by war lords at constant war with each other.

Post Meji restoration japan was a neocolonial empire with one of the most aggressive foreign policies in the world.

It wasn't until their defeat in WWII and they were rebuilt in the west's image that they actualy became "peaceful"

Why do we need another thread about bookfags autists crying about pointless shit from their non-canon source?

I'd actually cream myself if they did half-swording. Shit's cool as fuck, and horribly under-represented. There seems to be this taboo of "don't touch the blade" by people who forget that it isn't Star Wars and severely overestimate how sharp those blades were.

What the fuck? You're confused nigger. I only said that rapier and dagger was a thing, and yes they are daggers not swords. Never once did i imply they were swords. With a picture that clearly indicated that you use the dagger to parry and close a line. I think it's redundant to get into details about it based on the picture.

Why would you want to use a knife to parry anyway. Wouldn't a buckler/small shield be better. You can even bash people with it.

Here's a hint. If your technique revolves around your opponents attacking you in sync (or if you're trying to solo multiple opponents at once, to be honest) you're already fucked. Life is not power rangers. You take on more than one guy by yourself, you'll get dogpiled and your head kicked in. If you're outnumbered like that, you swallow your pride and run.

That's a good trick.

Miyamoto Musashi did sometimes

How come no one ever fought with two shields?

The crossguard was typically swept sharply forwards to form a kind of trident. It requires much better coordination than a buckler, but it allows you to trap your opponent's blade rather than just deflecting it. If you can twist it out of their hands, you've as good as one. Also, who needs to bash when your "shield" doubles as a shiv.

Animu duels> current GoT desu senpai.
Best duel was Boromir vs that Egyptian god.

You can control opponents sword better with dagger if I remember right.

Advantage of a dagger compared to buckler is both that it's easier to carry with you and a buckler can actually limit your visibility. I've been doing saber fights against sword and buckler and you can often trick them by pulling shit they can't see to surprise them. Daggers don't obscure your vision as much. And you can use them to catch and manipulate the opponents blade instead of just bouncing off.

Sword and buckler is very useful though, probably better if you're facing multiple opponents, but in a one on one a dagger can give though the defense you need.

Rapiers are pretty shit if you're facing more than one opponent in general.

.... I haven't seen the show but don't tell me the one who is dual wielding was supposed to be Arthur Dayne.

They really didn't make the most graceful and legendary swordsman a duel wielding idiot did they?

>who needs to bash when your "shield" doubles as a shiv.

The dagger was used as a defensive weapon. It can be used to attack when the opportunity arise, but it's main purpose was deflecting or blocking an attack, like the first pic depicts. It was like a buckler

Pfft. Dayne wasn't no Grevious.

Because the Confused Turtle build is only a good idea if you want to preserve your aesthetics by training both arms at an equal pace.

Because Game of Thrones is no longer an unpredictable story, it's becoming incredibly formulaic. Dual wield is what the normies think is cool, fuck realistic combat.

they did indeed do that

It should be pointed out that parrying daggers never saw use in actual warfare (as far as I know, feel free to provide a source that says otherwise)
Reason being, it doesn't matter how good your weapon is at parrying, it won't do anything to stop an arrow. You'd be a fool to walk onto a battlefield and leave yourself exposed like that.

Especially the one legendary swordsman who did have a legendary greatsword.

Also because every possible advantage of that was already exploited to the greatest extent by the Roman tetsudo formation. Two shields doesn't compare to shields all around you and spears poking between them.

>1 second shots showing no actual hits or anything
>one guy jumping around like darth maul on crack
>other guy swinging a few times and missing
the prosthetics and exploded head were top notch though

>you'll get dogpiled

Well why do you think they didn't dogpile? Because no one wants to run in and die first.

>Dual wield is what the normies think is cool, fuck realistic combat.

A fitting epitaph.

Shields can double as weapons/blades. And can have just as much, if not more length than a sword. Just curious why no one ever mixed plate armor like this with two fuck huge shields.

I loved those cartoons. Shaak Ti was a real QT 3.14, and the fights were completely over the top.

Only works for so long. As soon as one of them gets their nerve up or you engage with one, the rest will most likely take the opportunity to rush you. I get why movies and TV shows do it, and I've known people who actually could pull it off, but this is just a PSA to say that you shouldn't try it.

>I haven't seen the show

Then fuck off. We don't need opinions from retards who read the non-canon source.

>Nobody did this? Dueling with two swords is universally seen as better than just one.

Dueling with two swords is fucking stupid, that's why nobody ever did it in history.

>Even for warfare it was sword and shield

Yes, this is what pretty much everyone used.

He used a sword and a dagger, that's completely different. And even that's not seen as "universally better", you sacrifice a lot of protection that you would get with a shield, and in an actual battle (with large numbers of soldiers involved and arrows/spears flying around all over the place) a shield makes much more sense.

Looks like Dayne had the high ground.

Grievous dual wielding actually made sense because he has robot arms so normal things like needing to shift his body weight to strike don't apply to him.

>“I looked for you on the Trident,” Ned said to them.
>“We were not there,” Ser Gerold answered.
>“Woe to the Usurper if we had been,” said Ser Oswell.
>“When King's Landing fell, Ser Jaime slew your king with a golden sword, and I wondered where you were.”
>“Far away,” Ser Gerold said, “or Aerys would yet sit the Iron Throne, and our false brother would burn in seven hells.”
>“I came down on Storm's End to lift the siege,” Ned told them, and the Lords Tyrell and Redwyne dipped their banners, and all their knights bent the knee to pledge us fealty. I was certain you would be among them.”
>“Our knees do not bend easily,” said Ser Arthur Dayne.
>“Ser Willem Darry is fled to Dragonstone, with your queen and Prince Viserys. I thought you might have sailed with him.”
>“Ser Willem is a good man and true,” said Ser Oswell.
>“But not of the Kingsguard,” Ser Gerold pointed out. “The Kingsguard does not flee.”
>“Then or now,” said Ser Arthur. He donned his helm.
>“We swore a vow,” explained old Ser Gerold.
>Ned’s wraiths moved up beside him, with shadow swords in hand. They were seven against three.
>“And now it begins,” said Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning. He unsheathed Dawn and held it with both hands. The blade was pale as milkglass, alive with light.
>“No,” Ned said with sadness in his voice. “Now it ends.”

Meanwhile in the show.

>mfw I see a knight dual wielding


That knight didnt use his shield at all, he could just hold it in front of him and pressure bronn where he wanted him to go instead of flailing angrily

Literally anything would have been better in your off hand than another sword

A shield
A parrying dagger
A rock

Heck even just having an empty hand would be better, you could use it to keep your balance and grapple

Having a second sword offers no advantages whatsoever

>mountain fighting the hound

how could you forget this?!?

Jesus christ that Sheev. Absolutely amazing.

How does it feel to know littlefinger is not only a better fighter, but even duel wields better than arthur fucking dayne

The best thing they did is cut all that boring shit.

Meanwhile in the non-canon books.

Pretty sure he was getting pissed that Bronn kept back peddaling and throwing shit in the way. Also he did use his shield and almost pushed Bronn out the moon door.

>tfw S1 choreography is gone forever

White bois mad af that the best swordsman in history was japanese

a main gauche is a thing for a reason user

granted two longswords would be retarded

holy shit that writing is genuinely terrible
do you people take this seriously?

Wow, you totally rekt me. Because I was definitely talking about Bloodborne a second ago

>steady camera pulled far enough back to see the action
>few cuts
>rapier fighting

>mfw Owen Wilson survived and quips the entire time