New History Thread

New History Thread



is that like before/after an explosion?

where's this?



Hiroshima. Now close the browser and open a fucking book you witless shitgibbon.


what a cunt


Posting some other I saved from an old thread.
Damn, I love these photos

nice job on showing your autism to the world




It's Hiroshima before the atomic bomb and then after they cleaned up the debris.



I hope this counts as history.




she's cute

Did somebody save the old thread with the pictures from the german user who had a whole album of letters,pics and stuff?

His storys and the stuff he said was really great and intresting.


>Sup Forums

yeah, absolutely

This looks like a war z promotion pic

Most likely Japan.

damn cool shot this one


LOL, I didn't fucking make it.


please post context with your photos

This looks just like a video game


Is it Jack Black and Babe ?

sorry but I don't have it, only some images got the description



bacon grease for explosives WW11


i really love this one


Is that a Swiss Guard in the Vatican City?






yes and german soldier

Miss Donna Mae II, a B-17G-20-BO, is hit by a 1000lb bomb from another B-17 during a raid on Berlin, 19 May 1944.

The bomb smashed the plane's left stabilizer, which caused it to enter an uncontrolled spin. At an altitude of 4km, the wings broke and the plane crashed. The entire crew was killed. The photo was taken from Trudy, a B-17G-30-VE (BuNo 42-97791)). Both aircraft were from the 332nd Bomber Squadron, 94th Bomb Group, 8th Air Force. Crew of Miss Donna Mae II: 1st Lt. Marion U. Reid;
2nd Lt. Lewis T. Carter;
2nd Lt. Roger F. Tessier;
2nd Lt. Stanley D. Duffield;
T/Sgt. Lee Z. Kieffer;
T/Sgt. John F. Boone;
T/Sgt. John B. Davis;
S/Sgt. Ludwig H. Huth;
S/Sgt. Richard E. Brennan;
S/Sgt. James A. Kalahar ;
S/Sgt. Willard M. Christensen

Girl who shot herself on live tv

They don't allow special characters. Fuck, I'll fix it later.

I'm not that well informed with history, but is this when Hitler met with the pope or something?

shit i am you are too fast for me

you can t put a / in filename

thread is still there faggot

Well known photo but still cool

radical trips my man

So radical they might...explode?


i don t know, i don t even know the date where it was taken

thanks guy

First photo taken from space. Camera lofted on a V-2 missile launched from White Sands missile range on October 24, 1946.

The video of this is missing.

I was thinking more like pic related radical, not الله أكبر radical.

German troops in helmets and gas masks from a 1918 postcard.

Meh, you edit was probably more centered than mine was.


fuck I didn't make a related gif, here you go

I bought the original Times Magazine from years ago with the photo sequence of his death with the poem that was included titled "To The Kennedy's" or some shit still in it about a year ago for like $3. Best $3 I'd ever spent.

i have many WW2 pic do you want them?

Testing for Mustard Gas?



A befitting end tbh.

Someone has some vietnam pics?

i just cut the half top of B

Balls... your*

German flying attack dogs. These Motherfucker where a head of the game.

What ? that's old radio system....

I noticed. I was autistic and didn't bother to line anything up.

Last known picture of the Titanic.

hoooww german

You're welcome. Glad to be of assistance. Finding out the story behind pictures like these is kind of a hobby for me.

Sweet man, I've read the poem, I had some kind of obsession with his death for some because of a Strung Out song called "Jackie O". I got over it after I got out of high school. Still love Strung Out tho.
Random pic-

I'll allow it.


He's not your guy, friend

What? fon't understend?(french fag)


Yes please

I was think more along the lines of "canary in a coal mine".
They had to test somehow to see if it was clear.

But I'll go with your comment.

Here you go.

U.S. machine gunner Spc. 4 James R. Pointer, left, of Cedartown, Ga., and Pfc. Herald Spracklen of Effingham, Ill., peer from the brush of an overgrown rubber plantation near the Special Forces camp at Bu Dop during a half hour firefight, Dec. 5, 1967. Their company-size patrol avoided an ambush when a patrol dog alerted the unit to the presence of enemy forces. (AP Photo/Horst Faas)

why is this so satisfying?

so you have story for:

That's a look that I never want to have cross my face.


a ok doesn t know the canary trick

lets go

Bill burr was always cool.



