Animal Collective is legitimately one of the worst bands of all time

Animal Collective is legitimately one of the worst bands of all time.

This is what happens when a bunch of faux-artsy numales really want to be cool and different but are too dumb and uninteresting to do it any way possible and also think they're too good for anything that conveys any kind of emotion. Or is catchy. Or is written well. Or has anything redeeming.

Listening to this god-awful band is like having an 8th grader beat me over the head with a finger painting. It is so contrived it's agonizing. These guys so hard to be artsy it sounds like the members have veigns popping out of their forehead.

It goes out of its way to be different because it has no other ways to be interesting and the way it's different is just random bullshit. It's lame as fuck and them cranking that factor up to 11 doesn't change that.

I don't expect any kind of rebuttal because their fans are the worst kind of hipsters that act like babies when someone doesn't like what they like and think insulting someone is an argument.

Hows your first day listening to music going? Have you found anything you like?

I don't like them either but you should just accept that people like the indie sound a lot and not try that hard to piss people off.

Ok Dad

Dubs of truth

Bitch they're amgelic

Have you tried perhaps listening to other music?

hipster garbabe

you always wuz a silly hoe


let me guess you listen to the beatles and swans

Rather than engage your argument or even read your post, I'm just going to suggest that you kill yourself.

>I don't expect any kind of rebuttal
You shouldn't expect any kind of rebuttal because you haven't made an argument, retard.

Best post ever made on this board

I cant get into them. I've tried. Some of my friends who've gotten me into really cool music love them. I went to see them live because i got a cheap ticket. Sooo many people there, so happy and excited to see them. I was underwhelmed.

I still dont get them. I kinda like strawberry jam. I dont hate them or anything, but for a band that popular i feel like im missing something.

I realize i dont have to like them or anything, but im genuinely curious, What do Sup Forumstants like about them?

This. Most of their songs have very clashing or uninteresting melodies. Don't hate it, but it isn't as amazing as everyone says.

whats an example of a clashing melody from them, preferably from their more melodic records

I love this album so much

I love AnCo so much

They're just one of those bands that you either love or hate. My favorite phrase to explain Animal Collective is that there are two kinds of people: people who hate Animal Collective, and people who used to hate Animal Collective. It is definitely an acquired taste, and there is nothing wrong with simply not liking them.

There are so many people who don't. There are a shitload of people on the internet who love them and I've seen a lot of people at their concerts. However, I only have two friends irl who enjoy their music: the person who got me into them, and the person I got into them. It's like a virus that has a very low probability of spreading to a new host.

first off, the very idea that there is an objective truth about any music is absurd. it sounds like you are sour for no particular reason, if you don't like the music, you don't, and instead of whining make a legitimate argument. Second , it sounds like you prejudged the band by their fanbase before you even gave them a chance; and, while I agree their are some straight-up musical ignoramuses who enjoy animal collective(i think this is safe to say about any band relatively famous), this should not be a reason you don't like the music. In the end, i just feel bad for you for not being able to see past that and other things and enjoy their music, it's pretty sad, because they have put out some of the defining records of our generation.

All this being said I may have bit this bait way too hard, but fuck it.

They are fuckin CUTE tho

This thread is why i barely browse mu anymore. This whole board is just full of retarded fucking memesters who just want to hate every album imaginable

Is there a better place for music discussion on the internet though? Indieheads used to be cool, but over time it's just become overrun by extreme sjw trans faggots. Truly disappointing to watch. I still stop by their general discussion threads to see how triggered they are by Trump.

"I've listened to MPP once and I hate it!" The thread. You can not like anco but saying that SGSTV, Feels, and Strawberry Jam are bad records. Not only that but this post is really just complaining about experimental music in general.


>"I don't expect any kind of rebuttal because their fans are the worst kind of hipsters that act like babies when someone doesn't like what they like and think insulting someone is an argument."

>entire post literally insults instead of an argument

MPP is nowhere near as weird as people make it seem to, its just vaguely more unaccessible than lets say Pet Sounds which is a positive note.

The beggining of Strawberry Jam instantly turned me off, though. i could only listen to it a few weeks later but then, its not that weird either. It's just unfamiliar and scary, like a big furry monster, but not that scary if you know what I mean. After turning Strawberry Jam into your best friend you can even go out with him, walk him to the park and etc. Yes he's weird for others, but you like him in the special way other people don't know about. PEACEBONE.

Now let's say Sung Tongs is weird. I can accept that, its way...wayy FREAKY. Which is of course what they are going for anyway. BUT YEAH ITS DAMN...difficult. at least for a normal.


This is the best album of the 00's

I thought it was just me; the people on indieheads now are fucking insufferable crybaby faggots. Dunno what happened, guess the election brought them out of the woodwork. I've heard RYM is decent for discussion

Animal Collective are pretty bad, but it's pointless to rail against them because they are so beloved by so many hip urban youth.


The problem with AC is that while they SOUND original, they actually make all their music by ripping off a lot of quality bands from the 50s onward and very rarely have any new ideas of their own.

They are masters of patchwork plagiarism.

animal collective is the best band of the 21st century by a huge margin

They're ok

Try listening to Sung Tongs. It's their best album.

My favorite AnCo work is Fall Be Kind. It's really chill, I like following the flow of each song, and doesn't seem like it's trying to be too much.

Alright, user, you have my attention. What are some specific examples of Anco ripping other bands off?

How is this album artsy or inaccessible? It's safe and beautiful and isn't trying to be different at all.

MPP is a fucking beautiful album, I was hooked since the first time I listened to In The Flowers. There is nothing clashing or harsh is that album, it's catchy af. Wtf this AnCo sucks memers are on about?

Yes, when are you going to back this up?

fuck off please reddit babies

it took me three listens. unless you're used to music with so much happening at once it can be hard to discern the melodies. After mpp listening to the rest of ANco discog didnt seem so bad except for spirit hah >:)

I love that Sup Forums love AnCo deep down

The fact that every member has a passable to fantastic solo record also blows me away. How long do you think they'll keeo making music for? I still haven't caught them live

This probably isn't even in my top three Sup Forums pastas, but it's still pretty fun to read.

I think you mean Led Zeppelin or Daft Punk

>best band of the 21st century