Is my wife's pussy going to be much bigger after birth?

Is my wife's pussy going to be much bigger after birth?
I've never had sex with a milf, so I don't really know...

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Ya for 6 months

No you fucking faggot

Unless she's injured it will go back to normal.


pretty much goes back to normal.

I had sex with a a 44 year old with two kids when I was in my twenties. Much tighter than petite 18 year olds that you would think would be tight as a drum

Slip the Ob $50 and he'll add an extra stitch when it splits open.

I wouldn't say this is a hard rule, they are anatomically sidfferent, it's not strictly something about age.
A skinny or weak girl will be more loose, though.

After 2 yes it gets bigger, Maine has had 3.

>much bigger

>noticeably bigger for a few months
Yes. Just have her do Kegals once she's healed

No. Vaginal strength has nothing to do with overall body strength.

Same story here.

We'll need to see a before pic to tell accurately. Also, more boobs...

>being dumb enough to have a kid
>being dumb enough to marry

Enjoy paying whore welfare for 18 years and having half of your everything stolen also, you fucking idiot.

Who hurt you?

>being dumb enough to sign the divorce papers

Don't sign the papers you fucking idiot. Every guy is like "blah blah blah that bitch cleaned me out I got fucked blah blah blah" even though THEY FUCKING SIGNED THE DIVORCE PAPERS.

Takes two to tango, nigger.


>Is my wife's pussy going to be much bigger after birth?
No. Anyone who says otherwise is a lying virgin. The vagina stretches. Like a rubber band. A few weeks after she gives birth, that pussy will be tight again. Her boobs will get bigger though. If she doesn't breastfeed, they'll shrink a little, then droop a little and stay that way. If she does breastfeed, they'll stay big while she does and when she stops, they'll deflate and droop a little more. It's really about her genes tbh. If she's trailer trash, she'll have stretch marks and saggy tits for life after having a kid. If she takes care of her body, it will recover faster.

Easy solution, get a prenup.

Me and my GF are going to get one. She may not agree with it, but she understands why I want it.

I love my wife and she loves me but if for any reason whatsoever she wants to get a divorce:
>act like I'm still madly in love with her
>be like "can't we try counseling?"
>she'd inevitably cheat on me to try and get me to sign the papers
>be like "it's ok if you want to explore sexually I love you with all my heart"
>she'll start fucking up and being a cunt and trying to piss me off on purpose
>I'll document everything in the meantime and continue maintaining that I love her soooo much and I still want to be married
>wait until she fucks up so bad or so much that a divorce attorney thinks a judge would rule in my favor
>gather documents and evidence
>sign papers; get ruling in my favor

It's not that hard, guys. Women think they're good at mind games but if you just don't play along with them you win every time.

The only way to win at their game is to not play at all, you're a fucking genius.

>does all this and lives in a no-fault divorce state.

Every girl I've fucked that had a kid felt like they had a really loose pussy

why does she have muslim writing on her rib cage?

This. Or if if he's an asshole he'll say, "Why? because you have a small dick?" I e seen it. Its not pretty.

Looks like that Lord of the rings stuff

Dad Fag here, when my wife was pregnant with our first son i was worried about the same thing.

The thing is when shes actually pregnant the extra blood flow makes her pussy super tight like i mean virgin tight... its amazing after your not supporsed to fuck for 2-4 weeks due to potential to fuck her insides up, but after that they just go back to pretty much normal

>Wizard's Sleeve.jpg

Just tell her to do her damn kegles and shell be tighter than before the kid shoots out of her.

Actually even with an injury it can be better. My wife split open giving birth to our son, the doctor recommend pussy exercises to get everything back in shaper afterwords and now it's tighter then ever. Also checked.

There are pedos and then there is OP, whose wife hasn't even born

It's becomes a gaping maw after the first kid. It's repulsive to look at, gains the "fishy" aroma and becomes unpleasurable.

Your only option is to KYS


You're asking a board full of virgins, during working hours on a weekday in the summer, about childbirth?

You're a dumb one.

My wife's got a little looser. It was great because I can be more vigorous during the deed and she can orgasm easier.

Think about it - if you fired an orange through your pee hole, would it go back to normal? Your wife's wrecked, friend. Give her kegel instructions.

I've banged a few milfs. I noticed a difference only once and she had 3 kids with very wide hips, also kinda out of shape. So my expert opinion is it can happen but not to everyone. The body is built to contract back to normal, but like all things, the muscles and skin down there can become weak.

I couldnt agree with this more.

this is basically the most sense you could ever hope to get out of this shit hole board.

not in my experience.
THe gynob makes a slight cut just below the vagina, so the baby can come out without ripping anything. After the delivery the gynob sews her up, so she's as tight, or tighter than before.

Get one of your socks.
Soak it in water and lube.
Have a wank with it.

Feels like that.