Write three words coming out of your mind when see this photo

write three words coming out of your mind when see this photo

or else your dog will run away

kill all niggers

Sage in all fields

I like turtle

three is now four

I blame the obama mama! Shes got some great porn pics though....

Pirate hooker black

Pirate. Nigger. Jim Carrey.

Little pirate niggers

Gone for cigarettes.

West African Child

Don't have dog

Pirates of Somalia

Nigger coalburner chin

didnt do nuffin

ah hoy nigger

I don't have a dog

Escape from basement

Frank Marshall Davis.

someone post her wins? I've not seen them in a while

stole my bike

pirate nigger mom

What the fuck

I'm mad. I'm furious. I felt compelled to watch that whole gif.
> cannot unsee

Obama and mama


Kill him now

we adopted him

disgusting coal burner

Blacked single mom

I wanna fuck

Fuck! that chin...

I must see

Worst depp ever

Chin, (crooked) sword, mustache

Nasty nigger baby

Haus von Habsburg

non sympathetic adoption

What the fuck

Not my pupper..

Big nigga Jimmie

kid's hot mum?

ass nigger doggystyle

The girl's hot

Plundering ye booty

My dog is already dead, but here goes;

>Fucking coalburner whore.