What does Sup Forums think of Onison?

What does Sup Forums think of Onison?



About as gay DramaAlert and Leafy.

He's a huge faggot but is somewhat redeemed with how he enjoys reking the fuck out of Leafy, who is an even bigger faggot.

Made some shitty banana song like 10 years ago and became famous for no reason. Is literally bat-shit crazy. The beef between him and leafy is fun to watch though. Like 2 immature high-school girls bitching about each other.

Villain of a site no one gives a fuck about but still manages to stay relevant to start shit for no reason. A lot of people already were making jokes and raiding the pray for Christina Grimmie on tumblr and every where else it was posted. But this faggot went and stole the lime light from all the anons raiding.

this man is a fucking legend

>posts videos of exwife having mental breakdowns
>doesnt know where she is
>doesnt call 911
>instead trys showing her youtube videos
>seriously look it up. Its on youtube
>accuses others of being pedos for having young fan base
>is 30 dating a 17 year old
>17 year old dad pissed off
>tells onision to piss off
>marrys her when turns 18
>moves her away from her family
>admits to being cuck
>"i broke up with my wife because she didnt satisfy my anal needs"
>everyone calls him a cuck
>"no no guys it was a joke"
>Christina grimmi or whatever her name is dies
>mocks people mourning her death
>calls preteens retarded
>tells her brother her death is meaningless
>gets called out by leafy
>"yep i know im an asshole"
>no apology for being asshole
>onision fans -"see!!! He said he was wrong!! That means its ok!!"

Had some good points on twitter about that bitch who got shot in florida

*>she didnt know where she was
As in amnesia

pond scum

hey fags,
name's Dan. Just here to remind you losers that you guys are all insecure fat, fugly, man children with no lives. You lonely fucktards probably never seen a vagina in real life lmao. Maybe its because no sane girl wants to fuck some racist neckbeard who thinks he was too smart for school despite flunking out and living in their mom's basement. fucking pathetic. While you guys were too busy jerking off to ponies and traps, I was busy fucking the prom queen while being valedictorian and getting admissions from every ivy league university. Do the world a favor and kill yourselves because youre wasting my air.
>pic related its me and my gf


waiting until they find a dead girls body with his sperm in it... dude looks/acts like a fucking psychopath

You are all faggots. Who cares? Why do you even watch these wannabe celebrities ? Oh , wait it's because you are all millennial faggots that's live at home and don't have real jobs and play video games all day. Grow the fuck up and start being responsible, maybe then you will get a girlfriend. Fuck YouTube and the stupid people who all they do is film themselves playing video games and rambling on and on

beta male with weakhearted coward opinions


Did you really just spell nigger in a wierd way to avoid filtering? Are you 12 or something?

Fell for the bait

1. Video is fake you moron

2. They both love eachother and the father of his wife didn't approve. He started stalking them.

3. Video posted on Onision channel which is full of good acting because they fooled your dumbass. Actually never had a threesome with another man and his wife but with a lesbian himself and his wife. Because no one wants to see that.

4. He apologized before Leafy Rant dropped. Learn to do some research, that's what they taught you back when school was still in for you guys

4. A bunch of Anons raided the tumblr posts and tweets about the girls death so I have no room to talk there.

Got anything else? Sheep person

The only thing worse than onision are the fan boys trying to justify his shitty behavior.
1. The video wasnt fake.
2. I would stalk them too if my fucking teenage daughter married a 30 year old. Why was he talking to a 17 year old? If you watch any videos on "her channel" it really doesnt seem like she does.

Also the apology doesnt change what he said.

Get a room faggots, bad enough this shit is even on Sup Forums in the first place

and your on here why exactly?

Almost as shitty as leafy

Pointless. Everything he has ever done has had no effect on the real world other than to annoy people and piss off other pointless fucktards like leafy and keemstar. Literally only a matter of time before he kills someone. Or at least fakes a video of killing someone for the view. He is a waste of oxygen.

Onionhead probably started this thread himself to see if he's still relevant.

Onion cuck boi


Faggot. Sees women equal to men which is retarded.

every fucking time

No he doesn't. He thinks they are better than men, he literally says so on multiple occasions

hes a gay faggot feminazi who should fucking kill himself

Wow. Definitely a faggot for that.


Total faggot.

i didn't even know who he was til i googled him just now. why do you guys even care about youtubers? i cringed on the 2 videos of him i watched, then i read the 3rd post about leafy, and it's some 17yr old kid that plays video games and spouts edgy thing, yet still acts like a white knight. wtf is wrong you people that watch and care about these youtubers or any youtubers for that matter

Oh shit just realized hes the faggot that did the cinnamin challenge a while back. That video had me dying. I changed my mind he's cool. Gay but cool.


cuckboy who likes to manipulate his fans by faking emotion, and changing information on situtations.