What were you doing during 9/11?

What were you doing during 9/11?

Flying planes until I accidentally.

Most if the faggots on Sup Forums were in diapers when it happened. I was at University

Was sleeping. Then my girlfriend at the time called me to tell me that jet fuel melted steel beams.

freshman year of college. somehow resisted the urge to join the army when it happened. joined up in 2013 though.

i was a 3 year old so idk

nice image

relaxing in boca. After all the hard work we did setting up the demo on the 10th, they wanted us out of country for a bit.

I was six.

I was inside dad's nutsack

Coming back from school, i think i was 10

my birthday

>woke up with a hangover
>tv was on in the living room
>first tower was kill
>watched second get hit live a minute or 2 later
>light a but and walk outside, look up to see if planes are dropping
>went back to bed.

>Coming back at 10 a.m

Then you're 16 ya moron. MODS!!!


>thinks he sees a flaw
10 years old faggot

>we all live in the same time zone

1st period calc senior year. One of the coaches came in and told the teacher to turn on the tv right when the second plane hit

Seems like those terrorists didn't only crash into the twin towers


Yea I was in like first grade so.. school.


hes saying the towers were hit at 10, nice b8 faggot


I don't remember
The only thing I remember about 9/11 is that a couple days later a bunch of scammers hit the streets asking for donations

IKR! Like faggot Im in Florida how do you expect me to believe your hobo looking ass is gonna get my hard earned dollar over to the WTC fund

I was like 7 years old my dad came home with the rest of my family and they where shocked because of the radio broadcast and turned on the TV and we watched it together

I was 4 at the time and I remember my mom getting me out of bed super fucking early in the morning and watching tower 2 fall with her. I had no idea what the hell was going on

mods mods mods


this, bush did 9/11

I was about 4.5 years old playing video games. My mom came into my room crying and hugging me. I didn't understand what was happening.

In a car

In exercise at Shaw AFB. When the planes hit the towers the F-16s landed and we replaced training munitions with live AAMs. Everyone was already at work so it went smoothly. Then we sat around and waited.

Sophomore in high school. Our chill as fuck English came running in the classroom serious as can be. He turned on the TV and we watched. I'm pretty sure half of us didn't understand the gravity of it until a few hours later because half the class was still kinda joking. I remember being annoyed because some qt popular girl was attention seeking saying her dad was traveling that day and he could die. The whole class was there comforting her and making her the center of attention. Her dad's "traveling" was a 50 mile drive from Omaha to Lincoln, Nebraska.

Getting ready for school in the 7th grade. PST so it was around 6am and the sun had like just started to come up. I remember parents watching the news on Tv and didn't think much of it at the time, I was too young to grasp it. I didn't how much that shit would change the world forever.

In bed. Mom waked me. Went to troll on the internet and watched TV.

I was eating lunch in the cafeteria. I was in 1st grade, I think. Like, 6/7 years old.

being born cx

Noming on my mom's nipple, perhaps.

>inb4 underage
I was 3 years old.

It's not even September yet, faggot

Summer came early, thats why

Has anyone even been to New York recently? The towers are still there, they never even came down.

its almost amusing how, "normal' the day was compared with how the post september 11, 2001 acts of "terrrorism" are treated now...a portion of american society has gone completely nuts and its very unfortunate.

Busy refueling to go & heading for a ocean cross, hoping the world goes to shit ...

haha i wasn't born yet you dingus

I was working at my boyfriend's family's service station in the convenience store area. I had a sweet little spot to sit with a tv and a comfortable chair. I usually watched HLN in the morning anyway, so it was on as soon as shit started going down. Vendors came in and watched with me and then customers and before I knew it, there were like 20 people cramped into my store watching it with me on tv. I just remember everyone feeling shocked. I stayed glued to the tv the rest of the day and when I went home, I couldn't stop watching. I still watch a lot of 9/11 documentaries because of how horrific it was and somehow I "enjoy" reliving that feeling of terror.

Most of you anons where eating crayons and watching that wigger with pants 5 times his size "spit game" at your patriotic mom who swears she felt the shock wave of the plane hitting the tower

Not dying

Playing Pokemon Yellow

It was around 8 or 9pm in Perth and me and my mates were high AF laughing our asses off watching it on TV because everyone hates Americans


Watching TV and getting annoyed that my parents changed the channel to the news and continued to watch nothing but the news constantly covering it for the next 5 days.

Top kek

Was reading The Divine Comedy.


None of your fucking business.

Watching power puff girls before work.

I was hauling furniture or something from Sweden to Norway and was 30 minutes out from the city Hammerfest when my dispatch called in and said something had happened. Did not really care, had a headache and was hungry as hell. That's all I remember. Got drunk as fuck that night so it's all kind of blurry.

laughing at my tv

In a library watching it happen with 10 other people. Half those people are now dead in a desert.

prob shitting my pants because i was 1 month old.

holy hell my sides.

>Born circa Sept 2001
You can't do math can you

>be me, US subcontractor, onboard a navy ship(company vehicle parked ON the ship). 19 yo
>fuck ton of marines and other armed forces swarm the place
>leave now.gif
Get to shop and see what had happened. I was in the safest place in the world when it happened.

Lol kys

Respect my quads of truth

>In his dad's nutsack in September 2001
Do you know how babies are made?