So Sup Forums apparently america is fucked because if you look at it as a foreign fag (europe ftw) the available...

So Sup Forums apparently america is fucked because if you look at it as a foreign fag (europe ftw) the available options for president are like chosing a pile of dogshit or vomit.

You guys are litteraly chosing the worst the devil has to offer.

How can a democratic county (minus the fucking illusions which are so blatantly obvious) choose from only 2 party's while there are many more too flavors too chose from.

TL;DR Are you really chosing the less fucking horrible choice?

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bump niggers. I really want to know if americans realize the 2 running candidates are horrble

I knew these 2 fucks were gonna win from the beginning and also they weren't even the worst candidates. Our political system is a joke

It always amazes me when Eurofags comment on America. It's like they're oblivious to the destruction of their own countries going on right under their big noses. Even a worst case scenario of Hillary being elected, we will still be far better off and will watch as Europe continues to be plundered by third world, muslim rapists, while beta males like you sit back and do nothing while posting about America. If you had any pride at all or want hope for your future or your childrens future (assuming you can convince a woman to bear your children) you would be out forming group to fight these hords of shit skins, and defend your country. Your grandparents did it, why won't you?

Amerifag here. The older generation seems to be in love with Trump. Because fuck Niggers, Mexicans. Etc. And the Women want Hillary because "omg I luve hilry, we nead uh womin pruesdent." I'm 24, and everyone that I know absolutely fucking hates them both. Greatest country in the world, greatest fuck ups of all time.

Honestly I'm moving out

i'm voting for HIllary because we align on many issues. it's pretty simple really.

>deathly afraid of brown people

I don't want you as a representation of Americans. I really don't.

I havent followed it that close but seems to me this is just ridiculous. Read the next reply for clarification
Yes we are fucked if we keep going on like this. Refugees being treated better than our elderly and having them implement thier cultural standards in our society. The EU is a farce and unfortunate enough we don't elect the delegates for the EU.

But we do elect our political partys for rule (dutch fag here) and we try too elect people with the same opinion and they don't always (or always don't, cuz fuck politicians) hold their promises but atleast we got our opinion across.

But to me it sounds like you are just chosing becase well they don't have my flavour so i'll vote for the person who has the closest opinion to me. Imo there should be more political partys in america.

I also dont know if that is agreeable to your constitution.

Just raising questions here


It's all fear, on both sides

The right are afraid of any human being who isn't like them. They assume the worse, worry about them finally taking over their lives maybe converting them into what's not them.

and on the other side, the far left fears words and ideas, and the power contained in them to change everyone else BUT them because they're the only ones that can see it for what it is.

Two parties have all the media, political and financial support. The people who provide the support decide who we get as president

but that's not your choice. Take your blinders off. you've been brainwashed by liberal propaganda. Not everyone is the same. Boys can't be girls and some cultures are better than others. Quit acting like the world is a disney movie, and get your shit together.

>you still live on an island
>fucking cry about it
>3.8 million square miles
>we own the fucking planet
>we bought it out from under you
>yfw the native Americans didn't even get their beads :,(

Maybe they can, maybe they can't.

You're so fucking afraid though, like a coward. I want to believe Americans aren't like that.

Are you sure nigger? There is russia and asia still connected to europe but just not displayed on this map. You dont own the fucking planet, you just hink you do and thats why everybody hates you. The last time you fought on the undeniable good side of a war was WWII and you have been dragging down every other country ever since.
Now you are voting between a hate mongerer who will plunge us in to WWIII or a dumb cunt who does what other companies think is best and is lying about doing so.

Not saying europe is perfect not even in the slightest. I am just asking if the american people still think this election system is still fair.

>hate monger
I know you Europeans are considered foreign but holy shit atleast do some more research. Literally anyone who says Trump is racist or a hate monger automatically makes them less creditable. Build the wall! Who's going to pay for it? MEXICOOOOO

I think the problem is that Americans are so fucking blind to shit
Like my grandmother and all her friends are going to go vote trump
When I ask her if she knows any of his policys
She really doesn't know shit
And how it would affect her as an American

Problem is that politics or whatever have us all on a lock

The older folks watch tv
And believe everything
The media is able to cherry pick exactly what we see and don't see so giving steam to whatever party is basically easy there
They could quit both be on the same page
Leaving third partys completely unseen

And us younger ones
All we do is check our Facebook's like clockwork
While we indulge in the art of the meme
Or focus on transitioning into adults

I basically think the problem is that no one reads into anything anymore
At least not that deeply
I'm tired of seeing politics being discussed like a trend
Like being pro Bernie is cool or something

dude if you've seen the rallies, he uses minorities like props and everyone eats it up because they can use that one instance where they saw trump address "there's my african american!" and claim he doesn't incite xenophobia.

