Why is Sup Forums so full of drones?

Why is Sup Forums so full of drones?

Because Sup Forums is full of 16 year olds and they share a website with boards like Sup Forums and Sup Forums.

Partly because most people on here can't be bothered to find music and don't commit enough of their attention to listen to anything but very accessible music
Partly because most of pitchfork reviews are correct

Sup Forums isn't necessarily any more of a hivemind than anywhere else, Sup Forums is just full of kids who are emotionally fragile enough to feel the need to shit on everyone else's taste. Sup Forums loves to boast how "patrician" their taste are while regurgitating the pop music pitchfork tells them is cool and shit on the taste of others who just regurgitate their pop music from a different source.

that's not to say that the music people listen to here is "bad," it's that Sup Forums's attitude towards music is fucking terrible

I can hear you crying from here

All wrong. It's because Sup Forums hasn't listened to enough actually enjoyable and progressive music like pic related.

when I first got here(around 2012, but that's not really relevant), I thought it was so cool that you would feel "pushed forward" to explore music
after a while you realize that you are pushed to fit the drone profile only... expanding beyond that is not encouraged

That's impressive I want super hearing too.

Because the amount of attention this board has gotten in the past has invited fucking losers and underage faggots who find Sup Forums-tier humor funny and have zero creativity

Thanks, it's why I have patrician taste.

because they're Pretentious and Pandering. memba that

who is memba

>actually enjoyable and progressive music
>A Sunny Day in Glasglow
Top motherfucking kek bro. I'd rather listen to something much less pretentious like ambient if I wanted music to bore me to sleep.

I like most music I hear, which is really fucking gay.

why is this album spammed so much?

>accessible music
>on Sup Forums

Sup Forums is ridiculed by rest of Sup Forums and the rest of internet for trying so hard to be different and listening to fairly unknown and unpopular hipster music (most of normies get off Sup Forums after 5 minutes) and you come here and say we listen to accessible music?




dubs don't lie

Pitchfork is never right.

what's wrong with this?

It's a typical example of retarded counter-counter-culture syndrome many boards on this site suffer from.

This is the only truth in here. And if you are underage and are seeing this try to get some pussy and leave

both are shit, but one is defended unironically by the children here

this is place is painfully unfunny

at least Sup Forums has decent memes

>Sup Forums syndrome

wow, we so special!!!


I've never been active there, can you dump or name some representative memes?

>Coming here for a laugh

But led zeppelin are objectively shit, no need to throw some big hidden agenda into the mix

But you are objectively wrong. Art, and so music, is pretty subjective so we can say that something becomes deemed as objectively good when it's praised by music critics and praised by many people, i.e. many people subjectively enjoy it. Led Zeppelin has definitively been praised a lot for many aspects of their music by both critics and general population through last 5 decades so they are objectively good. Sorry.

Have you deluded yourself into thinking there's any real discussion of value here?

>Sup Forums isnt for music discsussion you dumbass hehe
this is the worst meme of all time
You are implying theres no real discussion anywhere and you are wrong.
People who come here to talk about music will always talk about music and will ignore the shitposts.

>your argument is a meme lol

you are part of the problem.

Im no part of any problem because i actually talk about music in threads i like and ignore threads where you strive but whatever, keep parroting that in every thread to not look like a newfag.

but you ARE part of the problem, you just don't know it..

>ITT: "God... these newfags have ruined Sup Forums and they even have a shit different taste in music than me... I better go complain about it again like a little bitch."
Fucking embarrassing...

Sup Forums has been shit since 2012 buddy

keep up

unironic celeb worshipping of Kanye and KPOP is indefensible.

>not mentioning Grimes
I get your point but just fucking filter it if it bothers you ffs.


Because anyone can post here, including people who have rightfully gotten themselves banned from posting anywhere else.

You know that stereotype of the artsy person that thinks they're better then everyone else purely based on their "superior" taste, that's Sup Forums.


Sup Forums represents the biggest faggots on this website.

When someone is "into" music, they are typically already a faggot. But when you get really snobby and contrarian about music, you transcend into a completely higher level of faggotry. People can be snobby about movies and literature and still be normal and tolerable people but being a cunt about music is the true mark of a permavirgin hipster shitstain.