Be honest: how old are you? how many years have you posted on Sup Forums?

Be honest: how old are you? how many years have you posted on Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

18, 7


28, 12

22, summer child of 2008

I literally can't keep up with all these Pokemon.

Totally 18
Not alot

20, 4

19, 2

22, almost 23.

Introduce to Sup Forums by some folks I used to play WoW with in High School mid-2009... so I've been posting for almost? 7 years.

15, 6

36, 10. Yep.

27, 9

28, 5


27, 9 years.


20, been here since I was 9, started posting/regulary visiting at 15


65 From day. 1

23 , 6 years now. Regret nothing

34, 12 off and on.

25, 2

33, 11

Still play WoW? I just started playing again recently

21, 6


18+, all summer

16 (almost 17)
about 3-6 months


18 but 19 this month, been posting and lurking for about 6 or 7 years now

ayyy my nigga

12, sense last week. fuck off u sumerfags

27, 11 years.

14, 1

Still subbed but I only play an hour here or hour there. Just helping friends out with Arena Master before they delete it.

It's really hard to stay interested when there hasn't been new content in a year. Everyone else went to Overwatch.

36 and I'm too old to remember. But probably longer than I should have.

Since '09.

Holy fuck, it's hard to believe.

Welcome to Sup Forums!


19, 4 years.

Being a girl on here is weird

I'm 15 and I've posted for 3 years

>I'm a girl btw

Tits or GTFO roast


You just felt the absolute need to point out that you're female? That's like 95% of the posts on this thread saying "it feels weird to be a fully grown man on here"

Where the fuck are parents these days? Goddamn helicopter parents

20, lurking since i was 13 and probably posted first when i turned 18


grandparents raised me so they're about as tech savvy as a tangerine

started going on her when i was 11 or 12, im 18 now

26, 1

29 years old
Been posting since I first lost my virginity at 20.

it's been a wild ride you faggots

Literally oldfag lmao

21, 1.

22 as well, summer of 2007. Nine years.

i'm going to need her name, all google is giving me is pictures of eggs

18 and 4

15, 2

>implying all people on Sup Forums posted here when they were 18


20, 8. im a fucked up individual now

15 2

An eternal summerfag? That's impressive

I'm old enough to use one of these

28. I started in 2005. So 11 years.

Reverse image search this, I lol'd

38, 11 years in.

57, 6

26, been here for about nine years now

it's been a hell of a ride

21. I first posted on Sup Forums in 2009 when I was 14/15.

Been here for 8 or 9 years. This place has always been a warming comfort zone for me whenever my friends abandon me. I feel as if that may never change.


28, 9

Mods mods

that's when you know you've got a great ass

almost 20, 12

31, 1


Just recently became 18

Been here since '09 because I knew this one edgy guy in school who would go on about this website and was very /pol /b character

17 3


18, 4

18, 2-3

16, 7

22. Been posting for 13 years. New Fag

23, I think like 6 or 7

been around a tech family my whole life, brother had me playing runescape at 4 years old

7 y/o posted for 5

1, 1

ayy lmao

20 / 4 years
>Heaven was a pretty kewl faggot
>This thread really activates my almonds

21, 9

23, something around 12 years.
Here's a meme

I joined this summer like couple weeks ago

Since like, uh, 2004 or something. I could be wrong since I'm stupid.


Since yer mum. (2008)


Bro, I got you. Please refer to my meme.

19, 20 this year about 5 years

27 yrsold
10 years

18, browsed since i was about 14

Congrats, you just got me from loving tits more than ass, to ass more than tits. That right there is truly an amazing ass, jesus mother of fuck...

28, posting for 11 years. I feel old

>seen slot of things and have been around