Everyone will be gone tonight while I'm alone at home. Today would be the best day to end it don't you agree...

Everyone will be gone tonight while I'm alone at home. Today would be the best day to end it don't you agree? Any bit of help will be appreciated

Other urls found in this thread:



Do it

Don't do it man, its not worth it. If you feel like nothing now, your death will be all for nothing. Don't be stupid

Op here nice papu Frank vid apparently it didn't post the title in trying to find a way to break the gun safe open. Inside is my parents .45 ruger.

Op, don't do it.
Why anyway? Did you think of what it feels like to other people when they come home seeing your dead?

You need to fucking dust...

any updates?

Live stream it on YouNow please!

Op here no new news yet they haven't left they are getting ready to go to our family's Fourth of July party. About the dusting yeah the room has been getting refurbished and shit so no one has been in there.

And about what about the family and shit tbh I've been waiting for a good opportunity and right now sounds like the best time to do it


Sup Forumsro, I've been there as many of us probably have. Don't do it, there's no reason to, the depression is plaguing your mind and making you think that's the best course of action.

You feel you have nothing to live for, you're already dead. So go, go somewhere, anywhere, go do SOMETHING you think you'll enjoy, take risks, do stupid shit for the hell of it, if you're already dead on the inside then you dying while taking risks and having fun wouldn't matter at all, I don't know where you'll go or what you'll do to get away from life, but good luck Sup Forumsrother.

A stupid question. Why you wanna do it?

DON'T DO IT! pls


Along, not across the river you fag

No one has ever really an heroed after asking for advice.

Live, OP! You deserve a long, dreary life of despair for your shitposting.

>all these normalfags
No one cares if you do or don't. Unless you stream it.


i agree with you

Pack your car full of propane tanks and crash into the Westboro Baptist Church.

An hero and be a hero.

Looking at that picture i can tell that you have a much better life than me, i can also tell you're an attention-hungry faggot since you cut yourself.

I was going to argue that you shouldn't kill youserlf, but you really should.

Try to kiss an oncoming train, fastest death possible without a gun.

>Captcha: Trains

If you've never actually cut shut your god damn mouth you mouth-breathing subhuman.

>Cutting is for attention.
So many fucking people believe this and it's bull-fucking-shit.

Take a bunch of pills if you can't open the safe, the more the better, take everything

Why do it? Constantly allying jobs for none of them to stick. Constantly having to deal with no money and all the problems of life. I'm barely 19 and I want to fucking leave. I don't see the point or see the possibility of getting passed it.

Why would you cut if you're not trying to results, cock gobbler?


You cut for the relief, if you think everyone cuts for attention then you're fucking retarded.

Cutting sideways is.

Already tried pills took three bottles of antidepressants and my brother walked in. Train would be idiotic not really wanting the fam to see me in pieces. At least with the .45 it'll be quick and there's no turning back

Who wants to die in a dirty house?

For gods sake run a duster round before you go out, place is a shit tip.

>You cut for the relief
Oh look, the argument that's put forth by every attention whore emo teen ever... until they admit it was for attention.

No it isn't, when you're cutting you're cutting for relief not to fucking commit suicide. That's the thing, most people think if you're even cutting you're doing it for attention, most people do it across the street for relief, they're not trying to actually kill themselves unless they cut up a large vein.

100% this.

DO IT, fat ass! nobody cares about you and they never will

Relief? If you want relief, suck on the end of a shotgun, or eat aspirin like you're going for the high score in pacman. If you're making little slits on your arm and calling it relief, you're just a sad pathetic fuck who probably gets their ass beat daily and looks like a member of good Charlotte, oh, and you probably talk shit online and torture small animals. Bottom line, don't be a pussy, either get your shit together or end it.

Drown yourself in the memory foam

Oh I wouldn't kill myself in the house fuck no. There's an abandoned lot not too far from here. And the one saying cutting is a relief he/she is right it's a controlled pain that lets you escape. I found my boxcutters so I'll start with that any requests?

Relief? what do they have? high blood pressure?

the fact that the last three letters are kys

The reason you think everyone that cuts does it for attention is because YOU ONLY SEE THE CUTS OF THE PEOPLE THAT DO IT FOR ATTENTION, christ, how thick is your fucking skull, the people that do it for relief don't show people them and you'd mostly never know they did you fucking retard.

Don't an hero yourself and if you must then livestream it.

can confirm, always wearing long sleeves

They are still here. Waiting for them to leave. For the record I don't hurt small animals but am "fat"

Satan go to the beach. There you will find a proper answer

Have you ever had crippling depression? You ever had cancer? You ever wanted to end your own fucking life? Probably not so shut the fuck up nigger.

was about to write the same, gj user

We've seen a lot in this thread, thanks for saying i'm right.

Yeah not for attention I wore long sleeves daily

Why not cut your legs instead.

find a long pin and put it through your arm. it has to go completely through


acessibility, can barely reach them

Cut fag in your arm, over the timestamp, deep, and underline it

How is that?

cut your testicles

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...

