>the most complex and technically difficult music in existence
>unlike try hard garbage like most prog metal, even though it's complex it still retains absolute beauty and emotional power
>can have over 100 musicians just to play one symphony, each in different ensembles, working together perfectly
>requires incredible knowledge of music theory to appreciate, there are entire degrees dedicated to studying music theory
>playing advanced concertos requires at least a decade worth of solid practice to even scratch the surface
>music that has literally survived CENTURIES

Look at that picture, look at that shit, I mean really look at it and tell me your Talking Heads and your Danny Brown and your David Bowie can even compare.

I laugh when people pride themselves in having "good taste" in underground hip hop, when that's like being proud of having good taste in shit.

Why don't you listen to the objectively best music in the world?

Other urls found in this thread:


wow some silver fucktard wrote on paper a while ago

You're right, I believe classical is the pinnacle of music, followed by jazz, followed by rock and the rest.

However, I think rock is the most diverse and exciting, so I love listening to it more so than classical.

I do. Beethoven, Bartok, and Shostakovich are my favorites.

But sometimes I'm not in the mood for complex and challenging music and I prefer something simple and fun.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with listening to other music besides classical. Of course there's worthwhile music in nearly every genre, but I'd think you'd be surprised at the amount of people on this music board that have never heard Beethoven's 9th Symphony, for example, in full.

cool taste buddy you are more advanced

we are all very proud of you good job

Then we're in agreement. It's really a shame how few people have even a basic familiarity with classical music. Same thing with jazz really.

I've actually been trying to write music in a sort of neoclassical style lately and I'm not v good but it's still pretty fun to just make shit complex and constantly changing purely for the sake of making myself a better composer.

Complicated and hard to play does not make it better music.

Complexity doesn't necessarily equate with higher quality. But complexity allows for the possibility of higher quality.

Try writing a masterpiece novel using only 100 different words. I don't care how good those words are or how you arrange them or how much emotion you put into typing them. Somebody with a huge vocabulary who understands all the complexities and history of a language is going to have a much greater chance of success at writing a masterpiece.

>>requires incredible knowledge of music theory to appreciate

You answered my question. Not gonna spend my time studying when I can just, y'know, listen to music I like already.

>he ACTUALLY cares about complexity in his music
Loving every laugh my friend

I'm comfortable being a pleb. I dig Xenakis, though. Does he count?

I've just never really understood this mindset. For me it just seems natural to want to learn more about something I like. I can't imagine being "into music" and not wanting to learn all I could about theory and the history of music.

That's where op was wrong

You can know jack shit about theory and still realize the beauty of a classical piece. Will someone that dow have a knowledge of theory be able to dissect the music and find more to appreciate? Sure, but that doesn't mean someone who doesn't understand the nuances can't appreciate it.

It might be better to say that's required to "fully" appreciate the music. Even babies can enjoy classical to some extent.

Jazz is better than classical.

But also...
Plenty of music recorded in the past century will be around for centuries as well, jazz, rock n roll, and any other popular genres are too new to have such old classics.

But this was very good b8.

It's not like music as a whole doesn't work if I don't know theory and history. I listen to the music, I relax, get hyped, or have feels. Don't care if something changes into the relative key in this part of the song or something. Maybe that's essential to know to enjoy classical music but like I said I'm just not interested because there's other music I like already.

Because there's literally zero major 7ths in the classical period and I love my major 7ths


Because I have no idea where to start I would like to get into classical and opera but I have no clue on where to start. Does anyone have a flowchart or some shit.

>have to learn applied fractions in order to enjoy music
yeah right


Because it's boring

rock isn't very diverse compared to classical. Classical has 500 years of music, up to the present day, with pioneering work being done even as we speak. Rock kind of peaked in the 70s and hasn't been doing too well recently - it become more pop-rock.
As for exciting, if you think repeating a riff 4 times then repeating another riff 4 times is exciting, you are easily amused.

much of classical is simple and easy to play, and good.

jazz uses classical elements but doesn't take them to the extremes that classical composers push them. Especially today. Jazz composers these days do some pitch axis, play some modes, play 4 altered chords per bar at a high tempo, do some improv, but thats about as far as they go. There's much more to music than that and classical explores those areas, and has been exploring those areas (like synthesizers, live electronics, non-musical elements, extended techniques beyond saxophone honking, etc.) since the late 50s

listen to Bach art of fugue, listen to Beethoven piano sonatas, listen to Bach violin partitas, listen to Grieg symphonic dances, listen to Janacek string quartet 1 and Sinfonietta, Listen to Bartok string quartet No. 4, Listen to Schoenberg 5 pieces for orchestra.
That should pretty much catch you up to date.
As for opera, find some Mozart opera productions on youtube and watch them. make sure there are English subtitles so you can follow the story. le nozze di figaro or the magic flute for example. Or don Giovanni.

