Will you do it Sup Forums?

will you do it Sup Forums?

i would help that glorious angel back up.

Long live the king

I'd help that piece of shit. rich as fuck and might be president. who better to owe you their life?

save the president of the united states of course. without trump we will never make america great again.

I'd help him. I wouldn't be able to live knowing I let anyone die.

Man, I want bed sheets that look like an overhead view of NYC. That concrete blanket is pretty badass too.

Step on fingers

You live in ny too user?

Being the person who killed donald trump is way worse than being the person who saved donald trump. Prison is worse than freedom.

Help him up .
Then THROW his cheeto colored ass off

Freak the fuck out, im scared of heights.

Jump off

/thread who else is going to make America great again?

Help him up and gently Tell him to Sign a contract giving me 300 Million dollars if he doesn't want to go back to the ledge.

No fam, the fucker must weigh 300lbs if he's an ounce. No point him taking me off the edge with him. Let it go, let it go

welcome to Sup Forums! I advice you to "lurk" the threads before you post! I'm sure you dont wanna stand out between all the experienced people here!

Jerk off and bust in his face while he hangs on for deer life

take him home and love him tenderly


Save him, for Jesus is love.

Save the fucker, hate him or love him, that is one rich cunt owing their life to you, shit could be good to cash in on when you need it

>deer life

You smell more new than him, grow up faggot

In the hope he would pay me some money for saving his life I'd help him up. If he doesn't give me anything atleast there will be less mexicans.

I would jump

Yes, I'd do it. I'd save him, handshake him firmly, look him straight in the eyes with confidence and say "Let's make America great again, pal!"

>deer life
What kind of faggot are you?

Hang with him

Viva Mexico!!!!
*Step on his fingers*

Do you hate wildlife?


That's fucking racist man. I'm mexiCAN!

Implying an angel can't fly

Oh deer Jesus no

Jesus you sound like a huge faggot.

negotiate the price

Make a deal

we should test this

Can you please lick my ass as well?

fuck you ill strangle you with my bear hands

I'd take his hand, pull him up to safety, and shed a single tear while saying "make america great again, fearless leader."

everyone else in here with their douchey edgy hurrr hurrr let him fall bullshit.

when in reality you save him you can pretty much write your ticket and be set for life wether he wins the election or not.

any idea for a company or product you ever have you have guaranteed investors. even more when you make him attach his name to it for the publicity.

if he wins you tell him to get ready with that presidential pardon because you're gonna falsify stocks and move tons of cocaine.

be realistic b

>will you do it Sup Forums?
*stomp* *stomp* AIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!................*THUD*

I'm a goddamn motherfucking PATRIOT, I am..

Then I go vote for the Libertarian candidate. Because Hillary fucking SCARES me..

give him a small loan of $1 million

ITT: Ameritards thinking they have someone worth voting for in 2016.

Before or after you let him cuck you for life and deposit his orange semen into your asshole?

since i bought this at a gig yesterday...
no answer needed.

If he just won the election: STOMPA< STOMPA those little cheetos fingers
If he lost: help him up and watch him cry about the "rigged system"

pull him back up. tell him ive seen things his people wouldn't believe. die.

i would try to help him like I would anyone.

Before and after

Fuck it, I'd help him up. Only true assholes let anyone fall. And let's face it, Libtards saying they'd let him fall are fuckin' hypocrites.

Ewe couldn't live without me

I would take a dump in his face. If he didn't let go afterwards I could possibly think on not stepping on his fingers.

Keep pissing on his face.

Piss then shit on him, post video on Sup Forums

I'd lay a chocolate finger right on his face

I would help him up because im not a liberal cuck

HAY, no need to threaten me

Help him up and save 'Merica...happy 4th niggers

I think he's a fucknugget. But I wouldn't let him die.

>ITT: Ameritards thinking they have someone worth voting for in 2016.
Not all of us. I don't like or trust either Trump or Clinton and refuse to vote for either one of them for POTUS in September, I'll vote for a 3rd-party candidate instead as a protest of being presented with such shit-tier candidates.

Are you British? If so then STFU, your politics have Yakity Sax playing in the background even more than ours do, so you have NO room to talk.

Holy fucking kek

Underrated post

kek fucking newfag

I think thats actually Hoboken. I buried some dead hobos in that vacant lot back in '79

you are probably some poor fuck from Florida or Cali who has never held a long term job in there life. gtfo u parasitic shit.

In all honesty I'd save him, the guys fucking loaded. never paying for anything for the rest of my life sounds nice.

Found all the cucks and full autistic niggers

I'd tell him he's fired.

fucking jewfag niggercunt doublenigger polish asshole licking lawnmower blade rubbing cock breathing piece of insignificant newfag trash. gtfo my Sup Forums
_cereal man


Found your mom, she says you should go to bed, it's past your sleep time sweety

They're touring Europe atm, you dumb fuck.

depends how much he weighs?

I would jump.

>Small gift of $1,000,000 for saving him
Fuck yeah. I'd pull him up so quickly that my fucking grandkids would be born with a hernia.

Nothing, eat umm... Doritos... And... Drink... Mtn dew...

I seriously doubt he has liquid assets that could afford $1M USD, all so-called 'businessmen' like him are only worth $$$ on paper.

Oh yeh well I found ur dad and he says ur a bigger fag than he is

Citation needed

are you really asking me if i'd save a billionaires life?

don't 360 noscope my future prez ples?

Are you really asking him if he's asking you that

I don't have to provide 'citations' for my opinions so suck my dick faggot

Yeah, like anybody would risk their skin to pull his fat ass back up. He's got to be pushing 300 lbs, no fucking way I would try. I'd be like "Hold on Donny, I'm calling 911!" Maybe feed him a cheeseburger to keep his strength up.

Ooooh, we'll done m8, only you could have pulled a good one like that. Should contact you so you for tuition. Btw, your mom was very clear

Another internet victory for me then

It's simple, really.

he would have had to do something bad to end up on this ledge

>Btw, your mom was very clear
Btw, your dad was very queer

>only chops one hand off
>throws axe away
>other hand still gripping firmly
too easy

Nice quads, friend

curse strikes again..

Another wild cuck appears.

How did you so badly misinterpret this image. What a waste of quads.

Out skilled

thanks m8e. i got them just for you, faggot!

I'd be happy to save him for a large amount of money but the problem is that I wouldn't trust him to keep the promise. Therefore, I'd just let him hang or push him off (because lulz).

Yeah sure you win 100% of ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you pathetic excuse for a homo sapien. Buzz off, hominid.