Pictures of musicians together

Post 'em

>Jeff with 170cm the same height as paul with 180cm

Layne Staley and King Diamond



I love these pictures

Linda seems like such a mom in them

Was Jeff really that short?

Can't win em all I guess...



William Campbell and Paul McCartney





Yep, he was a manlet






Tapeworm revival when?





Mossad killed tupac


>"So you're the bastard who inspired The Machinist."



o shit. didn't zappa hate punk?



first picture on google search when i typed in Josh Homme and wife.




Zappa's opinions on literally anything is a joke




manlets make the best music anyways


Case in point

Oh brother.

even better






>that spread
alpha as fuck





You just KNOW


kim asking nirvana to free girls from white male corporate oppression




hit 'em where it hurts!





Nick and Wayne


can someone tell me some of the musicians here?


This was for her featuring in Bury it ?

yeah, after they finished the song lavren and hayley engaged in dirty yet lovely lesbian sex while martin and iain masturbated in a corner


>Jesus Christ Peter, what the hell is wrong with you?

you can google the filename for all of em, my man Dizzy on the far right,

>lavren and hayley engaged in dirty yet lovely lesbian sex while martin and iain masturbated in a corner
Idk why I feel like this is actually exactly what happened

this one is actually pretty cool





I'm surprised by how much Reznor shit I collected over the past year on Sup Forumsand other places.

this just makes me more and more excited about trent and his wife being on twinpeaks

This is just a picture of Paul McCartney....

They were fucking. That's why they bitch about each other 30 years on. Ulrich was fucking Burton too, which is why he treated Newstead like fucking shit.

and what about James?


James was raised a good Christian boy. He spent every day between the mid eighties to the early 2000's drunk as fuck and off on hunting trips during his down time.

You know it happend



they look like theyre about to fuck


brian always look terrified



I'm sure they got along famously.


he's terriefied of dying, he knows the time is near