>being pro bernie
>not cool

if trump actually said this stuff i think i'd vote for him

germanfag reporting in
funny how you idiots think the eu is fucked.
ok. there are problems, i admit. but we are far from fucked. living here, you practically dont realise that there are this much refugees. you think we are brainwashed by liberal media, but you have simply no clue what is happening here. maybe we arent brainwashed but just rational.
you are the people who are more afraid of foreigners than of your own broken system.
in a few generations the refugee problem wount be that big problem anymore but your system will still be fucked up. eu must be more afraid of trump than of refugees.

>but your system will still be fucked up
No, we'll be pretty much the same, too. All this is hyperventilation.

its not like europe is run by an old bitch who, along with the rest of the 'leaders', sold their continent/'union' out to poor muslims for more votes down the line

america is fucked too, but i'd rather be there than w.europe which is literally a sinking ship of muslim shit

Trump fag

Russia and Asia doesn't even like you, you Limey fuck. And yes we own the godamn planet we are the leaders of the god damn free world the shit wasn't happenstance, you stupid bastard. Had we given those niggers forty acres and a mule it would be a different story but that's why we adapt quick and cut cancerous faggots like you out.

You're exactly right
I used to dream of living there
Probably Berlin for the music
But I've been seeing how much its changed since they started to let in refugees

Of course we do. But we can't do shit about it. Us and Britain should prove "democracy" is basically a sham and that our feudal lords still rule over us.

More than half of the U.S. is basically a bunch of hate mongering racists. They're voting Trump because he's a popular figurehead of wealth and we are in some huge fucking debt. Hillary mishandled a ton of classified information so she's losing a ton of support.

Here's a breakdown on why these two got popular: There's far greater amount of older voters in the U.S. than there are younger at this time. This is because we had a "baby boom" a long time where everyone decided to have a kid. This older generation was not educated on how to find factual sources to help them find a worthy candidate, but to rely on TV. This was because TV stations were more factual and accurate than even some news papers at the time.

This means that this older generation is going to be voting based on TV and other ads. It's no fault of their own, it's just that the times are changed and these politicians can abuse this info. Trump is racist, the US is racist. Trump is wealthy, we are in debt. Trump is a TV star and we love TV.

There ya go ladies and gents.

Seriously. everyone loves to be a troll but this is what most Americans truly believe

there are 4 parties and likely at least one more in this coming election. the election hasn't happened yetr, you know that right?

you'd be even more put off if you went there in person. it really is ruined, probably permanently.

the smaller towns are still decent but they are very boring.

shame that over 1000 years of history have been pretty much ruined by some greedy politicians in 20 years

Trump is a real person with a strong personality. You can actually see that he has a soul unlike Hillary. I know your brainwashed by Fox and Cnn because of the way you wrote that post. Like I said before if you can't tell that Trump is better than Hillary than you are fucking blind. Also that whole xenophobic tumblr buzzword doesn't help me take you anymore seriously

bahaha, why even take the risk you faggot.
I bet your afraid to show national pride to, scared to offend Al shabob because muh sensitivity

Theres a huge difference between the brown people we know and the ones you guys are taking in.

The brown people in america are almost always assimilated. The first gen children assimilate just as fast as any other american.

You dont vet your immigrants and allow ANYONE WITH A BEARD in.

Look at our Mexican nationalist, all of them are not born into america. They literally burn american flags and raise Mexican ones.
*****Islam needs to be completely reformed, no one says anything about this. Islam is an issue, and you bring the issue to your homeland by accepting it.

All this is because you're afraid. If you are not afraid, none of this makes any sense. You can't see that because The Fear has got you in its grip.

