These Fuckers Just Won't Learn

These Fuckers Just Won't Learn.

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Holy shit, its actually coming true.

I though his channel would rise slowly again but 200k dorp. Jesus.


From the looks of it you do gave a shit

>April 1.65 million subs
>July: 1.4 million subs


It's like watching a tumor slowly going through Kemo



what a bearded faggot, someday he will not be able to delude himself about his life and kill himself.

wow im retarded

dubs that he'll die due to a cocaine overdose





All Keem does is kill his lively hood. First with F@G, now with DramaAlert. What's next?

Double doubles, fukken KILL CONFIRMED

Can anyone explain what they did to deserve this? I dont pay attention

he talks like a fag and his shits all retarded

GnomeStar has done a shit ton but here are just a few things. Anyone with anything else can add
>Reported that a 62 year old pedophile was streaming on Twitch then proceeded to link the wrong Twitch account, making the old guy cry on stream
>Said he couldn't wait to report TotalBiscuit's death
>Called Pyrocynical a furry and a pedophile (He changed the girl's age twice from 15 to 14 then to 13) then proceeded to post a picture of his face from his private Facebook
>When people call him out on his shit he puts on a victim act


everyone who cares about any of this shit is

this will help explain.

Now for a real response i will ignore you.

So i asked a legit question and you answer it with a leafy video?
The fuck i actually want an answer without being diagnosed with cancer.

its the only to answer it brah, that is this post

To think I was once a fan of his

Same, I'm glad that the drama can down die down on youtube.

Fucking faggot posts this every single night
>"its happening xDD!!! OMG!!!! XD"
Nothings happening, kid is just whoring out for views and subs.

like every other person on the internet.

This: pretty much is the answer though, you faggot. He's basically every 12-year-old's white trash idol.

Like why does anyone give a fuck about this

Just let him make his videos, they are just entertainment.

Speaking of that age change thing, did anyone ever think that Keemstar might have just forgotten the girl's age?

I mean, it's not that hard to forget the age of someone you don't really know.

If it was solid info, he would have kept the age the same. Plus it seems like the lower the age, the worse it sounds. What's gonna make someone look awful? Having sex with a 15 year old girl or a 9 year old girl? Both are awful but there would be an even bigger negative reaction to hearing someone having sex with a 9 year old girl. That's basically what he was doing, lowering the age to make it seem even worse than before but it also took away any credibility because he did it twice.

> Swats people

> accuses old men that just want to play Runescape to be pedophiles

> Major hypocrite

> Falsely accuses many people of being pedos really

> Tells people with cancer he wants to report their death

> pretends to give a kid an Xbox so he can smash it and make the kid cry

"Just entertainment m80s"

Hang yourself.

What are you 14? Who the fuck cares