God is real

god is real

God is dead


accept him as your Messiah.

I'm getting laid this week

thanks kek
you are clearly the only god

oh shit


There is no consiousness

the santa at my local mall that i saw when i was 6 was a rapist

Im gay

he's gay

Odin is our true god

cant stump the trump

Donald Trump is our next president

god is not real

I'm God

you're gay

The moon landing was a hoax

I wish I had a big penis

Go fap to a trap, because you're gay

straight fag confirmed

satan is hidding behind of God concept

Trips make it true

i am a reincarnation of Hitler. i have all of his memories.

Traps are not gay

I am moot

OP is as gay as

Traps are gay you queer

I can just imagine OP right now.
Gut wedged between his desk and his broken rolling chair, that's been missing a couple wheels for 3 years. Cheeto's powder permanently layered onto his keyboard like sedimentary rock. A 1/3 bottle of Jergens next to a pile of empty tissue boxes while OP is wearing his snot covered AC/DC shirt with orange hand prints. Sitting on his broken chair with its cracked fake leather cushion, in his 2 week old shit and taint stained underwear. he's just sitting there pointing and laughing at his filthy monitor with MLP stickers on the sides. His inhaler in hand as his slowly rotting teeth dive into yet another hot pocket his mother brought him.

Trump will win

this guy is truthful in his nature. his posts are true

yes they are faggot

The Holocaust

you will never get the succ

all replies before were lie.

Sup Forums has always been shit

i can't imagine what this guy is doing 4 in the morning posting copypasta

Stephen Hawking isn't really crippled. He is just faking it.

My cock is pure gold !

Furries are the future of humanity

Islam is a religion of terror

She loves me the way I love her

I liek eggs

Not gay confirmed
Yes you can

I won't die alone

Hitler is alive

Hitler isn't dead. He's been frozen for decades until we bring him back to life to cleanse the human race.

Fucking liar

my child is going to be in multiple fandoms and will make me cringe regrettably and make me divorce my wife

It hurts to live

Gettin a blowjob in a few days

ay lmao


the only way to save this world is thru a nigger holocaust


rap is the best music

I'm God

tfw no trap gf

black lives matter

LOL, blue balls for you good sir.

hitler did 9/11

My waifu is real
(this is mi last hope)

The jews shall inherit the earth, cleansing it of all gentiles

someone will post cp and 404 the thread

Not copy pasta OC...

OP is a faggot

There is time to make it up!

Maybe she loves you more than you love her, user. Don't lose hope

you all believe in god whether you wish to or not. he is with all of us

Trump will get killed this year

millhouse is a meme now

trump will become president


There is a reason to live

this statement was indirect divine intervention

She's probably not even aware of his existence

Brexit was mistake



I'm going to destroy umanity as you know it

this statement is how all Sup Forums users actually feel


traps are not gay confirmed

Donald Trump will rule america

The United States really is the greatest country

0 = 7

Niggers are dumb

Absolutely confirmed
I live in peace.


Hillary will get shot

Op is a fag

real memes never die

Get fucked, stupid uncultured nigger.

traps are still gay

easy trips

jews will dominate the world

everyone in this thread is a nigger

If you read this you'll lose your virginity within a week.

If you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight