What is wrong with Americans?

What is wrong with Americans?

Those are certainly Germans. Fuck off troll

I want to fuck that girl on the left

They are the only free people on the planet. Everyone else is just a slave, plus they have the bestest flag and have been to the moon, they didn't even need the help of English, German, Dutch and French scientists to do that. Just good ol' fashion US ingenuity.
They do have a shit national animal though, basically a big pigeon.

England has Lion and Scotland has unicorn. Big pigeon is just shit



Wtf dude, she's like 1. At least wait a year or two. I mean god damn man, that girl is way too young.

Excuse me, but eagles are more like big seagulls.

Franklin was right, we should have chosen the turkey.

> big seagulls
I approve of this



fat disgusting race of people

>american dream all wrapped up in a moomoo


>an apple a day
>the american way





Woah, that guy has some huge balls.


US Goddess Time

would put my head in there








Holy fucking shit how why would you do this wow


her face is actually cute, imagine if she wasn't this giant lardass jesus




The five C's:




don't click this thumbnail

nothing to see here, move along now

This looks like someone I know if he suddenly gained 400 pounds.


are these...fingers?

when you can't piss and shit without needing someone to clean you, that's when you need to just stop and take a long hard look at what you're doing with your life


fuck man, I'm nowhere near as fat as some of these fucks but I'm trying my damnedest to lose weight. my physical therapist is helping with my injury, and i'm still fat as all fuck, but i go to the gym every week, i've changed up my eating. How the fuck can these people live like this without thinking something needs to change?

I-Is she opening fucking salad dressing to throw on that pizza?

dem some fucked up feetses

You should be ashamed of yourself. I'll bet you just triggered someone's fetish.




>waaah boohoo I am fat

don't eat so much

Have to say I'm impressed that toilet still holds him

man, good luck user



he has two asses

I hate how society has become "accepting" of obesity, like it's some legitimate disability that people can't do anything about. It's acceptable to tell smokers to stop smoking so why aren't we doing more to stop people overeating?

yeah well in the really real world this is gods way of saying you are too fucking fat to be alive so prepare to die of sepsis from your own filth.

.... but for some reason, we as a society continue to tolerate the existence of these people....

Im not being cruel here, it's not like you just GET fat, you have to STAY fat. A person who is a couple hundred kilos overweight has to eat about 5 McDs combos a day worth of calories just to stay that weight. Are we seriously expected to believe that we, as a species, owe these people a brigade of nurses and strong-stomached family members, in exchange for them being so fucking arrogant that they think they deserve the food of 5 normal people just to stay alive?

Holy fucking shit that's some special kind of self importance.

tl;dr: All you butthurt fat fucks out there, I *defy* you to justify your own existence, you greedy, lazy, selfish, arrogant, filthy disgusting cunts.



She's probably just going to chug it.

I'm getting this printed on a t-shirt


> that irony



why did they eat them girls

That guy in the background with his head in the sand, what horrors did he see.

Why should they be Germans?

she's australian you idiot, i don't disagree with your statement though

This... this has to be a joke. Otherwise OP is right.

they love brands and their brains seem to function differently, they have a very distinct border between social and private life/things which is usually blurry in other nations

american eagle is the tiniest eagle in this planet

Finger lickin
Shirt napkin
Camel hump forehead

"Fat is an adjective and not an insult."
Well at least the fat motherfucker doesn't think it's a compliment.

Statistically speaking, having more than 1 litter of soda per day can be very hazardous to one's health... not that I needed to point out the obvious.

It's weird how you see mothers like this but their daughters are skinny. They either stay skinny or they balloon after high school ends.

If this doesn't motivates that landwhale to lose some weight, NOTHING will.


Yeah good luck man. Don't give up

been trying to find the video, it's from a UK show called Supersize vs Superskinny and that fat cow died 2 months after filming

fat fuck

>trying to help here

holy fuck that poor dog must never get walked

and before anyone says

>lol UK is fat

they sent british overweight people to the US to see how really obese people suffer

No one has critical thinking skills. Also landwhales

Imagine needing to use one of these. Imagine owning one and someone uses your bathroom and sees it there and realizes that you can no longer reach round your revolting corpulent bulk to perform even the most basic of hygiene procedures.



We have let left wing PC bullshit ruin us.


>wipe stick round your shitted blurter
>change tips
>shave with it

thanks man I got this shit

or she could lose weight

well now you're just talking crazy talk

of course not. Sh'es fat cause of her genes

That's wrong. Nobody can control what they do except those racist, hunky White guys who won't date plus-sized women.

you just triggered me please acknowledge my feelings and apologize