It's not for attention when they're posting online ANONYMOUSLY you fuck-wit, your brain is the equivalent of a weapons grade plum.

Noone but your mommy fucking cares if/why you cut yourself. You keep saying "we do it for the relief" which is obviously bait. You really want someone to ask "relief from what?" So you can spew all your fucking whiny ass emo bullshit all over everyone.

Jesus christ, cutterfag and op, do the world a fucking favor and slice deeper with the fucking vein next time. Maybe we can get a two for one deal here.

If you ever really wanted to end your own life you would have done it, it's not hard at all. There's a reason we need to fight to survive, and it's that death is the easiest thing you could ever accomplish.

>I cut for attention
>But then i grew out of my teens and realize how ccringy i am
>Now i only use them to get attention on the internet
>So they were never about attention
Here's you (you), faggot.

...how fat are you?

Fat and very low flexibility, I cut myself mostly on the bathroom for easier cleanup, usually in the shower, I cant bend down enough to cut myself in the leg while standing in the shower, and not enough room to sit down either

OP here, i decided not to kill myself and instead change my life for the better. Now streaming my community service to help those who need it.

I can't tell if all these people claiming to know about cutting are trolling or just retarded.

TRIP 666!
>And the one saying cutting is a relief he/she is right it's a controlled pain that lets you escape

Dude you literally started a thread on Sup Forums to take pictures of yourself cutting since people IRL aren't noticing your cuts and giving you sympathy. You might not be consciously doing this for attention, but believe me, you are clearly cutting for attention

trips don't lie


>Implying there's anything else than retarded trolls on Sup Forums

any requests?
Cut x on left palm Satan.

Down the stream. Not across the river.


120 kg last I checked, won some weight though

So cutting reliefs you? Kek, yeah you are this stupid, can you drink Bleach for a better relief?

I'm sorry to hear that user. But being fat and inflexible can be fixed. It's hard work, but it's definitely possible.

I guess I sometimes forgot that people who are severely depressed look out for each other whereas everyone else just tries to be edgy 15 year olds.

>I found my boxcutters so I'll start with that any requests?

Carve "fatass faggot" into any body part you are able to reach.

Cut 666 in your arm please

get one of pic related and put your box cutter in it

So I'm not cutting on my wrists I will on my thighs . Op here and I don't have any anime pictures so I'll prove its me with time stamps I'll cut fag and underline it on my left thigh anything else?

Now you HAVE to OP

Holy fuck I cannot believe I got a trips 6 I'll do it on my thigh as well

Requesting that you stream your suicide OP

Some ppl just jerk off that relieves you too

I called an x on your palm 1st faggot.

I'm showing my kid this so don't disappoint us.

Yeah cut this on the other leg: mom, i could be a better person, but i am too fucking lazy and a loser so in killing myself"

OP here, I chickened out and came to my senses. What was I even doing here? People need me to go and help them. I will now go and be a productive member of society.

put something in your ass

if you kill yourself I will be very upset.

Everybody who cuts does it for attention. The only people who don't do it for attention have a legitimate mental disorder and are usually admitted to a mental hospital due to other symptoms like dissociative personality, signs of psychosis, etc.
You're doing it for attention.
You're also posting on Sup Forums for attention. You're hoping people will comment "Don't do it, your life is valuable"
Instead of that, let me give you some real advice; fuck you. You're being a selfish prick. If you want to take your own life, by all means, take it. But don't drag us into it. You already mentioned you have parents. No matter what you think, I guarantee they love you.

Picture this for a moment: your funeral. Everybody who would be there. How they would feel, knowing you committed suicide.

How horrible they would feel. How devastated your parents would be.
Stop being an edgy, selfish, stupid motherfucker and actually work for your goals. If you don't have any goals? Make some. Get the fuck off of my Sup Forums, faggot.

>"hurr durr cutters dont do it for attention"
>"here's some timestamped pics what should i cut into myself?"
>gonna kill myself tomorrow nlha blah

shit thread, retard confirmed. abandon the tard

why? he's a fat lonely loser, let him end his misery

Smoke some weed, and get some xanax, i hope you get a nice night asshole. and dont kill yourself idiot, if you kill yourself the anal rapists win (And also the people that condemn you to eternal loneliness)

Talking at losers like you're the king of Sup Forums?
Reputation? We're all user's here.
Everyone's a fucking no-one and this bullshit is as lame now as the first time I read it.
Just tell him to do himself, that's the way of the chan.
Do it user, like Nike, Just Do It!

Just do it pussy coward , do it fast dont feel any pain end your life and finally be in peace !

you have been fished by low quality bait

i think it goes something like "down the street, not across the road.." idk, you may be doing it wrong tho.

op, I think this guy wants to have buttsecks with your corpse

They haven't left yet I will only respond with my time stamps. Yes x on Palm seems dope 666 is next then fag. The left thigh note will take time but I'm not tripping

If i wasnt a mexican maybe i would spend my day with youand maybe, even maybe share my weed with you so you stop whinning on Sup Forums, make your live better, spend this day improving yourself so the next 4 of july dont spend it on Sup Forums