Rate my 4th of july dinner

rate my 4th of july dinner

I'm so jealous. Dinner in bath?! Thats crazy!

10/10 with rice

show dick, dinner i would rate a solid 7/10

Tits or gtfo

do u got a kik bb gurl?

Had fun with razors there edgelord?

dont you mean your scars

Here, have a cat, i hope everything gets better

>post any random image of any random female
>imply you are female in image
>wait 0.03 seconds
>290 lonely, gullible spergs appear and spend the next hour screaming for tits, timestamps and sharpies in poopers


Let's see those scars

Down the highway, not across the street. No one gives a shit about your marks you dumb bitch.

More like "Look at my scars." fuck off nigger

more like rate my cuts


Looks bloody good

obvious bait is obvious

I can't believe America is 2016 years old today! Happy Birthday USA!

you must have an angry cat?

>because you're TOTALLY talking to the girl in the photo right now!

i like your scars :)


Ever heard of reverse Google search?

More like r8 my b8 m8

cut for biebs is still on apparently

Tasty I guess. More of a Yakisoba person myself

Femanons get 290 virgins in the afterlife, if suicided by cutting.

attention whore


i'd fuck you op and im not half bad looking.
thats something to look up about.


exactly what you deserve/10


Kill yourself OP

i use to cut... rough times


Getting ready for my get

What was the purpose of your post again?

What was the purpose of your faggot?
Kill yourself

God you're so fucking deep. So torn up inside.

Fuck off

If 999999
OP has to kill himself for pretendIng to be a girl

Respect self an get out bath an preen self an stop being the NEG You ok ..
an them scares are nothing ok .. an lets stop sharing them OK I hate this OKEY!!!

Pretty sure it was to tell you that you're making an ass of yourself if you think OP and the girl in that bath are the same person.

holy shit. that's hot. wanna fuck?

You suck at shaving OP.


but i saw it on the internet. its true. checkk too


It's not called reverse Google search.

You must be fucking stupid if you attempted to suicide so many times. It's not that difficult m8



I had a bowl of gravy with some pepper

Thats a lot of different shades of lipstick you've tried out.

ITT: Idiots.

Rate my 4th of July dinner

10/10 Just about to go to my neighbors and grill some filet Mignon

Do you even know how to use a fucking razor blade?

10/10 would fuck the shit out of that steak

Nothing on the sides?

fuck your sides faggot vegetarian

You want appetizer burger too fuck amerifat? Maybe wheelbarrow salad and garbage bin of soup? Then eat steaks amerifat. Have side of plate of spagetti and litre of gravy. Desert is whole wedding cake, juat for you amerifat.

yeah some asparagus would be nice

Im European

"wheel barrow of salad:......"garbage bin of soup"........where are you getting these units of measures from?

Whoa there, angry shitskin detected. Just because we can afford to eat more than one meal a day don't be butt hurt

Budget cuts kek