My girlfriends asshole is darker then I'd prefer. Is bleaching all that common? Should I have her bleach it...

My girlfriends asshole is darker then I'd prefer. Is bleaching all that common? Should I have her bleach it? Am I just being a little bitch?
Share your similar experiences and your girlfriends or exes asshole.
I think porn has ruined it for me because I see all of these skin toned and nice pink assholes.

Pics or it didn't happen.

>Am I just being a little bitch?
>I think porn has ruined it for me
Generally true. It's responsible for shaving, worries over cock size, thinking anal and DP is a normal early part of a relationship, unrealistic expectations and all sorts of fucked-up shit that makes it difficult for you impressionable young people to have a good relationship.

Why the fuck would you want someone you like to apply caustic chemicals to sensitive skin with the risk of damage just because of something you saw on line?

Here is closest I got sucks I know all on my old phone.


I totally get it man. But fuck.
It's been 4 years now since I've seen another asshole and just wonder if this is the norm or not can barely even remember the previous girls assholes.

bleach it
also Latina assholes are best
with white girls they always look fucking gross

There is lot of dark asshole in porn.

I wish there was a procedure inverse of bleaching. These kind of dark large wrinkled ringy asshole are so good to lick forever..

Me bleach it? If it's getting bleached I'm not doing it. I'm white only so I can't do the Latina thing. They seem darker then white girls tho.

It's her asshole. It's dark. Accept it

She fucking deserves better than you - I've seen puddles with more depth

Oh my god, this is getting out of hand now, it's an asshole. Give her a bread, something she literaly shits through. It's not even made to be pleasing to the eye, or treated as a sexual area.

Listen to this user

Fuck you man been with her for four years and it's just something that bugs me from time to time that I would change. I'll still lick her asshole now no problem just would tweak this one thing.

>Give her a bread
da fug?
are you acoustic bro?

You know what he meant don't shit post in my thread.

Easy fix - don't date fucking niggers

Talks a lot of sense.
How would you feel if she was always thinking that your dick is too small because all the porn sites show massive ones? What if she asked you to undergo enlargement surgery? My guess is you'd feel fucking awful and useless.

I already have a monster cock so that wouldn't be an issue.

Shallowness confirmed.

Dark assholes are beautiful. Don't be a pussy, bro. As long as she keeps it clean, is there really a problem?

porn stars bleach it
if you ready for a slap in the face and loosing some$ get it for your gf
if not, stop being a retarded fag

over 6 billion people in the world, and you think half the population bleach their ass??

>Is bleaching all that common?
>Am I just being a little bitch?
>I think porn has ruined it for me
it has

>over 6 billion people in the world
7.4 billion actually

>complains about shitposting
>in a thread about butt holes
Oh the ironing

have the same issue with my gf. she is indian and not only has she a dark butthole but also a very hairy ass crack that really turns me off. no idea what to do about it as i don't want to hurt her feelings.

Technically he isn't wrong

Fuck this faggot, post dark bootyholes

if you don't like dark and hairy...

Stupid bitch with a nigger asshole spotted.

Go bleach your stink cave you piece of lazy shit cunt.

Now I'm no expert.... But that appears to be a pussy....

it's not even dark. it's the same color as the rest of her skin. damn you dumb.

Buy her some of these and sew them on with nylon fishing line.

>dating a poo in loo

that face when talking dirty with some guy online and when they show a pic of themselves its a fucking indian

the better question would be how much it would cost to bleach her anus and what are the risks.

I'm just posting what I got. And it's one of the few buttholes I have that aren't pink. Contribute or fuck off

>talking dirty with some guy online
>talking dirty with some guy
>some guy
fag detected

nah, think I'll stay and not contribute. stay mad though.

Shaved pussy and a lovely anus.

Keep your hairy cunts and self-righteous attitudes.

Are you 15 or just a mememaster? Im a woman and even if I was a man who the fuck gives a shit

came into the thread to see how people will reply to OP since ive never known how to feel about having a dark butthole

Kys faggot

even if you WERE a man*
damn woman, lrn2english

also tits or gtfo

>ive never known how to feel about having a dark butthole
Has that plagued you your whole life?
Can I see it?


I'm tempted to bleach mine just for the prettyness, but I hate anal and don't want anything to go in there myself. anime pussy is 2pretty5me and makes me feel pretty ashamed.

