Be me

>be me
>try to seduce girl with patrician taste
>"check Pharaoah Sanders, he plays like spiritual jazz, it's like freejazz with..."
>"what's freejazz user?"
>"n-evermind, check this new band called Death Grips, it's kind of experimental hip-hop and they..."
>"ew i don't like hiphop"
>"...o-ok, you might like something more calm, like Arca, he played a sort of avant-garde electronic called Weird Frontier mus…"
>"wtf user, he's gay as fuck... are you gay too?"
why girls are such shit taste??

>she says user

>death grips
it's you, user

this never happened

and you have the most basic fucking taste

>this never happened

BNM(best new meme)

it saddens me that it truly happened.

>"do you listen to happier songs user?"
>"yes! Kero Kero Bonito! it's fun, cute and she…"
>"lol! i hate kpop"
>"...b-but it isn't"
I left when she fall asleep while I was trying to convince her than Lust For Youth was more original than the Cure.

FYI she's just a regular metalhead pleb. Hopeless case imho.

Just say some pleb shit like Two Door Cinema Club and girls will be sucking you're Dick in minutes

>Getting girls by being yourself

Literally never happens. Say Vampire Weekend, maroon 5 or arctic monkeys or something

if someone tells you something is weird the worst thing you can do is pussy out and back down

double down and hit them with a "maybe you're not into it, cool, i also know like _______"

if you're shooting in the dark just ASK WHAT THEY LIKE. "oh user i like _______" oh cool yeah, do you know _______? they're sort of like that but like x, y and z.

learn 2 conversation.

I can tell that you talk to many women because this sounds just like a real interaction with a woman.

fffcuk not op but i wish you were here to teach me

or you can not waste your time explaining yourself to strangers

yeah, why in the fuck do you listen gay bands if you are heterosexual?

Oooor you could stop defining yourself by the music you listen to and not take personal offense when someone doesn't share your musical tastes.

Oooor you could ask what the person you're talking to listens to and try to find some common ground.

Ooor you could change the fucking topic if your autism can't handle someone not liking the latest Death Grips meme.

OP sounds so obviously made up and I'm not sure if that's even sadder than if this was a real encounter.

but user don't you want to engage others in conversation with the hopes of making a friend or potentially a romantic partner? or you, just to pass the time?

if not, then of course my post doesn't apply to you lol.

no worries if the girl is like "oh i like drake drake drake" you can be like "cool yeah that thing was pretty funny" "hey user do you like drake?" "he's ok but he's not really my thing" bam you have someone interested in what is your thing.

if they're not cooperative or painfully basic what the hell are you doing talking to them, it's obvious that it is not a worthwhile endeavor.

>talking to girl at party, she mentions the song that's playing
>conversation leads to her asking me what kind of stuff I listen to
>get my weekly lastfm 3x3 out of my wallet and show it to her
>she doesn't recognise any of the album covers and says it's a bit weird to carry it round
>tell her I'd add her on lastfm instead so she could see it in real-time but she kind off drifted out of the conversation by that point

why are girls such plebs Sup Forums

You don't leave the house much do you?


a) You're shallow and you only talk to "hot" women, thus ignoring the shit load of women with good taste.
b) You have a confirmation bias that will actually dismiss women with good taste as only liking what their boyfriends like
c) You're a misogynist so you ignore the fact that most men discover their music through other people
d) You're a insufferable twat that actually thinks music has some objective value

Why are you talking to strangers on the internet?

You got me user, only basement dwellers don't get triggered by people not liking Death Grips!

thank you /psychoanalysis/
I'm glad that wikipedia degree is paying off

nice trips bro, i didn't really imply that you should define yourself by your music, quite the opposite actually. i was proposing a conversation whose topic is already music lmao.

im sorry you're so upset.

>Death Grips

again you've been on Sup Forums too long. only OP and you mentioned death grips itt
leave the house for once

I'm not upset, I was adding to the points those posts made.

I'm sorry you felt the need to point out how le upset I am. It must suck having to lash out at how hurt other people are when your own feelings are hurt.

>get my weekly lastfm 3x3 out of my wallet

if you're printing it out at least go 12x12

My response is a criticism to OP though...?

I'm not even sure what point you're trying to make here.



Who hurt you user?
there's more to life than buzzwords and death grips

I don't like Death Grips.


Kill yourself dumblrina

Of course you don't!
you are much better than people who listen to death grips!

You first Sup Forumstard ;)


Not a polfag but he's right, it's a total telltale


Why are womens' posts so overly phonetic? Are they autistic?

Where you from............?
why in the fuck

Emm maybe it's just your misogyny showing yanno?

Lardass "body-positive" human wastemountain confirmed.

I would again offer for you to find a way to kill yourself, but your immense fat armor would prevent most attempts, and you would probably break almost any rope you tried if you attempted a hanging

I bet you learned all about misogyny from a wikipedia summary :)

Oooor maaaayybeee yyouuuuu aarrrrrrr awwwwtistik?

