Holy shit Sup Forums 2 days of barrows and I finally got Shrek the Swamped Helmet...

Holy shit Sup Forums 2 days of barrows and I finally got Shrek the Swamped Helmet, pretty shit without the other pieces but fina-fucking-ly.

Any of you faggots playing shitscape?

lmao i have you added

Not op, but nice skiller.

how can you have 59 slayer with no combat stats?

fukin sick stats man good work

shreks in everyone heart


the correct term is "noob" faggot

Either of you feel like giving me 3 mil so I can get a membership bond?

yeah i'd still like an answer tho

what the fuck is this shit?

its not even green, jagex can suck my dick give me my shrek loincloth

im so angry I forgot the image

genie lamps

Runescape 3 rsn "sxy"

that's fucking stupid

you can apply any number of exp buffs, effigies, and lamps to it

No, the correct term is newb. Noob implies that he is an idiot. Which, right now remains to be seen.


Who the fuck uses newb besides your autistic ass?

Died to delirith, going to play rs3.

How's it going generation y faggot.

>generation y

How's the taxpayers money going, baby boomer?