I think op should shut the fuck up but I totally understand the pursuit of beauty on your own terms.


if you have a dark asshole or pussy its pretty shitty but theres not much you can do

just try to stick to sex in the dark and it wont be that big an issue, i guess

english is my third language and you have no clue how little I give a shit about grammar when replying to some 15 year old "oldfag"

>Has that plagued you your whole life?

wouldnt say "plagued", if anything down there ive always been pretty insecure about my cunt since my whole life ive seen people go on about tiny pussies

although seeing all the puffy vulva memeing on Sup Forums I doubt people actually think big pussies are that weird anymore

>Can I see it?


I dont know if id want it bleached either, i just imagine a brown asshole is kinda like those people who have brown pussies and i havent seen much talk about eithers color, just how they look in general

>idgaf lel ur 12 fag
I cringed. Is this really your A-game? Take your giant vagina and shit-stained butthole to another board.

>big pussy
>dark asshole
>no pics

This thread sucks.

Well I said 15 but yeah youre right you really do seem to get younger with each new post

Rarely show those for people, especially with how tiring it gets when like 20k people from soc and reddit have asked for them just this year alone

>like 20k people from soc
that happens when you act like an attention whore online and constantly post about your vag and stinkhole
>did I mention I'm a GIRL?! hey guys let me tell you about my twat *heehee*

We have a real detective here

Yeah, I tend to mention my gender when I go to meetup boards

>Sup Forums
>meetup board
yeah ok


Butthole Thread lets get it going

Are you retarded?

Well I mean we already talked about your age but you can still try to read the room a little bit, the context might let you in on why I mentioned it

ill give you a hint: fuck off kid

I am op he has a point. But there really also is no need for you to prove you are a girl. On the other hand I'd love to see your asshole and I can tell you what I think. If you never have this isn't a meet up board so no one will try to contact you might as well show it and make a few anons day. I'll compare it to my girlfriends tell you what I think.


You're being a little bitch.

i c wut u did therr

>20k people from soc and reddit have asked for them just this year alone

What the fuck did you think would happen if you talk about your cunt on sites like this?

not really interesting in talking about how much of a girl you are, or hearing the same
>ur retard smilingwoman.jpg
meme, so you can drop it whenever you decide you're done talking about your gender, and about how it's totally something you don't talk about.

Hey OP, look i found you a solution.


Thank you. This thread is fucking weak.


Why the fuck would I show my asshole to you

I send nudes to people I want to please, not to people who want me to please them

oh and people who pay me, ive literally gotten 1000e in the past 6 months for doing basically nothing except showing HC fetish pics

I simply said asking for nudes usually just guarantees no nudes when it comes to me

>not really interesting in talking about how much of a girl you are,

so why are you so desperately replying? Youre the only pic related in the thread who cares so much about it


>tits or gtfo

i don't really care about the rules or tits all that much unless there is follow up but is it possible to see your butthole? personally i don't mind dark buttholes. kind regards for your consideration
>yes i am a pervert

Keep up with the thread, you fucking simp.



I like you.
You and your questionably coloured asshole.
Well done femanon

And if I ask politely?


no u

How old were you when he molested you? Tell me about the times you were raped. What effect do you think that has on you now? What are you missing in your life because of what's happened to you?


shut up, beggars cant be choosers

sooooo... not going to post butthole?

"...puddles with more depth"
top kek

Can we all agree to stop replying to the dark anus bitch? That way her and the white knights leave and we just post buttholes.

7.4 IS over 6 faggot

Really getting to kindergarten levels there

Not going to happen, especially uploading a pic onto a board where everyone can see it

Happens rarely in these parts i have to say

already said no

spoiler: it's an attention-starved dude

never said it wasn't

I think I'll make a cup of tea while I wait for her to post butthole.

nice quads


If he's so attention starved why doesn't he just post butthole?

My girl's isn't that brown at all. It's really just luck of the draw, OP. Sorry you got a bad hand.

Well op here say goodbye attention where I'm going to delete thread. I'm sorry you were raped and molested. Sorry if it wasn't both but the issues and baggage are pouring out of you.


>and you have no clue how little I give a shit about grammar when replying to some 15 year old "oldfag"
Oh, I do. It's slightly more than I care about your opinion

Don't delete it, nigger. It just got good

lol too late too delete

your autism is strong. When you post dumb shit, is it in the hopes that your stupidity will somehow spread, making all those who read how dumb you are slightly less intelligent?

Did I end up in bizarro Sup Forums? I mean I know that barely anyone on this board is over 18 but this is getting ridiculous

Did that dude pretending to be a fetish cam hoer with a dark butthole post his butthole yet?

Beautiful, bro. I like 'em dark, but that's cute as fuck

>darker then

Fucking Illiterate.