Your acting like you shouldn't be afraid of suicidal rapists. Fucking hans.

>suicidal rapists
oh come on
but we are brainwashed from the media

>not seeing the potential of this
>3rd party revolution 2k16

He's so real. let me tell ya, if there's anyone who knows souls it's Trump. Nobody knows souls like trump. Trump has the best soul of all souls, he's gonna prove it to you when he wins because he has the best plan for building souls. He's gonna use the theoretical deficit of souls lost to pay for new souls, because he can make an estimated amount of souls into a tangible amount using his ultimate plan for souls that he outlines in every debate. Trump loves souls, nobody loves souls like trump

OP here. Thanks for replying and besides the usual unargumented idiot opinions thank you for your insight. Both opinions have raised some valid arguments.

although I feel that this thread some what became about europe vs america again both sides raised good arguments.

But the main question although shortened is, does america think it's democratic system is perfect? Leave out the europe bit. Start another thread about that if you want. I know to a certain exctent how the politics in europe work and that a lot of people are fed up with it.

For this thread i just would like some self-reflection of america. As your politics are beginning to show flaws more than ever at this moment.

This is true but you also dont realise there are this much elderly while there are far more than refugees. Yet somehow the elderly get less and less (at least in the Netherlands) while the refugees get more and more (it still is only but a fraction of the governments budget) but when our elderly are litterally worse off than refugees who came to this country to bitch and moan and behave like criminals (not just talking about the Syrian refugees but especially Moroccans who were raised here from earlier generations) there has definitely gone something wrong somewhere


Well they are slipping into your nations.

Enjoy the crumble of your awful union, may it destroy your economy for generations to come.

Hopefully one of them destroys Europe in nuclear fire....

Do you align with her promises or her actions? They are very different things especially from her.

Op here. Thanks this is actually somewhat insightfull

I don't know where you live, but where I am the refugees are a fucking problem. And in regards to the media it is no bit better than anywhere else and europeans aren't any more rational than any other people. Get of your high horse faggot, you just have a different bias.

It's so sad. I mean, I'm laughing at your cowardice but really it's sad.

How "bad" a refugee situation is is also directly related to how bad your own life is. The shittier your life, the "worse" refugees are.

>Calling half of the US racist because you don't understand why Trump is popular.
>At least try to understand your enemy autist

For eurofags who don't understand American politics:
The US is like the EU, and the states are like EU member nations. They're not exactly sovereign, but they do have some autonomy. There's no way to change this without scrapping our entire form of government, and individual states are too heavily invested federally to secede... even though nutjobs like to threaten it sometimes.

The current two main political parties have been in power since the end of the civil war, 150 years ago. In that time, these parties have consolidated power and passed legislation at various levels favorable to maintaining the status quo.

As the it currently stands, a vote for a third party will ALWAYS be a wasted vote until qualified candidates willing to trash and dismantle their own parties stand for local elections. Enough of them have to get elected at the state level to be able to pass federal laws which work to dismantle the party system...

which is basically impossible because candidates rely on their parties for fundraising.

TL;DR Americans have no control over who can get elected other than which of the chosen candidates is most palatable.

oh well, il exchange fear for a bunch of immigrants. Enjoy your cultural enrichment

i allready admitted that there is a problem.

and the problem with the elderly is there, too. but nowhere linked to the refugees. that are two completly diffrend things. you only see that we are giving the refugees too much money (maybe its right, i dont know. but ginving them nothing or too less isnt the right way to integrate them and get them adapted) and that "our" people need money. but wasnt this problem allways there ? the system about the pension is shit. thats just a plain fact. but as i said, nowhere linked to refugees.

Motherfuckers need time to shift their culture. We still have tons of racially charged issues in America right now. Like god damn even after slavery ended shit was bad. And if anyone really thinks that immigration reform and banning Muslims is gonna cut down terrorist attacks and social unrest, bthey're eing pretty myopic.

With that said, not too happy with either candidate but I'll definitely vote

Serious question : how do you feel when your vote have virtually no importance if you don't live in a swing state?

even the terms you use.
>slipping in your nations
you eat everything the tv and you god imperator trump tells you, dont you?
i dont want to say that they are all fine gentelmans. of course there are assholes. but if we would take as many americans, the crime would rise at least as fast. we hadent that much mass shootings here laitly

and how many interactions you had with refugees?
you see them in the bus, you hear that they get money (wich seemingly you think you have earned more. bet you are a wondeful person), you hear that they do crimes. the last thing is a problem, but nowhere that bad as media shows it.

