AOTY Countdown

I tried this last night to no avail, so let's take another crack at it.

This is my AOTY 2016. Someone respond to it with their AOTY 2015. Someone respond to THAT with their AOTY 2014. And so on and so forth.

Let's see how far back we can actually get.



2013's best dance party


2012 reporting in

2012 - nazoranai





Don't think you get the point of this thread.

Thanks anyway?






dl for this anyone?

sure let me upload it


Marie Davidson - Adieux Au Dancefloor.rar


dont do this to me

2003, anybody? Come on. They had a few good albums out that year.

I guess I'll post mine to bump the thread. 10/10 masterpiece imo though I'm sure others will object

I was kinda hoping that there'd be a different poster each time, but I'm starting to think that was optimistic of me.

ya I was wanting to stay out of it but I was also interested in watching what others brought to the table. As far as the anons I suppose we'll never know

We were doing so well, too.

Come on, guys! 2003! Metaphorical Music came out in 03! I know mu likes that album? Where are y'all?
