This triggers the liberal

>this triggers the liberal

>this gives menchildren a false sense of "worth" instead of side-splitting embarassment

this triggers the anti liberal


It's just a gun that trump supporters use to kill themselves when he loses

>this triggers the cuckservative

actually I am OK with it. what use have I for whores?
is someone triggered already?

indeed, you. :^)

no actually the day of the rope is sooner than you think. she will get hers.

You cocksuckers!

>Implying you faggots aren't voicing your own faults

I'm guessing English isn't your first language


more like the day of the DOPE, ahahahah

but no seriously you're simple and retarded.

close i love taytay

This trigers ur anus

>but no seriously you're simple and retarded.

no actually Gay means happy and I would love to Make America Happy Again. wouldn't you?

at least the idiots gun will be prone to a type 1 and 2 malfunction. So those with an actual job that isnt a walmart greeter can line up a solid shot with a gun that wont jam when they go beserk.

>Idiot posting a gun when he wrote a book about how assault rifles should be banned and 14 day wait period for all states. In favor of NY regulations as well as had the NRA call his gun plan idiotic and absurd.

which is why you elected that guy, simple. and. retarded.

...Who else is there? The person under open federal investigation? The Democrat's Ron Paul- #bernout ? or the libertarian with no chance due to lack of press?

If it's come to crazy, then crazy it is.

This pony trigers your anus

you mean the person that WAS under federal investigation :)

Im all about the homosexual, and im not homo. Love them.

That's an Airport gun

Actually, both are under federal investigation. Think trump now is getting accused of sex with a 13 year old with credible receipts provided.

Ret Gen James Mattis for president

This zebra is trigered

>you elected that guy
are all 300 million american citizens one user now? are all 300 million american citizens me? wtf
your mom is an airport gun

My grandpa is trigering


I believe his mother would be more effective than an airport gun.......... Lets be honest here. Which one actually works.

This american is trigered

fuck is this real kek

Oh yeah, I forgot how she had a closed door meeting with the FBI and now everything is okay.

Nothing shady about that. After all, she's married to the only 2nd person to have a formal impeachment trial ((for lying to the nation openly)). Totally on the level...

you also forgot the guy your defending is under federal investigation on 3 counts as well.... Not sure if the new child rape one will be taken that far, but ya.

England is not trigered

source? oh wait, your ass?
donald trump has been sued sure
donald trump is currently being sued SURE

donald trump has never been accused of war crimes, treason, or the mishandling or top secret government information, favoritism and corruption, even dereliction of duty.
i guess those words mean nothing to you

Lanister got trigered

I want to triger this ass with my snitchel

good goyim you picked the right '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''side''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

enjoy your freedom

The sad part is, whatever u amerifags get, we all are gona get fucked. Idiocracy

Are we not going to talk about how that's an airlift gun?

Or the actual receipt that links him and epstein to a child sex party that required "Adolescant entertainment"
Trump has been sued 550 times for fruad and breach of trust. Lets be honest, both suck. He sucks more. Fkn get even fkn paul ryan to go in. At least he wont support New yorks bullshit gun laws and wont support Californias bullshit laws

God damn you can't be a republican if you vote for an anti gun (read his books) lying, kiddy diddler. Fking hell. Repubtards need to fkn kick him and bring in a real man. Ill go with Gen Mattis 10000x over


look, for all you basement dwellers, weird-os, and children under voting age. This election boils down to Lex Luthor vrs The Joker.

What brand of insane would you rather lead irl?

At least Luthor wasn't too bad for the DCU. I hear he has forty cakes after all.

if you are so concerned with american politics when you don't even vote in them then maybe the globalists have already won?
try to fix your own situation before blaming others for your problems


go away idiot


This is true.

Which is why, in the wake of Brexit, I think we should get started on rebuilding the British Empire.


As an American, I'd love to see the A-List countries UK, Aus, NZ & Canada too I guess come together and give the British Empire another shot. Shit would be so tight.

No, it gives us a warning of dangerous retards to avoid.

you have yet to actually refute any point. Your stupidity must be why you love trump. The only one sued over 550 times for taking advantage or tricking others. I am awaiting a response that actually takes more than a brain cell to come up with.

I am sorry you live in such a bad situation where all you can do is be jealous of Americans

Wow OP, we have the same hat!

lol he offended on the internet for having something said against his beliefs.

You sure you didn't mean to vote bernie?


Makes this lib nostalgiac for real conservatism. Now it's all Republifucks right or wrong!

Demagogues, not ideas.

You stupidlittlekids don't know what you missed.

Tipical american, he tinks the rest of the world lives in stone age. Im fine here, im just concerned how this elecrions will influece the rest of the world

LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Regressive liberal or classical liberal, sir?

Mr. won't you please help my pony?

fuck you and your faggot titles

Nice airsoft copy of a fucking .22. Why does that even exist?


Somefag doesn't know the difference.

And, since you don't know the difference, I'm guessing regressive.

Because China can't have real guns and neither can California.

hurrrrrr durrrrrrr liberal conservative democrat republican trump clinton

>kill yourselves you blithering zilches

Help is on the way, supersnatch will save u

take this, you'll need it.

>I'm guessing
and that is why you fail

Only a fool would claim absolute knowledge.

This is why you are a regressive.


you are free to leave anytime. if you lurk moar you might learn some

What are you Trumpfags going to do with those hats on January 20 when President Clinton takes office?

>if people get mad it means I'm right

this post in itself is ironic. I detected a hipster?

unshaved pussies should upset everybody

mil them to the White House, one a day, to remind her not to fuck it all up like she's prone to.

>can't make argument
>so leave

Jesus user. Do better.


Rest assured knowing that happened in a different universe while Trump makes his speech in ours.

didn't realize this was a cringe thread


if real it's pretty funny

couldn't you tell by the made in china hat beside the cheap airport gun despite the candidate righting a book about banning assault weapons

Hat, keyboard and gun - NOT made in the USA.


great deals!! This is how they are made !!

----Sent from iPhone

>the day of the rope
Sup Forumsniggers don't actually believe this myth, do they?