Fear isn't a bad thing though.

Fear is the only thing that has kept our species alive. If you see a wolf running at you and aren't afraid then it's you who has the problem.

I'd rather be afraid than dead, and it seems like Germany and Sweden chose to die rather than embrace rational fear.

Im a collage student and doing pretty good. I not worried that some goatfucker is taking my jobs. But they hang around in groups, get drunk, molest people, litter, smash glass bottles everywhere, steel stuff, are really disrespectfull and show all kinds of other asocial behavior.

exactly. no one expects them to fucking lower crime when they move into town. as high a % will commit crimes as any group of (poor) people will do.

I mean, yeah. That's why we kept trying to Bernie into office.

Look. I know Communism sounds terrifying. But when your choices are between Hillary's WW3 with Russia, or Trump's civil war, it at least seems like a way of getting through the next 4 years without America ending up like the next Brazil. I mean, with luck the guy will die of a heart attack, and someone younger and less insane from his cabinet will just take over.

You poor bastards let the media get to your heads, and you think Bernie's campaign is about anything other than just not being Trump and not being Hillary. He just says whatever memes he needs to, in order to draw a crowd.

"The one percent, of the one percent!"
>Translation: I'm not Hillary or Trump

Except very few Americans believe that 12 year old girls only exist to please men.

You're comparing apples to pedophile oranges in an attempt to justify your hatred of your own culture.

>implying hillary's stance on guns wouldn't lead to a civil war

Not to mention how they beat up minoritys within the refugee shelters

I don't like bernie or his policies one bit. He's a weak, naive coward who would hand even more power to the federal government.

That being said I would take him over shillary any day of the week.

You're fucking dumb. You think rapes and murders are a function of immigrants? Nigga what about Dylan roof or Timothy McVeigh or Brock turner? There's plenty of examples of what you're talking about I'm sure but you have a confirmation bias.

"Oh I hate x I think they are ruining the country.."

"oh shit one of those X's committed a crime, now I KNOW they're ruining the country"

yes, being a pedophile is pretty horrible but did you know the age of consent was raised to 13 in 1895 and in france it was changhed to 15 in 1950, in spain it was 12 until 1999. 19 mother fucking 99

forgot that shooting a few dozend people isnt as bas as raping.
yea, i know. you cant compare this. every way you try you sound like an asshole.

Well again, that's a bit different.

There's convincing a 12 year old to have sex with you even though they don't fully understand the weight of the decision, and then there's forming groups of rapists who all believe that these 12 year old "heathen whores" who don't wear hijabs deserve to be raped because of their religious beliefs

Again, apples and oranges. Muslims are not just pedophiles, they are religiously motivated pedophiles who believe that women shouldn't have any rights and were created solely as dick warmers by allah

Damn, didn't know that

and even then i'm sure it was more of a stunted growth reasoning.

if boys and girls are working the fields when they're 10 it probably didn't seem that unreasonable to them.

now, fuck, kids are still living in their parents basement into their 20s, just ask OP.

And you sound like a regressive leftist retard. I'd rather be an asshole than a part of your decaying culture soon to be replaced by the caliphate.

When your daughter is getting raped just remember, at least nobody ever called you a racist!

put a lot of poor people, monstly man, in a much too small room. forbid them to have a job. move them every month, so they cant find hobbys or frinds.
oh! they are beating each others ?! how could this have happend??
i wonder that only a few of them get violent at the end. come on, me, you and everyone else would get insane in the same situation too.

> forbid them to have a job

No way is this true

dude how many incidents of roving gangs of rapists do you really think there are? and wouldn't yuo blame a lot of this on a permissive culture?

honestly, how many of you assholes would rape and pillage in groups if you knew you weren't going to get prosecuted for it. I bet a fair number of you.

even if it's dozens of rape gangs. are americans defined by their mass shootings, acts of domestic terrorism and lynchings done by the (relative) few?

I got a comparison for you, idiot.

