Other Loli thread reached image limit

Other Loli thread reached image limit

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fucking watermarked crap

Friendly loli group here

Add prophetnova please, trying to expand my folder

Ill dump a few
















Fucking kidfuckers.

I've never done that.


Uncensored version sauce?
Or even uncensored dump if possible


light of tsumiki manor

/r/ing Machi, the bear girl one


What was the name of that 3d artist?


Why am I so attracted to these?


Because you are a pedo


Cuz they're horny AF. They make me wet.


i'm looking for a 3d hentai with a Demon loli hair pink. someone help me?

Some body give me a theme for a loli erotica.

Theme? You writing something?



therontheron666 add

a theme? do you mean like a plotline or just something like 'sun'?

therontheron666 add plz


"when lolis attack"

You get it. Ill post tomorrow.


Oh well that's just not appropriate for the thread, mate.

>Implying lolicon are real girls

this thread is impure

The old in out in out

anyone have that comic where dipper wears the galsses?


Loli's take over the world

I'm singing in the rain

A little bit of the ultra violence.


# >add Dscamby pls

I was a pedo even before knowing what that word means.

Can a 14y/o being a pedo, well I guess yes, because even at that age I was sexually arused by girls. All of my life its have been easier to me to get along with children than people my own age.

Never did anything that I regret mind you, I have always knew that my feeling were not reciprocated by the objects of my affections.

So no, I just did not just wake up one day "deciding to be a sick fuck".

I guess gays were called sick fucks on some other times.

Healthy adult relationships are not comparable to being attracted to kids, you sick fuck. Unless this is pasta in which case I've got egg on my face.


Lolidom is best dom

Were you abused, user?


thank you for calling me a sick fuck, I guess I am, but I find solace in that it was not a choice, I did not just decided to be atracted to little girls I just am.



Fucking sick fuck.
M-me too...
Now let's knock this shit off, mods don't like IRL talk shit.





Nope, but if you call being ostracized and ignored by your peers abuse, then yes.

Are you saying it isnt normal to be attracted to 14 year old girls when you yourself are 14? Wtf?!

not when the girls are 9, 10 or 11

retard detected


Man, you're weird.



He said he was attracted to young girls when he was 14. The fuck was I supposed to think he was talking about? 5 year olds? Fuck outta here

Oh damn I see then. Well at 14, 11 isnt too bad but anything lower sure.





short story

