I'm retarded and don't know how to build a decent PC so I just bought this one instead...

I'm retarded and don't know how to build a decent PC so I just bought this one instead. I play games like CS: GO and Skyrim. Will this PC do the job? How did I do?

Other urls found in this thread:

videocardbenchmark.net/gpu.php?gpu=GeForce GTX 860M
videocardbenchmark.net/gpu.php?gpu=GeForce GTX 960

Also if it helps I only paid $500, not 650

That'll work just fine

Yeah it'll work, but I'd recommend a gtx 970, 960 will work for those games but it's very borderline.

wireless card or are you planning on going ethernet?

Wired connection probably, more reliable from what I've heard and the modem is right next to where the PC will be.

From my experience the FX-93XX line of processors is pretty good. The 960 is a low/mid tier card at this point, though.

Generally it is more reliable, its also a matter of convenicence, but yeah, that PC will work

That'll play games at 1080p medium to high settings. Nothing crazy. Luckily Graphics cards are plummeting in price month by month so if you want better resolution or frame rate an upgrade won't cost you out the ass.

are you kidding? i have a 950 with a clock of around 1300mhz and it runs those games at 10 full settings like its fucking nothing.

You are overpaying by a lot tbh. Just build one. It is literally one of the easiest things ever.

For 500 that's pretty decent, it'll definitely run Skyrim at High/Ultra with no problem. And CSGO is CSGO, a potato could run that game in 4K.

Also, dont go 960 at this point. The price/performance point is way fucking high.

>Recommending a gimped card.
980 and above. If not then a 700 series or an amd card.

The graphics card and processor are $300 by themselves, and I paid 500 for the whole thing so I dont think I got ripped off too hard.

Fuck that peasant PC. Build your own.

here ya go

$403 is the total i think, couldn't fit in frame

I have that exact same wallpaper.

Smaller monitor though so it's just the center section. What size is that btw?

34 inch ultrawide


Why 750ti?

apple fag

Yeah it will work but i would upgrade the GPU but it is good as it is for CSGO and Skyrim.

Awesome price/performance and very strong overclock. It will run a lot of current titles at mid settings @50ish fps or better.

Though honestly just save an extra $100 and buy an new RX 480

you mighta gone for 16g RAM but otherwise it's like my ASUS laptop (ROG762M).

GTX860M video card. it does the job nice and clean on games, although 16G on the board and eight cores prolly has a lot to do with that as well.

pricewise you didn't do too bad, but be prepared to upgrade in a couple of years.

Not OP that asked about 750ti. I was curious because we just built my youngest son a "gamin rig" with the 750ti and I3 4170. Was told it was a decent pc for a kid (he's 9). Just getting more info. Thanks.

no real need for 16gb RAM other than specific situations. Having more than you need doesn't improve performance. If you have 8gb and are using 4gb (most casual games don't use much more than this) having 16gb does nothing. As long as you don't exceed what you have there is no real improvement.

Oh yeah
videocardbenchmark.net/gpu.php?gpu=GeForce GTX 860M

videocardbenchmark.net/gpu.php?gpu=GeForce GTX 960

Yeah it is a solid card and that rig should last a while :)

>full settings
stop lying to yourself

csgo and skyrim are not very demanding.

>only 8gb ram
>home edition windows
>shitty amd cpu
you did bad and you should feel bad
at least the gpu will do its job

read the post again
word by word

>green meme keyboard
>blue mouse
>white case
you have shit taste m8
and clean up your tower it looks dusty as fuck

it will run hot but it should play games without issue.

try to save up money make your own...it will run some games. you can always download a better operating system.

That's overkill for those games fam

>muh LEDs

>not building your own pc

I'd download more RAM if I were you

Fuck you. Dont talk shit about LEDs. They add aesthetic value to the PC which is clearly you know nothing about faggot.

You cant download hardware dumbfuck.


lmao you can with a 480

You idiot the autobots are going to be pissed!
I want to be there when they rekt your ass for taking part of their home planet!