BTW, the votes are completely rigged. Like literally, there is no oversight.

>They cancelled the exit polls. Hm, I wonder why?

>There is no vote audit, no way to tell if the numbers are just made up on the spot

Have you met a fucking Muslim in real life? You're probably one of those misanthropic ill-informed fucks who thinks the recent Isis attack at Medina somehow represents Islam. When what it really was was a bunch of psychopaths attacking one of the holiest sites in the religion, which is considered a REQUIREMENT to respect and visit if you are muslim

I would sooner kill a rapist than become one.

That's the difference between western virtues and Islamic ones. Non-muslims are considered fair game for rape.

>When your daughter is getting raped

so much fear. it's really sad.

You can always vote for Vermin Supreme

Fuck all muslims islam is a death cult

the primaries do not have to be democratic. the popular choosing of candidates dates to 1973 or so.

the general election gets to be democratic. that's it. you can't "rig" something that is completely up to the party to choose.

Yeah I think everyone here is smart enough to realize our political system is flawed.

As for the cantidates, yeah, I would agree that both cantidates are shit, but I think trump is slightly better, plus he wants to get rid of spics and goatfuckers.

Did you know that the crusaders weren't real christians? Also columbus wasn't a real christian. Neither was cortes.

See how it works? You don't get to pick and choose, retard.

>Rotherham sex gangs

So much ignorance. It's really sad.

and again. you have no arguments. you call every one who isnt an asshole like you a lefty retard.
you just know that our culture is decaying. but why? and what fucking culture is left to protect after nearly every western country took over the amercan live stile. there is no culture left to protect. on one side there are these extreme leftys (wich rule the internet outside Sup Forums and a few other sites) on the other are illiterate assholes who only think of there selfs.
maybe there will be a new culture coming. like america had at it very beginning, like canada is having. maybe it turns to shit. but i actually like that things are changing

>don't go near a bear or it might kill you


In most industrialized nations, a person who is not a citizen is not legally allowed to work without at least a work visa.

If you're not granting them work visas, you are de-facto forbidding them to hold jobs.

Under that logic all cops hate black people

i never sayd anything like that. you are just happy that you can finally use this fucking picture you saved! congrats bro

Neither do you you absolute pillock. If you want a real discussion don't start it by calling someone an asshole and them pretending you had the moral high ground all along

Jesus, you leftists are completely unbearable.

Yeah I bet you do like that things are changing you dog fucker.

>the other are illiterate assholes who only think of there selfs

You're a 14 year old kid who thinks he's smarter than his parents and couldn't be more wrong. You're stupid as fuck and one day you'll look back at your retarded beliefs and realize that.

Well, they do get welfare at least.

This Thread.
Except the prevailing mediator is stupidity and bigotry.

You stupid brainwashed american faggot, I live in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. You probably don't even know the Netherlands is a country. But it is, we are the country that made America great. New Amsterdam, you folks call it New York now. But that aside, there are 0.01% refugees in my country. Since 2016 I may have seen 5 off them, but I am not really sure if they where refugees.

Fox news brainwashes you dumb fucks that the EU is dangerous, but it isn't, sure there was Paris and Brussel, but still you are way more likely to get killed in the US. Even by a fucking police officer, or by a white robot in school or uni.

We have democracy, you don't even know what that is. We have freedom, way more than you guys have. We don't have to go to jail when we get busted with a few xtc pills or couple ounce of weed. We understand that you are free to use drugs if you want to.

We don't have e-votes anymore, because some news station pointed out that people could easily rig the votes. Please crawl 50 METERS (YES METERS) to the MC Dondalds and eat yourself to dead.

i really want to reply your post but it has just no real content other than a few insults. sorry i called you asshole. im shure you wouldnt do that.

>like chosing a pile of dogshit or vomit
it's always been this
in every election


Huey huey. Okay buddy.
>Where were you during the 2012 election?

Nice education from the Paul Joseph Watson school of YouTube fuckery .

Totally get the core of your point, but unless the pic is unrelated this isn't a vague secular notion at all. A pilgrimage to "holy" Mecca is what they consider one of their pillars of the religion. written in the fucking text. Necessary for anyone who follows any of the major 3 sects of the religion

Proud to be European AMEN!