What are the essential gaycore?

What are the essential gaycore?

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swans, death grips, animal collective, the list goes on

Gaycore doesn't exist for anyone who actually cares about music

Carly Rae

Carly Slay

a concept album about a child molester dying of AIDS


yeah way to take a stand

it's funny because all gays are pedophiles and have the gay plague of aids because they sinned and they're going to hell
heil jesus christ our lord! save us from blacks, mexicans, muslims, gays and kikes. guide donald to make america christian again!

Anything Pet Shop Boys?
>Dat Paninaro

>thinking sexuality has anything to do with music taste and vice versa
ultimate pleb thread

Oh but it does user

I bet you still fall for the whole "music is subjective" meme too.

What did he mean by this?

>mfw Trump is pro-LGBT
>mfw elected a black dude to his cabinet
>mfw he's married to an immigrant
Do retards actually believe that he's a racist homophobe?

Some real gay-core:

Wildflower - Avalanches
MPP - Animal Collective
Horn of Plenty - Grizzly Bear

Tove Lo might be gaycore

>Zero results

C'mon Sup Forums.

All mainstream female pop artists except maybe Taylor and Adele are gaycore. Also, Kanye and other memerappers

Living on my own - Freddie Mercury
Do you really want to hurt me - Culture Club
Bronski Beat - Smalltown Boy


a good chunk of italo disco and hi-nrg tracks have gay lyrics

Bowie had a wife

Team Dresch and Longstockings

Born This Way is objectively the worst Gaga album. Artpop is a close second.

It's her best album



All music is gay

Trump is definitely not for LGBT
Also, I could elect a black person and marry a model immigrant and still be a racist homophobe.


>pro-LGBT but pick Pence
>elect a token/puppet black dude
>married an immigrant but don't want any other immigrants
list goes on

he's a huge, HUGE hypocritical self-centered ass

>gays don't marry women

Yeah having two kids is definitely gay.
Do you not know what bisexuality is?


Jesus Christ dude try a little harder.

Okay, prove me wrong then.
Show some sources proving me wrong.

The Smiths/Morrissey, duh.

The only reason anyone thinks Bowie is gay is because he said he was once, around the same time he said he was an alien from mars, so not really believable. He never brought it up again
Never seen with men, never in a relationship with a man, just banged a bunch of female models like every other straight celebrity.
Anytime anyone brought up his supposed bisexuality he would act coy, or like he didn't know what they were talking about.

Gays don't even know who the fuck Morrissey is.


>Never seen with men
Come on man

Even if he'd be coy, he could've still been bi without wanting a negative reaction

Lou was such a qt. He doesn't exist anymore.

He literally doesn't give a shit about your gay ass marriage.
He doesn't give a shit about your tranny ass bathrooms.

Side note: god fuck damn it is so hard to google info about Trump that isn't heavily edited stuff with some raging feminist or pencil necked dweeb pushing their opinions on it.

>but don't want any other immigrants
[citation needed]

>Hurr he hugged another man, that means he's gay
are you 10?
>negative reaction
Mmm, because peoples reactions to homosexuality have gotten worse since the early 70's.

Face it, he said he was gay in '72 to go along with his freaky alien shtick to help him create controversy to help him get famous.
After Ziggy died he never mentioned it again. While he was "gay" at this time he was married and banging teenage girl groupies on the side.
He didn't deny it since because he didn't want to disappoint his gay fans.

>don't want any other immigrants
u wot?
>token/puppet black
>blacks that don't agree with me are just puppets/uncle toms
why do libs always do this?

You realize he could just spew shit and then retract on them? For now I'll take Donald's words with a grain of salt until the storm passes. Especially with Pence creepin around.

>Hugging is kissing
Wew lad

Anyways he could still be having fun with teenage boy toys as well.

>He didn't deny it since because he didn't want to disappoint his gay fans.
I don't know about that though. In the end, Bowie's the only one who knows.

Also he went to Elton John's wedding and wrote this
He ran as a Republican because the Dems don't have a fair primary system, and he had to cater to republican ideals to get their support, but he's closer to and school democrat than a typical GOP stooge.

Idk but I'm gay and this is the gayist shit I spin

>He ran as a Republican because the Dems don't have a fair primary system
Either way I hope you're right.

Wham / George Michael.


Depeche Mode

Foster the people & Mew

Lol Sup Forums is such a bunch of uptight closet queens. Literally the loser dressed like a straight guy mooching around in the corner of the club too scared to dance.


John Cage

couldn't he retract his words about being opposed to gay marriage as well then?

Is Sufjan Stevens gaycore?
I'm gay and always got that vibe from him. Don't really care for his music either desu.

god yes


Born This Way > The Fame Monster > Joanne > The Fame > Artpop

Like it a lot but it's pretty gay

>Joanne > The Fame
delete this you stupid stupid bitch

The Bible Monster > The Bible > Born To Slay >>>> Joanne >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SHITPOOP

best answer itt

he looks like a lizard

>Never seen with men

What are you talking about? Angela Bowie literally caught him and Mick Jagger in bed together. That's a very well known story.

But still, he's bisexual, yeah.

The head on the door and kiss me kiss me kiss me are kinda gay


>no Godney
hang yourself

Blackout is on the list.

Needs Torches

>no "Lil B - I'm Gay"

why the fucc is xiu xiu so low on this chdart

I have this one too.

>male "artists"


good chart but why exactly is that matmos album gaycore

kylie minogue

Tears for Fears, which I'm surprised hasn't been mentioned.
And Shinee and Bts

>The only reason anyone thinks Bowie is gay is because he said he was once

That and he wrote many songs about being gay during a time when no one would touch the subject. I don't believe he is gay but he has a following with the community.


bowie only liked the idea of being gay or bisexual
he was also a pedophile
fuck him i'm glad he's dead

I can't believe nobody posted FGTH yet. It's the 80's gaycore in a nutshell.

Essential gaycore

Nuetral milk hotel
st vincent
metal general

roisin's hairless toys should replace moloko
it has a song about paris is burning, it's p gay

i'm loving it user thanks for the rec