Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu/husbando
>post pics of your waifu
>No Claiming Waifu's/Husbando's that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>most important:Kill yourself!

Other urls found in this thread:



Claiming best girlie!


what method is most effective?


lol rip

>I'll probably get you some other stuff. No worries.
I kind of feel bad because I don't know how to repay you guys. Tomocuck already bought Portal 2 for me and even though it was just $5, that was his money, you know?

I'm bored



My computer is shit

So, what are we arguing about today? Who do we hate?

From /waifu/ to the mods:







Well that was a thing.



Dancing guy in the background claimed

I don't remember who I said I'd do it for.

And I don't know whos waifu is going to get drawn.

Also I'd be up for a collaboration, but not on this piece.

I see you've been unb&
Or why were you gone again?


Doing that shit on mobile doesnt work apparently. It lined up perfectly for me. I am sad now.



>this destroys the Amatsu

>I see you've been unb&
>Or why were you gone again
I posted that
> Nazi Frodo claimed


Well I'm really curious but it'll probably take a while before we get to see anything
>I'd be up for a collaboration, but not on this piece
Understandably. If you ever want to do something, I'm always here

The ship has sunk. You call this romance, Amatsu?

Good claim



Good evening everyone. how ya doing?

>The ship has sunk
It sank the 10 April 1945 ;-;

I'm always up for a collab.
And it might be a while, it might be next week, depends how much time i get to sink into it.

also sorry I disappeared for a minute, was getting pizza.


O shit, haven't seen you in a while, how've you been?

Don't even worry about it. It's kinda what I do anyway, not a big deal at all. I'm happy to get people stuff mainly because I know they can't get it themselves, if you could pay me back then there'd be no point.

Sorry, not the same emi user from awhile back. I'm fairly new

Fuck you


no need for hostility, friend

Saber claimed still alive edition

people i will welcome

>but don't respond back

Ohayo~ best knight!

Hey cute scientist

kagami claimed!!

>might be a while
Quality takes time Hitagi, don't rush it and it'll turn out great I'm sure
What kind of pizza?

Edgy swordsman

>not welcomed

I went out on a date
With a girl a bit late
She had so many friends

I brought my pogo stick
Just to show her a trick
She had so many friends

You misclicked. That's adorbs.

Hello people.

>Best idol claimed


playing Overwatch, might take me awhile to respond sometimes. I make the mistake of playing while trying to talk to people

Pogo x7


Its not safe here friend

fite me you genji loving weeb


is it bad for thinking rory looks better without lipstick??

Only to those i see just come in.
If i'm paying attention


Emi wouldn't approve of this meal

Claiming, how's everyone?

Bobby Hill claimed




Shinoa claimed ',:)

It's ok, pizza will give her an excuse to run more!

A buffalo chicken pizza

And yeah, I never rush my projects, I'm also my worst critic, so you wont see it unless I think it's good enough.

s-safe?? why isn't it safe???

I need help

This is going to be biased since you all are a bunch of no good weebs but I need help with a debate

What would be weirder to have on your phone wallpaper, anime porn or real porn?

I'd say easily anime porn because people would think you're a freak but my friend says otherwise. I don't even know, so I want your input

Not at all.
Bored at work again.
You're such a fattie

Claimed mine

Depends on the porn friendo. Anine porn can still be pretty tasteful and artistic but regular porn turns out to be nothing but smut, looks horrible and doesnt show anything nice.

Bruh what is the best syndra skin. Any opnions?

Just letting you know that this red haired qt got banned for 3 days for avatarfagging.



I ain't clickin' that shit

Hallow will be missed~

What kind of monster would avatarfag?!

I dunno, I guess just a naked girl except one is animated, but to me that makes it weird to the public, but thanks for input :0

I'd say having any porn in general would be weird.
However I agree it might be slightly better to have artistic porn rather than just smut. your call though

Probably some boat-fucker.

Swordsman. There is literally nothing wrong with liking Genji.


That looks pretty off putting honestly.

>Kept you waiting, huh?
What's good my man?

Damn. Mods are cracking down on particular anons then. Maybe have someone different bake every time? Kyouko pretty much became the face of /waifu/ for a good few weeks.

that explains the threads getting pruned
anime porn

God damn that looks fucking delicious.

Sorry friend, how much longer you got there?

Based freddys. I get their ice cream usually once a wekk

Kurisu is here and will try to roll for your loods, you have to hide

There is everythings wrong best! What up though

I've asked several people I know on Facebook and it seems to be fairly equal, I still think anime porn would be worse and I know both are creepy


Oh you~
>fuck you ;-;

>Too lazy to remember a quote
You're good my man
Been up to anything?

Steam summer sales has eaten most of my money away

See you guys

Genji is the best offensive character when played right
At least Maki knows what he's talking about

I know beautiful, just poking fun

>A buffalo chicken pizza
I approve
>I'm also my worst critic, so you wont see it unless I think it's good enough.
The words of a true artfag. Very relatable indeed
about 80% of my work so far will never be seen

Fucker always outbaked me before I even had the chance. Making too many threads in a row is sure to get the attention of the mads. Also, linking the previous thread probably didn't help



And it was!

>ice cream
>not calling it frozen custard



Nearly 6 hours. Just under.
I havent had McDonalds, Burger King or KFC styled takeaway food in nearly a month.

kyouko outbaked me like 3 times in a row then i just gave up
i mean both are weird but it depends what type we're talking about here
chef smug
Heretic Tsundere~chan

Don't do that.


How are ya?

I permanently steal Megumin

Im the chef in the thread!

what did i do?

I steal the chef

I'll have to go there sometime when I don't have work. I haven't had much to eat today and that is making me super hungry again lol

Damn, I worked earlier this morning. Retail work is no fun, especially 8 hours without breaks.

I'm gonna make the threads from now on

porn roll



Have the main seasonal waifu. No one else keeps her.
Bored at work still. 5.5 hours to go.
Nice try. You just want me for my muffins. Today was strawberry, coconut and white chocolate.
>8 hours no break
>Ive been on 10 no break all week and all last week
>Ive once done 84 hours for 2 weeks with only time to go home and sleep

hey shiro!!! how's everything going for you??