I'm not and that's my point. Getting that upset that people don't agree with your tastes is retarded.

It seems like you might be retarded too, unfortunately. You're attacking me with the points I've already made.

You tried way too hard, man.

Holy fuck Sup Forums gets so easily triggered.

>Pharaoh Sanders

no I'm not attacking you at all.
but you could stop being rude and using bad words like "retarded"
I've been nice to you. please stop being a negative person
I'm just giving you advice on why being on Sup Forums all day isnt healthy!

^ OP... just say me where you from... you seems a like suspect person with a suspect behaviour

>recommended a jazz album to a person who listens to metal
are you retarded

>likes kero kero bonito
oh yes you are retarded.........

Hi, Sup Forums

You've been in this thread as long as I have. If I'm le basement dweller because I'm here on Sup Forums, what exactly does that make you?

Could you at least think your posts through before you post them?

>insult Sup Forums's hypersensitivity to words
>get called Sup Forums for it

>what exactly does that make you?
A Friend trying to be helpful :)
again cut out the buzzwords it isn't healthy!

What the fuck are you even talking about?

a word or phrase, often an item of jargon, that is fashionable at a particular time or in a particular context.

That's not hypersensitivity, it's just a refusal to seriously engage with people who have an insufferable and teenage-level writing style

Word of advice, hon: Posts with an autistic amount of replies with the triggered even don't make you look good. It makes you look like Sup Forumsirgin.

>when people criticize me they're using buzzwords!

Sorry you are not making sense!

If you aren't underage, you should begin considering suicide. The regularity of these thoughts should increase as a function of time and your level of social retardation.

Dude, if the spelling of a single word makes you so upset that you are unable to read the content of one's post and instead need to throw out cliches about women and le "SJWs" then you're the immature one here.

You seem to mistake me as an anti-SJW who is using that word in the same sense that someone on Sup Forums or Sup Forums would rather than turning it against them.

But then you also called me hun, so who knows what the fuck your point is supposed to be here.

Are you fucking retarded?

>He's serious now
>He posted "le greentext with wew at the end" and "le multiple reply with one sentence posts" unironically
No, I took you for a manchild in the beginning and I'm definitely right I see.

It's so great that you're evolved enough to only use memetext, say that people are autistic and call people "hun."

So mature, man.

No man you are.

>say that people are autistic
Gee, I'm only assuming you're not underage here. Not any other explanation in seeing a grown man posting like yourself.
>call people "hun."
Are you grasping at straws, hon? What's wrong with this, dear.

>Gee, I'm only assuming you're not underage here. Not any other explanation in seeing a grown man posting like yourself.
Well, I'm working under the assumption that you're not a complete retard and you actually know what autism is. If you're not retarded, that would mean you're shitting out the autism meme while complaining about how I used memes.

>Are you grasping at straws, hon? What's wrong with this, dear.
Nah, I'm confused by your posts. You're saying I'm childish for adopting Sup Forums's anti-SJW terms against them and then using condescending, sexist language to scold me. Kind of feels like mixed signals.

>attempts to scold me for throwing the word "autistic" around
>Uses "retard"
Rejecting your own principles already?

>condescending, sexist language
Well, you are a manchild. There's no denying it, sexist or not.

I'm not the one claiming memes make people children, kiddo.

Wasn't claiming that at all.

My gf has patrician taste, AMA.

what a bad post

What should I do if my gf has better taste than me?

> playing Arca to anyone ever

well, I'm thinking about suicide on a daily basis; at least, 4ch memes help keeping me alive :^)

More of that evening with this girl friend:
>"so user, do you like Björk too?"
>"not really, but you might like Catherine Ribeiro, she's French & she's a bit similar"
>awkwardly searching for a Ribeiro songs not too weird; finally find a short one
>"... why is she screaming, user? it's from 1973? that's so old! lol user, you really have weird musical taste"
>"ok whatever"
>more & more angrier at her because she's pleb & not curious enough over ""weird"" artists
>trying get her involved by talking about female artists
>go for Elysia Crampton & Anohny, how they're pushing boundaries of pop music & how their releases are backed by really interesting theoretical works, etc.
>listen together to Elysia Crampton
>she laughs almost immediately because the samples sound like cheap videogames
>stay quiet for 5 minutes
>starting to feel that I'm loosing my time
>then she launches videoclips about 'dark cabaret' (or whatever this shit is called)
>silence in the room
>random suicide/killing thoughts are popping in my head


My god man, the one person you made up in your head didn't like the same music as you. Please seek professional help before things spiral out of control.

I'm speaking from experience dude. Once I asked if someone watched Game of Thrones and they said "what's that?" and now I'm posting from the psych ward.

surprised this post got so much hate. you have a point there kiddo

>this never happened
oh my god how did you know. how could OP do this to us?

why is that so difficult to believe it happened?
I left my house after a couple of week where I was depressing, so my social interactions were a bit off, that's all; nothings weird.