What is their most clever use of sampling?

What is their most clever use of sampling?

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You know, I despise Death Grips and their fanbase.

But some respect must be given for their sampling of Bjork, actually the one thing they did well.

Spread Eagle Cross The Block

My fav is the tennis game grunts

>I despise Death Grips and their fanbase
It sucks you can't call these edgy faggots out on their shit anymore because they'll just go "point proven xD".

The Downward Spiral's "Mr. Self Destruct" intro.
Also The Becoming's screams and Reptile

point fucking proven

Sad thing is this isn't irony.

>I despite Death Grips and their canvass
i.e. I have a hate boner for my peers on an anonymous imageboard and my hate extends to their favorite band


Death Grips- Dark Fantasy


I don't enjoy their music, I find it obnoxious and somewhat pretentious. This is a trait that can be seen in their fans aswell, praising them as the second coming of jesus christ. This is not only seen on Sup Forums, but also RYM, YouTube even reddit to some extent. I've even got first hand experience with this shit irl.

Sorry to tell you but your favourite band is basically tumblr tier experimental music.

There's a song (can't remember which one) with a very loud and repetitive beat (inb4 that's every death grups song) that is actually like a one second snippet of the reading rainbow theme song.

>People like what i don't like and it hurts my feelings

Thank you for explaining your criticisms.

However, "pretentious" is a vapid complaint under any circumstance, and saying "tumblr tier experimental music" doesn't help your case by making you a textbook definition example of that very term. I hope you'll understand.

Punk Weight? That's a Jimi Hendrix sample.

>This is not only seen on Sup Forums, but also RYM, YouTube even reddit to some extent.
>RYM, YouTube, reddit

I think I've found your problem.




Just because dumb people like x and make a bigger deal out of it than they should doesn't mean x is bad

Punk weight, Double helix, and i think Get Got used samples from this tape
