You have 10 seconds to explain to me why you're not playing League of Legends

You have 10 seconds to explain to me why you're not playing League of Legends.


cancer community

Im playing right now and I hate it. This game has the most autistic community right next to Sup Forums.

Its shit now end of thread

I have better ways to get called a nigger by Russian teenagers.


its not dota its league

Because it's fucking cancer

im with you

Again, because it is inferior to Smite

its a shit game, really boring

Because paragon came out today



because dota 2 is free

because i'm playing overwatch

im not gay

whats league of fucktards?

Cause I am bad at it and unbalanced mmr

because I already play it

cant get myself to like dota its just so ugly

Never liked tower strategy game. I'm more of FPS kinda guy

>tower strategy game.

Cos I have a girlfriend

I hate Moba's.

I can afford a proper gaming PC

MOBAs are garbage-tier games.

I play Dota 2 instead

Looks good compared to lol, especially after the Source 2 release

Not home

banned on all accounts

League is free dumbass. You only have you pay for skins that are only cosmetic