I dont listen to anything else, except traditional music. Popular music just doesn't compare to the scope and variety of classical, or the integrity and grit of traditional music.

Not to enjoy, to understand. you already enjoy it, why not learn how it works so you can appreciate what makes it tick? It will make you enjoy it more.

really bad writing - parallel motion all the time, boring rhythms, hardly any independent parts - just jumping from chord to single notes back to chord, instead of having 3 or 4 voices interweaving.

And what music do you find interesting? Kanye west? Taylor Swift?
Try this out for attention span:

>elementary fractions is what makes music tick
""""okay i'll take your word for it""""

but i listened to classical music today... I hope you aren't one of those people who assumes

Diverse in instruments, primarily...including fusion with literally ALL other types of music.

If you think rock is repetition of the same chords, you've been listening to the wrong kind of rock.

At the end of the day, time is finite and we're all compromising on something. Personally, although I do listen to some classical music, I find literature a more compelling art-form, and if given two hours to blow, I'd much rather spend that time reading a few chapters of my favourite novelist than listening to a concerto. The same holds true for studying their theory.

(hopefully, since you seem to be a fan of classical music, I don't have to explain why the two activities listed above can't _truly_ be performed simultaneously).

People just aren't exposed to music like us. It's really not that big of a deal. I figure most of us are just lucky.

If only I could have a shekel for every time a Sup Forumstant whines about normies not liking their pop music for being too boring. How does it feel to be on the other side?

>Diverse in instruments, primarily...including fusion with literally ALL other types of music.
that describes classical music better than it does rock. Rock tends to be the usual drumkit, electric guitars, keyboards, vocals. Not very often do they step outside that instrumentation.

>If you think rock is repetition of the same chords
I never mentioned chords. I mentioned riffs being repeated 4 times. They tend to repeat an idea over and over, then move to the next idea. repeat riff 1 X 4, repeat riff 2 X 8, repeat riff 1 X 4 again, move on, etc. There is very rarely any progression or evolution in the music, and there tends to be a lot of static blocks of 4 or 8, even in more "progressive" rock like ELP there's still blocks of 4 and 8.

Sound like you've mixed up chord symbols with fractions. There is a theory of how music works, just like there is a theory of how English should be written. its not really arbitrary, and if you want to speak the language you need to learn it. Like any languages, it evolves. Written music from 500 years ago is very different to written music of today, as is the music written.
also your quote should be "elementary fractions *are what make music tick" even though you're not quoting me, and instead simply misconstruing my post.


Because I don't know where to start.

>Diverse in instruments, primarily
>comparing to classical

>who cares
>yeah i can see what you mean here
>who cares
>who cares
>who cares
>this is a good point

>not realizing that literally all of that also applies to the best showtunes and musical theatre, which is what i primarily listen to

i just realized that there is no discussion of music theater on Sup Forums whatsoever

i mean, this board is obsessed with kate bush, so we must all secretly like it

Just because you can't appreciate simplistic repetition of musical ideas doesn't mean it is bad, you just have a different standard for what you think 'music' should be. You can appreciate both Classical music for its sophistication and Rock for its primal simplicity. It's literally just your preference.

I've tried to get a few discussions started but nobody gives a fuck about the really good shit because it doesn't sell very well, so cast albums are extremely rare for many of the shows that I really really like.

The problem with theatre is that, more than any other artform, it has to sell to be even documented, because it requires such intense work from so many people and is entirely performance based, that to be really truly dedicated to the theatre, you *have* to take it as a profession. Nobody is going to fucking do Mayor ever again, it isn't going to sell, no matter that it's one of the absolute funniest, most ambitious, musically creative scores of the late 20th century. But Wicked, they'll eat that shit up.

Theatre is a hellacious medium because nothing good sells and nothing that doesn't sell can be reproduced in full, period, unlike with standalone music.

