


I wanna be inside a shark grills belly

I enjoy the KanColle porn a lot but the fanbase is annoying as hell, I have not watched or read or played any KanColle thing, I like the porn, that it.

when I play WoWS I play to battle ships not talk about anime.

if you want fun go to a KanColle thread on Sup Forums and call them boats, one autist always gets mad.





Talking about WoWS, is it good?
The only Wargaming game I played was WoT, so, in WoWS they avoided giving wallet warrior OP ships and stuff or is it somewhat like WoT?



Do it.


Requesting cheetah and jaguar girls and/or poll/lap dancers


Keep your fantasies to yourself, jackass.




ive never played WoT so I don't know, WoWS is a lot of fun, especially when people play it like WoT and get mad when they die quickly, WoWS is more about strategy and blasting your targets from afar, if you play your ship like a tank and run into the battle head on you get your ass kicked and it's easy kills for everyone else.





WoT has no wallet warrior OP tanks.

Except the T59, or perhaps the T26E4SP.

By contrast, 50% of the ships in WoWS are wallet-warrior OP ships.

WoWS is very unpolished in its current state. RNG seems to make absolutely no sense, and ramming mechanics are broken as fuck. Critical hits system also makes no sense.

WoT is a predictable game. You shoot a target and you know with certainty whether it will pen. In WoWS, it is almost all random. All RNG.

Grinding in WoWS is a little easier in the sense that your crew skill is always 100%, and crew perks are the only difference between crews, but in every other aspect, it is worse than WoT.

source: 16k battles in wot with esports experience



hey alex




Ok, so I guess there is no OP gold shells in the game?
I know that the game has premium ships, like WoT, the WG on WoT said they would never make the premium tanks OP to their tier, which, was a lie, the game suffered a super population of a tank name Type-59, piece of ship OP.
In resume, is there OP premium ships?





it's still a work in progress and you can pay to win in some regards.








Thanks for the input, I'll try the game later.







How you liking hawken?

>looking up exhaust clips on YT of the Harley I want
>one of the videos I can tell is of a black girl because of her voice
There's something really cool about a niggress riding a badass Harley, even being as racist as I am.







Pretty fun. Having some fun in the rocketeer and the bruiser. Considering heading for the raider and grenadier next.



I've almost maxed my bruiser. Fun as shit. Unfortunate all the cool cosmetic shit is pay-per. Definitely heading for rocketeer next. Love me some missiles.





I hate that cosmetics that are cool are pay-for. They should offer some camos for free. WOT technically does that, they just don't give you permanent camo for silver.




I want a kiss


Just hopps on this fur ass game

I'll give you a kiss bby


you too

Why not?

Damn, that tank was the reason I stoped playing the game, I hated it, IS-8 was so sweet, I regreted so much having sold it to buy the IS7




Yeah WoT does it pretty well. Only things I saw was free was a few retire colors. They need more emblems too. All the cool ones require red creds









I'm not gay

IS-8 was shit.

Fuck off IS-7 is immensely superior.

more hopps?


Neither am I. It would be totally platonic, I swear.

You can fuck off

Come on, bby, you and I both want this.



17 battles with that crap made me stop playing the game.
Sluggish, only good armour when facing straight forward against the oponent, any angling kills it, the gun is a straight nerf in all aspects just to get 50 extra damage...
seriously, IS8 is incredibly better.
