











consigning yourself to failure is no way to go through life. Get over your self hate. If you think you're being dumb and irrational then let go of those ideas and move forward. Hanging in self hate for your entire life because you feel like you're nothing will only make you become and stay at that level of nothingness.

I know I'm talking to a brick wall, but one day you need to get up and make an attempt at not being the failure you seem to see yourself as.


Maybe some day.




who the fuck taped her dildo in wtf is that shit













Where the g/fur thread at, damn it?




there is none



Ah, well, I won't shit this thread up with avatars. I'll wait for the g/fur thread.

Not here faggot

shit it up.


much appreciated!



I think the Internet is what's fucking up all you young kids.
Back in my day people didn't act like this. Even if we weren't always happy we were nothing like the the way kids are now.
And it's not because I was one of the cool, normal kids either.
I wasn't. I was zoo though, but even with that I still had friends, I still had sex with girls my age.

Your life will be whatever you make it.
Choose wisely.



Hahaha, I know, right? You'd almost think that that's the entire reason I'm asking "where" it is :P

I do what I can.

Pls, these aren't threads for that. We already have a dedicated shitposting general.


Do you have cancer?

these threads are for sock battlestations


For me, it was never the internet; it was the people. Shitty people in a shitty area fucked up my self perception.

Sure wish I did. I'd actually have a reason to kill myself then.






Sock battlestations? Is this some s/fur thread I'm not aware of?







The ate shitty people everywhere.
I was a shitty person.
Was a semi professional burglar / thief / thug when I was young. Now look at me, I'm a prosperous model citizen. Well respected and liked in my community.



that's either small nuts or lips.

I commend you for it. But I don't care enough to change who I am. Life is meaningless anyway.

Any more "wild" ones? I mean, obviously not like the one that has a dick, but.. just something that gives the look like they are stray or something. Maybe in heat, ya get it.


i meme these threads


Likely the former judging from the chest.




*your* life is meaningless. other people actually accomplish things.


Anyone got the bat-wolf comic from yesterday?


Have you experienced love? A real relationship? Almost died, for real? I could list off so many things that you need to try to do in life or experience before you can just flat out state that life is meaningless.

It seems it's more of you being down on yourself and not caring to improve.

but mik and other SBB's exist tho

Oh! I've seen that setup somewhere before. Do those keyboards use cherry switches, by any chance?

This vintage comic? if so yes.



Yep that's the one



It depends on one's definition of accomplishment. And no, life is literally meaningless. There's absolutely no point in living. Life here was just some crazy accident that happened billion years ago. The universe itself is just as pointless. Nothing matters. Nothing.

I'd say that's accurate.




yet here you are whining to people for attention instead of killing yourself.



I didn't even bring it up, you dumbfuck. I dropped the subject already, it's everyone else that keeps bringing it up.

You get any chatter on those? I recently got a K70 and it chatters like a bitch on three keys.
