Ask a person who just got out of psychiatric hospital anything. Pic rel

Ask a person who just got out of psychiatric hospital anything. Pic rel.


is that you shakira

Not hoax, ama.

why were you in there

How did you like getting blood drawn multiple times a day?

>Psychiatric hospital

You're not even trying, 0/10.

I tried to Hero. I failed. As usual.
Not bad, actually. I like it.

when're you going to shoot up a gay bar, fag?

What do you mean by IV?

When I was in the hospital they would open the door to my room and check on me every 20 mins or so during the night. Did that happen with you?

What medications do they have you take?

Never, I'd better shoot myself

Hablas español?

I'm in Poland, they didn't do so.
There is list I've taken when going out.

Why were you admitted

If I think I will end up there eventually, should I just go? What was the impact on your family? Can you have a conversation about anything else now?

My family feel ruined. Especially my sister. She said that I was her hero until that day.. No, I keep thinking about what I did. To be honest, don't go. Now I understand how it would harm my relatives.

why did they lock you in the monkey house OP?

Before you were her hero, now you're an hero.

I tried to Hero out this world as I said before.

why did they lock you in the monkey house OP?

Suicide is for the weak.
Don't try this again dude, you got a sister too

Yeah, shit. That's what I am afraid of - I already shrugged off all my friends, family is right on the edge but I care about how they feel. Thanks for sharing, user, best of luck to you

Kill yourself faggot and gtfo my Sup Forums

Are you nuts?

Ah, your new idol is Diogenes by the way.

Why did you try to an hero?

holy shit you might be my doppelgänger