Because music can't be objectified

>Just because you can't appreciate simplistic repetition
who says I cant? minimalism employs repetition of simplistic ideas, but yet has evolution over time, and has things like poly-rhythms and phasing (where one part speeds up of slows down while another part stays the same tempo, until they synch up again).

Its not a matter of what I think music should be, its what music I find stimulating and interesting. Some people like to listen to the same rock album every weekend, with the same riffs played in chunks of 4 or 8 and stitched together into "songs" around 3 or 4 minutes long (unless its prog or stoner rock).
Some people need a bit more stimulation and need more interesting than riffs played 4 times then new riffs played 4 times. Some people need for a piece of music to have a feeling of progress or evolution. Pop really needs to learn how to manipulate material beyond repeating it. There are many things you can do with a riff or a melody. many ways to change it so its sounds similair, or sound totally different but maintains a "coherency" with the original material. This is why classical is able to sustain long pieces and maintain interest throughout, as the composers know how to handle and manipulate material.

Shit marketing. Even though we've largely ditched physical media and have moved digital, the album is still the most compelling method of grouping and releasing songs. 30-70 minutes of music is about an ideal length, discrete tracks allow you to explore diverse ideas without jarring transitions (or when you do have jarring transitions, they appear to be crafted rather than sloppy), yet the grouping and ordering of these discrete tracks provides a lot of flexibility in creating a coherent work, and you can convey lots of additional information through the album title, song titles and album art which further develops the work.

Even the concept of a band name adds a lot to music, unlike the careless use of composer names typical of "classical." The right name for your project allows you to leave an impression on the audience and it's important enough that people have been known to release multiple works with the same members involved as different "bands" just to capitalize on this aspect of the presentation. In comparison, composing something generic, giving it a generic theory-derived name, putting your own name on it and then giving the audience no direct way to immediately perceive the music (requiring middle-men to produce it, often limited to a live setting) is just pathetically sloppy.

Any classical fans feel like giving me some solid critique on compositions I've been writing for my next release? I've been stuck for a lil bit on the next track I'm working on atm and could either use some negative criticism to let me know I'm shit and need to work harder, or some positive reinforcement to let me know I'm headed in a good direction. If anyone's interested and has the time I'd be happy to post some links and let you walk all over any confidence I have remaining.

>blocks of 4 and 8

This is true but I'm not seeing the point. If a pattern is good, this allows the listener time to enjoy it properly rather than quickly moving on to something else. That's not "wrong," it's just another approach to composition.

That's assuming we're talking about sections that are purely repeated and that don't have vocals or some other melody moving over top, because obviously those aren't strict repetitions any more.

>That's not "wrong," it's just boring

>being a slave to marketing

wow! Disney has a fancy name and a polished image, go listen to some Disney soundtracks! they have marketing, therefor you should listen to them.

Why be a mindless consumer, eating up shit music simply because it has a cool package, music video and band name? wouldn't you prefer something that actually prides itself on good music first and foremost?

Marketing can make anything popular, doesn't mean its worth spending time on. Backstreet boys or Justin Bieber for example. At some point you have to use your brain and decide if something is worth spending time on. Scientology is popular - why not convert? If you're dumb enough you might think it has a cool title and package / premise

I do listen to classical music, but the reasons you posted are bad reasons to listen to classical music. Nothing wrong with liking David Bowie, Talking Heads, or Danny Brown.

we've been slaves to marketing before we were even born (our parents)

we're lucky to not be completely shrouded by it and to be able to consume other media that isn't mainstream

It's not in the voicing I like though, which is root, 3rd, 5th, then the 7th.

>we've been slaves to marketing before we were even born (our parents)
some of us actually branch out from what our parents like and make up our own minds about whether we like things or not.

You dont have to consume what the TV or radio or internet tells you to, you have free will to choose quality over a pretty package. It is much easier to just like whatever people tell you to like, so I can understand if you're just lazy or have no personality.

Not hypnotic, needs more bass and repetitive drums for me

also, no FX


whatever ad hominem you're trying doesn't really work on me, i too don't follow society's media bullshit and consume the media I enjoy (otherwise i wouldn't be here), but what i said applies to like 95% of the entire populace

>Any books or compositions on quartal/quintal harmony?
Thank you.

Jazz is poor man's classical

dude your fl studio looks outdated as fuck

underrated comment kek